Day trip

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Waking up in the morning you were groggy, and Steve was still fast asleep behind you naked on the bed. He was holding you tight to his chest and seemed to be so innocent. You gave him a kiss on his bearded cheek and slipped out of his grasp, and snuck to the bathroom to do your morning ritual. You decided to take a quick shower and once you were done you went to focus on your hair, deciding to just put it up in a messy bun and foregoing any makeup for the day. You came out to see Steve was still asleep with Roxy having taken your vacated spot, and Tom up on his hip. He was holding Roxy tight to his chest and she was all for it, seeming to be quite happy with her current predicament. You went into the closet and put on a pair of dark blue skinny jeans that had a cuff at the ankles, paired with a pair of red high top sneakers. You put on a white t-shirt and a blue flannel shirt on top, but instead of buttoning it you tied it at the bottom to complete the look. You sprayed yourself with body spray and came back out of the closet to see that Steve was just starting to wake up.
"Good morning, handsome" you cooed to him, and it was like he just clued into the fact that it wasn't you that he was holding. Roxy licked his cheek and he backed up slightly in surprise.
"Roxy?" he asked as Tom jumped off his hip and Roxy gave a loud whine and continued to lick his cheek.
"How was your sleep?" you asked, coming over to sit behind him on the bed while he was trying to get away from Roxy's morning kisses.
"I slept like a rock" he said as he flipped the side he was laying on, and now he was facing you. "I like it better when I wake up with you in my arms though" he gave a little bit of sass.
"I wanted a shower. You left more kiss marks on my thighs, collarbone and breasts" you pointed out.
"I was marking my territory" he chuckled proudly. You leaned down and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
"Time to get up, I'm going to run Roxy out really quick so you have time for a shower" you gave him a playful swat on his ass.
"Hey, if anyone is going to be handing out spankings, it's going to be me!" he laughed.
"You'll have to show me sometime big daddy" you winked at him and quickly got off the bed and out of his reach. He chuckled and watched you with unhidden desire. "No, none of that. I don't know my body can handle another round right now" you giggled.
"I'm willing to help you test your limits," he grinned.
"Go take a shower" you laughed and went to the bedroom door. As soon as your hand was on the handle, Roxy vaulted herself off the bed and she started following you quickly.
"Jacket!" Steve called to you. You rolled your eyes and went back into the closet to get your black leather jacket on. You blew Steve a kiss and headed out of the suite before Steve even had time to get out of bed.

You were glad that you had the forethought to bring your phone, and took it out of your pocket as you made your way down the hallway. You texted Loki to make sure he was awake, and he texted back that he was just getting ready. You felt pleased, knowing that Bucky and Sam were likely already awake anyways. You took Roxy outside and giggled as she played in the autumn leaves. They crinkled under your feet as you walked, and danced in the wind. You slowly walked around the whole compound, kicking at some of the small piles of leaves as Roxy raced around. She brought you the stick quite a few times to throw for her. She seemed to be living her best life in your honest opinion.
As you made your way around the front again you saw Loki out on his balcony wearing a forest green cable knit sweater and a pair of black dress pants, with a white button up under his sweater and the collar just showing through the top. He was sitting on one of his two chairs he had there, and reading. He gave you a wave and you eagerly waved back.
"Good morning" you sang to him.
"You are awfully chipper this morning" Loki set his book aside.
"We are going to the farmer's market, of course I'm chipper," you giggled.
"Most of the items at a farmer's market from my understanding are food related" he stood up and came to the side of the balcony looking down. You threw the stick for Roxy again and beamed up at him.
"There's also used book stands, craft stands, and food trucks" you giggled.
"It sounds like it will be wonderful. Are you coming back in?" he asked.
"Yes. Should we ask Thor if he would like to join us?" you asked, pausing for a moment.
"He's still asleep. You can ask him next time pet" Loki gave a soft smile.
"Okay, I'll be right up. I just need to drop the fur babies off at Nat and Bruce's place" you waved and started leading Roxy back inside.

Once you got inside you brought Roxy over to Nat and Bruce's place, and Nat joined you to go back to get Tom from your suite. She marched in and took Tom off Steve's lap, who had been waiting patiently for you to come back. He was dressed in a red flannel shirt, white t-shirt and a pair of light blue jeans with his black boots. He had his hair brushed back, and he had trimmed his beard while he was waiting for you. He simply texted Sam and Bucky to meet the two of you outside, and when you came out of your suite, Loki was already waiting outside the door. You gave a quick smile and led the way downstairs.
Steve insisted on driving and that you would get shotgun, and picked out one of the black SUV's for the day since there wasn't really much leg room in any of the cars. He first drove to the little diner across the street from the Farmer's market and the five of you went in and had pancakes for breakfast as well as a well deserved coffee. Steve had made sure to sit beside you, and that his leg was pressing up against your own throughout the meal as a not so subtle reminder that he was there.
After breakfast the five of you drove the car closer to the farmer's market and Steve was able to find a good parking spot. As soon as he was parked you jumped out of the car in excitement, and danced from one foot to the other waiting for the others to join you.
"Is this what you were so excited about?" Loki got out of the car behind Bucky, since he had been jammed in the middle. He looked around and saw the streets were filled with people walking, and selling their wares.
"Stevie!" you grabbed Steve's hand as he came around the car. "Hurry up!" you said with a squeal.
"Hold on Punky, where are we headed?" Bucky asked, trying to get you to calm down.
"I see fresh apple pie with our names on it" you pointed with your spare hand. Steve chuckled and let you start leading the way down the paved street. Loki trailed behind you and Steve, keeping pace with Bucky and Sam who were treating this as a leisurely walk. You got to the vendor and spied that they also had apple dumplings as well and you couldn't honestly decide what you wanted. Steve just chuckled and bought three apple pies, and enough apple dumplings to feed the entire team for supper tonight. Bucky quickly took the bags and promised to catch up, running them back to the car. You walked slowly, taking in all the sights and sounds. You looked back to check on Loki who seemed to be enjoying himself at least. You saw Bucky making his way back, and waited until he got right up to you before you started going back to your normal strides again.
"We don't have much use for getting food" Sam sighed as you kept stopping to look at the fresh fruits and vegetables.
"Oh but we do" you sang, stopping to buy a few pints of Strawberries. "These need to be kept separate from the rest" you took the bag and held it with your spare hand. Steve just reached across your body and took the bag to hold it for you. You giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek in response.
"That's actually a good idea" Loki seemed impressed, and stopped to buy some for himself as well. Once he was done with his purchase, the five of you continued on your journey. You saw a few craft vendors and enjoyed looking at their wares. Sam had stopped to buy a few things for his nephews and his sister to mail to them. You were truly enjoying your walk. Bucky and Sam branched away at one point to get some homemade donuts, and bought enough to share. You stopped to sit at a picnic table and had some of the homemade donuts together.
When you got up to start walking again, you stopped to pick up some new books. Loki was quick to also decide on some new books for his suite as well. You felt pleased with your selection, and Steve decided to carry that bag as well. You traded him for the strawberries and continued on your way. You spied a vendor selling homemade jars with sand and little tiny shells in it, as well as some dyed homemade sheep's wool for knitting. You saw the light blue and felt inspired. You wanted to knit Steve a scarf for Christmas, and it was the perfect time to start. The wool was variegated light blues and knew you couldn't walk away without it. You stopped and bought a few bundles, and one of the sand jars with little pink shells on the inside that would be a perfect decoration for the suite. Bucky took your new purchases for you since his hands were free and the five of you made your way back slowly to the car.
"Did you gentlemen enjoy your day?" you asked them as you walked.
"It was pretty good, I always love spending time with you Angel" Steve pulled you in and gave you a kiss on top of your head.
"It was pretty good. I can see why you like this so much" Bucky said as he spied a vendor selling plums and he made his way over to buy a few for his room.
"Yeah, I had a lot of fun. Got some surprise gifts for my sister and the kids" Sam seemed pleased.
"I'll admit, I enjoyed this very much. It reminds me of being on Asgard again. I wish I could take you there, you would love it. The wares are a bit richer, but it would be enjoyable just the same" Loki said with a small smile.
"She's not going to Asgard with you" Steve said quickly.
"Not at the moment" Loki chuckled and Steve gave him a dark look. Loki looked away, and pretended he didn't say anything.
"Let's go home baby, my feet are getting tired" you brought Steve's attention back to you.
"And then we can cuddle?" he asked a little hopefully.
"Yes" you giggled and pulled him in close.

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