Blissed out

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"We will meet you on the balcony" Bucky called to Steve's retreating figure as he made his way back towards your suite. Steve waved over his shoulder, but he had a one track mind, and wanted to get back to you as quickly as possible. Roxy trotted excitedly beside him, panting heavily from her long walk. The sun was just starting to set, and it was the perfect time of day for you to head out to your balcony. Steve knocked on your door politely and heard Loki call for him to come in and Steve walked in to see Tom up on Loki's lap and he looked around the room. You were in the small kitchenette making three hot chocolates, and refilling two mugs of tea that you and Loki had been drinking.
"I was about to warn you the boys are coming" Steve smirked as he started making his way towards you.
"Did you grab your sketchbook?" you looked up expectantly.
"No, I didn't. I thought I would just read over your shoulder tonight" he gave a smirk.
"You should go grab your sketchbook, I know it relaxes you" you looked at him with slightly parted lips, and his gaze immediately went to your lips. "Maybe I could see some of your work" you added a little hopefully.
"Alright, I'll go get it" he nodded, knowing you were going to see his sketches sooner or later. He was a little embarrassed, but he already warned you what was in the drawings. He just hoped no one else wanted to look at his drawings tonight. The ones he had made this week seemed a bit more intimate. "I'll be right back" he promised, and went back to his room to grab his most recent sketchbook that he had started on this week. He grabbed his pencils and erasers before going back to your suite. You were just in the middle of running the mugs outside to your small tables while Loki was standing up with two books in his hand and Tom.
"How was your walk?" you asked as Steve and Loki joined you on the balcony. "I made you hot chocolate for a change" you gave a smile, and Steve immediately relaxed. Loki handed you a book and magicked himself a chair before sitting down, putting Tom on his lap again. You took a seat at the end of your swing, so Steve took that moment to sit in the center and he automatically put his arm around your shoulders. You cuddled in with a smile on your face, gazing up at him waiting on his response.
"It was pretty good. Roxy has the route down pat, I'm pretty sure she could do it without me at this point" Steve chuckled. You gave a soft giggle and Steve looked at you proudly. "What are you reading?" he asked quickly.
"Just the next book in the series I started, it's pretty good. I've been enjoying it" you admitted softly.
"What's this one about?" he asked, his sole focus was on you.
"A billionaire who falls in love with one of his employees, and his pursuit of her" you flushed slightly as you whispered your answer.
"Something like a commanding officer falling in love with one of his subordinates and he chases after her" Loki grinned and chuckled from his spot across from you both.
"I read some of your books while you were gone, they are pretty interesting. Very detailed" Steve rubbed his hand up and down your arm. You heard a door open and looked down to see Bucky making his way over the railings with his collapsible chair in one hand. Sam came out of his room just as Bucky was getting to your balcony and he huffed.
"You cheated," Sam called to him, and started making his way over. Bucky put the chair down and had a cheeky grin on his face. Sam just grabbed one of Steve's chairs and put it over the railing and sat down.
"I made you three hot chocolate" you offered quickly.
"You are amazing, thank you" Bucky reached for a mug and took a grateful sip.
"Thank you" Sam reached for another mug and rested it on his leg since it was still pretty hot.
"I appreciate the hot chocolate" Steve leaned over and kissed you softly on the cheek.
"So is this how you plan on spending your evenings now?" Bucky asked quickly.
"It's the perfect way to end the day" Steve shrugged easily. "Nat and Bruce will be out shortly" he looked over at their door. He had noticed they followed the same routine as you, and tended to come out to enjoy the sunset together in the evenings. They had Clint come over periodically and tried to invite him to join them, but he had been sketching all week and politely declined. Just as he mentioned them, Clint suddenly came out Nat and Bruce's door, with the pair of them in tow.
"Roxy!" Clint exclaimed happily and set down his steaming mug of tea, and he slipped over the railing onto your side of the balcony, getting down on the floor to pet her. "How is our pretty girl today?" he started scratching her behind the ears.
"Oh, I see how it is. Roxy first now, huh?" you teased Clint.
"Don't get too comfortable, kid, I want to try a new braid. Lila was watching the Hunger Games this week, and I want to try the side braid" he grinned in response.
"I miss having someone play with my hair" you shrugged, and felt Steve pull you in a little tighter for a moment.
"I'll let Lila know, maybe she will try a few hairstyles on you this weekend" he chuckled as Roxy licked his cheek.
"As long as she doesn't start talking about coloring it again, I like the way it is for now" you scrunched your nose at the memory of the last time she wanted to try using highlighter ink in your hair.
"She won't, she's in a new phase now" Clint promised.
"Can I see your sketches?" you turned your attention back to Steve. He felt like his heart was beating wildly in his chest, but reached for the book regardless and handed it to you. You held it close to your body and opened up the cover to see the first sketch was of Roxy and you cooed at it. The following page had one of Tom laying on what was clearly a satin blanket, and the only hint of color in the drawing was his green eyes peeking open. You turned to the next page and it was of you sleeping, and you looked naked and you flushed. You turned the page again, and it was another drawing of you but you were wearing your cat suit with a gun drawn and pointing to the side.
"It's just the four so far" Steve flushed a bit.
"You're an amazing artist" you smiled broadly at him. "Thank you for letting me see it" you closed the book and handed it back to him. "I should get you to draw one for me to put up in my living room of Roxy and Tom together"
"I can do that," he quickly agreed. "I'll have to wait until they will sit still for it though"
"Well, I guess you'll just have to come over more to see them" you grinned at him, thinking there was nothing more that you wanted than having him there in your suite. "Can you two watch Tom for me this weekend?" you looked over at Nat and Bruce.
"Sure Songbird, we got him" Nat nodded with a smirk on her face.
"Roxy is coming, right?" Clint paused for a moment, looking at you.
"I hope so" you looked at him hopefully.
"The kids are going to love her" he grinned, going back to giving her his full attention.
"Did you look at your email yet?" Bruce asked you.
"Not yet, no" you shook your head.
"You are slated for another long mission next week. It's undercover work" he advised you.
"Where is it this time?" you asked, reaching into your pocket for your phone to look for yourself.
"London" Steve answered for him. "We are going to a cocktail party as a newly married couple"
"I'll have to grab a long sleeved dress. What about my bruises?" you bit your bottom lip unsurely.
"Makeup" Nat said as though it was the most natural response. You shrugged realizing she was right.
"I'll have to pack my full kit, just to be sure" you decided.
"You'll be wearing one of the masks" Steve warned you.
"Really?" you asked in surprise.
"You have been in the paper a few times, we don't want you recognized" he nodded in confirmation.
"It won't be that bad" Nat reassured you. "I've worn them plenty of times"
"I'm sure it'll be fine" you sighed softly to yourself. Clint stood up and gestured for you to get down on the floor. Steve removed his arm and slid across the swing to sit on the other end and you got down, while Clint took your spot quickly. He took your hair out of its bun and he started carding his fingers through it before he started on the braid. You gazed out at the sunset and just enjoyed the feeling of his hands running through your hair.
"You know, you're right, punk. This is the best way to end the day. It was a long week" Bucky sighed happily after a while.
"I'm looking forward to the reports," Steve looked up from his sketchbook.
"It's good that you are finally leaving work at work" Sam nodded approvingly.
"Mind if I go in your suite to wash my mug?" Bucky stood up. You gave a quick nod.
"I don't mind washing it either," you offered.
"Nah, it's the least I can do. I have to go raid the kitchen to replenish my hot chocolate stash" Bucky grabbed Steve and Sam's mug on his way by and headed into your suite.
"Almost done" Clint told you, and you didn't dare move since he seemed so focused.
"It looks good Clint, Lila's going to love it" Nat gave her approval.
"I hope so, I've been getting Laura to spy for me to see what she's into week after week. She seems to be into braids the last few months" he answered quickly. Bucky came back out a few minutes later and Clint finally wrapped the elastic around the end of your braid. "Done" he told you with flourish. You reached up to touch it and gave a small smile, reaching for your now cold tea.
"Feels great, it should hold" you stretched out your legs and gave a small groan.
"I'm going to go call and check in with Laura and the kids. Thank's Y/N, I'll see you guys all later" Clint got up and left quickly, going back through Nat and Bruce's suite.
"I'm going to call it a night too" Bucky announced. You sat down in Clint's vacated spot and looked over to see that Steve had been sketching you with the braid in your hair. You flushed and he gave a smirk.
"I told you, you're my muse" Steve whispered to you.
"I'm headed out with Tin man" Sam stood up and put Steve's chair back on his side of the balcony. The two men made their way back to their rooms by way of the balcony. You finished your cold tea and Loki looked up with a smirk, looking between you and Steve.
"I'll see you in the morning and return your book once I'm done with it" Loki got up gracefully, bringing Tom with him. "I'll put this young man in your living room" he advised you as he walked away.
"I better go wash these" you grabbed your mug and Loki's and made your way back inside.
"Good night" Nat called to you.
"Good night" you called back. "Love you" you blew her and Bruce a kiss. Steve waited a moment before he followed you in with Roxy at his feet. He went over and grabbed a few treats for both Roxy and Tom and fed them while you washed the mugs. He licked his lips looking at you from behind, and decided he was done waiting. Tonight he was going to keep his promise and keep you on the edge of your seat.

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