Lovers morning

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You woke up Saturday morning to the sound of your favorite love song playing softly from the next room. You were still naked, and your body felt completely and utterly satisfied. Your thighs and legs were a little tender, but Steve had taken care of any and all possible needs and desires during the night. You had barely slept. With your eyes still closed you moved your arms around to find an empty bed. You pouted slightly and opened your eyes and looked around the room. You could hear Steve in the living room area typing on his computer. The aroma of fresh coffee was evident throughout the living space. You rolled out of bed and grabbed your red satin robe, and black lace panties and put them on. You didn't think anyone else would be in the living room so you decided to go out with the sash loosely tied. You padded barefooted to the bedroom door and opened it to see Steve sipping his coffee with his laptop on the table in front of him in the living room, and he looked deep in thought.
"Good morning" you purred, looking at him topless with his hair still messy from the previous night's activities. He was wearing a pair of light blue pajama bottoms, and no socks. You leaned against the door frame, jutting your hips out slightly and leaning forward just enough so your cleavage was showing through the robe. Your nipples pebbled against the satin, just thinking about the way he ravished you last night. Steve looked up at you with his baby blue eyes and seemed shocked for a moment before a smile blossomed across his face, and he licked his lips as his eyes raked up and down your body from your messy hair to your bare feet.
"Did I just die and go to Heaven?" he asked in a raspy voice. He set down his coffee cup and opened his arms, gesturing to his lap where he already had a generous tent in his pants. You sashayed your way towards him after pushing off the door case and sat on his lap facing him. Your robe slipped off your shoulder and exposed your body to him more and he hummed at the sight. You touched him under his bearded chin and tilted his face upwards towards you and he looked at you hungrily. You softly brushed your lips against his, while his hands danced up and down your naked thighs. You hummed and swept your tongue across his lips, and he eagerly opened them, granting you access. You intertwined your tongue with his as you kissed him harder and with more passion. You rolled your hips, his erection hitting you exactly in your sweet spot and he moaned deep in his throat. "I'm going to fuck you on this couch, doll" he warned you.
"Maybe I want you to" you giggled, pulling back from the kiss. He reached up and pulled at the sash and his eyes flashed when he spied that all you were wearing was lace. His face went directly to your breasts and he took one of your sensitive nubs between his lips and he started sucking softly. He used one hand to rub up and down your thigh, while the other hand played with your other breast.
"The things you do to me" he pulled back from your breast with an audible pop.
"The feeling's mutual, Captain" you bantered back with ease.
"I like it when you call me Captain" he growled softly.
"I like it when you take care of my needs, Captain" you breathed as his hand artfully found itself between your legs and he was rubbing his two fingers against your sensitive nub.
"I know exactly what your needs are right now" he chuckled as he started to pull you while laying you back onto the couch. Three loud raps came at the door and you shrieked in surprise. "Fuck" Steve growled loudly, and hastily started to cover you up. You rolled out from under him and rushed into the bedroom and slammed the door behind you. In your haste you had left your robe on the couch, while Steve stood up and marched across the suite to the door and opened the door to see a smiling Sam and Bucky, as well as a barking Roxy.
"Good morning" Sam said loudly, so that you could hear it in the bedroom. You raced into the closet to put on some actual clothes, mainly a pair of red satin sleeping pants and one of Steve's black hoodies.
"Are we interrupting anything?" Bucky asked Steve with a wide smirk, taking in Steve's current state.
"Yes" Steve said through grit teeth.
"Good, can't have you walking on cloud nine all day" Bucky tapped him on the chest and strolled into the suite, Sam and Roxy right behind him. Roxy ran to the bedroom door and scratched while you were trying to finish changing.
"Working on a Saturday?" Sam asked, looking pointedly at Steve's open laptop. Bucky plucked up the forgotten robe between his two fingers and chuckled.
"He was working on something," Bucky teased.
"I was busy" Steve huffed and was resigned to his fate and closed the suite door.
"Clearly" Sam chuckled along with Bucky.
"I'll be right out" you called out to them.
"Looks like you were already out here" Sam teased you.
"Oh ha ha, very funny" you felt your face get heated. Steve went over and took the robe from Bucky and went into the bathroom to hang it up for you on the back of the door. He knew his friends were just teasing, but he was looking forward to his morning delight.
"We came over to help do some more unpacking before breakfast" Bucky called in to you, and you opened the door with a flush still on your cheeks.
"We were going to get to it" you came out. "Good morning gentlemen" you gave a quick smile.
"If they were gentlemen they would leave, and not let the door hit them on the way out" Steve grumbled.
"Someone's grumpy" Bucky snickered. "Smells nice in here, what is that? Cherry blossoms?" Bucky turned his attention to you.
"Yes, the same scent as usual" you rolled your eyes at his gentle teasing.
"Bucky," Steve said in a warning tone.
"This is a pretty song," Sam said, changing the subject.
"It's one of Y/N's favorites" Steve sat down on the love seat and tapped his lap. Bucky sat down on the couch, while Sam took the chair. You went over and sat beside Steve on the couch and you didn't miss the pout he made.
"Do you want me to start in the bedroom?" Bucky offered, referring to the boxes.
"No! I'll get the bedroom" you said quickly. "Let's just sit here for a few minutes" you flushed again, thinking of the mess the bedroom was currently in. Roxy jumped up on your lap and you cooed at her, scratching her behind the ears. "How was your night, sweet girl?" you cooed to her.
"She was great, she slept all night," Sam grinned. "She even cuddled right up to me," he bragged.
"She is a very good cuddler," you giggled as she licked your cheek.
"Yeah, but she missed her mommy," Sam admitted.
"Well I missed her too" you kissed her on the tip of her nose. She gave a doggy grin and jumped off your lap, heading to get herself some water and early morning kibble.
"What's the plan for today, kids?" Bucky asked.
"I guess unpacking" you gestured to all the boxes in the room. "Tomorrow though, I'd like to go to the farmer's market" you looked at Steve meaningfully. He gave you a pleading look and you smiled looking at both men who were watching the exchange with rapt attention. "Would you like to join us?" you asked.

"Sure" both of them said at the same time.
"Good, I'll buy you both breakfast for helping out so much" you gave a wan smile. "And not to worry, I'll make sure Tony knows not to expect us at breakfast tomorrow. I imagine Nat and Bruce will be at the farmer's market as well" you sighed happily.
"So what is it you were working on?" Sam asked while Bucky looked at the laptop screen and he quickly shut it and shook his head at Sam.
"Work as usual" he lied. Steve had momentarily had a panicked look on his face, but it was quickly smoothed over.
"Yeah, I thought I would get a few extra reports in before you woke up" Steve looked at you.
"Steve, you need to leave work at work" you sassed him.
"Sorry Angel, I'll leave it alone for the weekend" he promised.
"Good, now seal the deal" you puckered your lips looking at him expectantly. He quickly leaned over and kissed you softly on the lips. Once he pulled away, you nodded happily and stood up. "I'm making a fresh pot of coffee, did you boys want some?" you asked.
"Yes please" Bucky and Sam nodded.
"We are out of coffee up here, I can run downstairs and get another bag of it" Steve offered.
"Nonsense, I'll be right back" you shook your head and left the room with Roxy at your heels.
"You are lucky she didn't look at the computer screen you punk" Bucky said as soon as your footsteps disappeared down the hallway.
"I know, but I got distracted" Steve groaned, reaching for his laptop and Bucky handed it to him.
"What? You looking at houses?" Sam asked with a chuckle and both Steve and Bucky just looked at him. "Wait, seriously?"
"I was emailing an architect," Steve admitted as he balanced his laptop on his knees and he opened it up again to finish drafting his email. "I found a design I liked that we can build on, that would be the perfect starter home" he gave a wan smile.
"Did you find a piece of land?" Sam asked, seeming more and more invested in the conversation.
"I'm putting an offer in with the realtor. It's nice and close to Clint's place. I emailed them this morning, and I already have enough for a deposit. I just need to get the preapproval from the bank too" Steve started making a list on his to do tab on his computer.
"Type faster" Bucky rushed him.
"I'm over a hundred years old ya jerk, I'm going as fast as I can" Steve rolled his eyes. He finished what he was doing, and he closed up his laptop before putting it back on the table. "Now help me make this look good" he gestured to the boxes.
"I'll take the one with all your sketch books, they are just going on the bookshelf anyways" Sam shrugged and got to work.  

Longing (Steve Rogers x reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon