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The group of you worked until breakfast, and then once you were done breakfast you went back to your task of working on the suite. Just after lunch everything seemed to be put away in a suitable place and you sighed in contentment at a job well done. Steve, at your request, filled all of the walls with his paintings and old photographs, but insisted on putting a framed picture of your parents on the main wall front and center so you had a little bit of wall space as well. He even had taken the time to make a small space for himself in the corner of the living room to do his art. Bucky and Sam kept Steve company while you took a few minutes to take your shower, and get changed for being around the compound for the day. When you came out you saw Steve had hastily put his laptop away again, and you couldn't help but giggle. He really couldn't leave work at work. Steve gave you a chaste kiss on the lips and went in for his own shower leaving you to talk to Bucky and Sam.
"What are you up to, Punky?" Bucky asked as you went over to Steve's laptop and picked it up. You had your mind made up, you were going to hide it on him so he stayed off of it for the rest of the weekend.
"Hiding this so he can leave work at work" you gave a mischievous smile.
"Here, give it to me. I'll put it in my room" Bucky held out his hand expectantly and you hesitantly handed it over to him. He quickly got up and headed out of the room with the laptop. You paced back and forth in the room as Sam watched you. You had dressed in your jeans and just a plain white t-shirt, not planning to go anywhere really. You didn't think you could get away for the little surprise you had in store for Steve. He had been doing so many romantic gestures for you, and you had been planning to return the favor.
"What's on your mind, Y/N?" Sam finally asked you as Bucky was coming back into the room.
"Well, there's this place I want to go, but it's a surprise for Steve," you whispered, speaking as low as possible and making your way back over to sit on the couch.
"Go, we will cover for you" Bucky tapped you on the shoulder.
"Are you sure?" you asked, your face lighting up with excitement.
"Of course, go on," Sam smiled at your demeanor.
"Just tell him I went to get some new tea" you got up quickly and headed into the bedroom to get your socks and shoes on. You grabbed your leather jacket and a pandora small black patent leather satchel purse made by Givenchy that had been a gift from Nat at one point. You could hear Steve getting out of the shower which didn't give you much time, so you rushed out and blew both Sam and Bucky a kiss. Both men waited until your footsteps dissipated down the hallway.
"I'll go get the laptop" Bucky stood up and left and Sam couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head.

You took your red Mitsubishi lancer to the downtown core and found prime parking in front of Nordstrom. You hurriedly paid for parking before heading into the store. The sleek interior was enough to make you feel a little out of place in just plain jeans and your zippered up leather jacket. You were on a mission though, so you held your head high and walked through the store until you got to the watch section. You had checked online several times over the last few weeks to make sure this particular watch was available here, and you were praying no one else had already bought it.
"May I help you" a petite blonde woman in a form fitting black suit stood at the jewelry counter. She had an air about her that reminded you of upper class. You knew your appearance may seem a little disheveled, but you refused to let that get to you.
"I'm here to buy a watch," you said with confidence.
"Okay, I can interest you in some of our cheaper..." she started to go to the furthest end of the case.
"No, I know the one I want" you gave your best smile. "I'd like the Tissot classic dream leather strap watch, with the roman numerals, and white face. It's supposed to be scratch resistant and shatterproof" you explained.
"Certainly" she walked over and took it out for you to look at. "Would you like that engraved?" she asked as you looked at the old fashioned looking watch with a hint of anticipation.
"Yes, please. To my Captain, with all my love, your Angel" you nodded, writing it down quickly. She brought you to the cash register first to pay. You didn't baulk at the price, however took out your credit card and quickly paid. She seemed surprised, but quickly masked it. You made sure to make your purse more visible and she gave a soft smile.
"Do I know you from somewhere?" she asked finally.
"Just one of those faces" you quickly lied, knowing full well and good that she likely did know your face. She nodded and walked away to go engrave your watch. You looked around a little curiously as you waited. There were a few things that you knew Nat, Laura or even Wanda would like. You also saw a few potential Christmas gifts for Clint, Bruce, Bucky and Sam. You decided to bookmark that idea for later, since you were currently on a mission to spoil your Steve. You knew you were taking away from potential Christmas gifts in the future, but you really wanted to give him something that would be wearable even on missions and to remember you by.
Within no time the saleswoman came back out with the watch for you to inspect. You saw it covered the back perfectly, and you nodded with approval. She quickly put the watch into a large velvet box and gave you the original packaging. She then added a little blue ribbon, tied in a cute little bow.
"Thank you" you smiled as she handed everything to you.
"Are you sure I don't know you?" she asked, pausing for a moment.
"We've never met" you didn't lie again. You quickly put everything into your purse and hurried back out of the store. You made it to your car before the parking meter was done and you got back in. You put your purse on the passenger seat and started the car, deciding to head to the mall quickly to buy some more tea, and of course to pick up Loki some. You decided to go to David's tea and picked up a few boxes of the cream of earl grey and made your way back home.

Steve was immediately concerned when you weren't there when he came out of the bedroom. He looked at his two best friends sitting on the couch looking at his laptop, specifically at the design of the ranch house he had planned for the two of you to live in on weekends as soon as it was built. Where he could see you both raising your children together, and just enjoying life.
"Where's Y/N?" Steve asked immediately.
"She ran out to get some tea, she's probably running low" Bucky lied quickly.
"Huh" Steve hummed to himself and walked to the kitchenette to check, and sure enough there wasn't much tea left. "Did she bring Loki with her?" he asked.
"I doubt it, she said she was just running out quickly" Sam shrugged.
"I guess that leaves me time to talk to the realtor" Steve sighed and took out his phone to make the phone call. He confirmed that the seller accepted his offer on the piece of land, and Steve got the details to send the deposit to. He had enough in his bank account to cover the entire cost of the land, but he had good enough credit to get a low rate mortgage with the bank, and his personal banker was already working on drafting up the approval since he had brought it up. It was in the back office's hands now, but he honestly wasn't worried. He knew he would have an answer by the end of day Tuesday, and he was good enough at keeping secrets. He was on the phone for a little bit, and then once he hung up he sent off the deposit and then shut down his laptop for the rest of the weekend. Anything he needed to urgently access is available on his phone anyways. Sam ran out Roxy while he was on the phone, and was back already. Bucky quickly took the laptop and brought it back to his suite so you would be blissfully unaware. They took out a deck of cards and started playing crazy eights.
"She's taking forever," Steve complained as they played.
"You are giving clingy a whole new name," Sam chuckled, and shook his head.
"She's my soulmate" Steve shrugged nonchalantly.
"You've already decided that?" Sam asked, a little surprised.
"My heart decided that a long time ago, it just took a while to make a move. Thanks to Loki, and a little prodding from you guys, I'm beyond that now" Steve smiled.
"Punky is a good choice. She's a good woman, with a good heart" Bucky added in his thoughts. "She also makes really good hot chocolate," he added with a grin.
"It always comes back to food to you, don't it?" Sam laughed.
"She's good at what she does. Besides, I'm craving a homemade meal" Bucky licked his lips.
"Speaking of, I have a date with Sarah. She's probably done work by now" Sam put his hand down face up. "I'll see you gentlemen later" he added with a wave.
"Where's she been this week?" Bucky called to him.
"She had to do a few days at Shield, but she's back to the compound on Monday. That means I won't be around too much" he added with an impish smile.
"Poor Sarah" Bucky shook his head with a laugh.
"I know you love me Tin man" Sam walked out the door and closed it behind him.
"No I don't!" Bucky called to the closed door.
"That's a lie," Steve chuckled.
"He's a punk kid, just like you," Bucky grumbled.
"Hey, we are basically the same age" Steve shook his head.
"I'm still a little older" Bucky grinned.
"I'm wiser" Steve bantered.
Both men broke out into a laugh. Roxy jumped up on the couch beside Bucky and gave a soft bark.
 "I should probably try to collect Tom for when Y/N gets back" Steve decided.
"Good luck with that. Nat and Bruce are pretty attached to that cat" Bucky smirked.
"Wish me luck" Steve chuckled and got up. "I'll be right back" he said before hurriedly leaving the room. Bucky turned his attention back to Roxy who was more than happy to take on the additional affection.  

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