A quiet night in

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Clint took out the picnic for lunch, and everyone sat out on the grass happily munching on Laura's prepared meal. The kids talked excitedly about Halloween, and the last month in school. You couldn't help but press them for more details already feeling like you had missed out on so much. Steve helped Clint pack everything up once everyone was done eating, and you went with Nathaniel to pick the prettiest fall leaves for Laura to put in her scrapbook. Lila and Cooper decided to stay by the lake for now, giving Steve and Clint a few minutes alone.
By the time you got back, you saw they both seemed overly relaxed, and were joking around.
"Steve said he's going to help me split the wood when we get back" Clint clapped Steve on the back.
"Looks like you have a busy afternoon" you giggled at Steve's smiling face. He looked so pleased with himself.
"Can we play video games?" Cooper looked at you pleadingly.
"What did your dad say? It's almost winter, and that wood does need to be stacked and brought in the house" you asked him, looking at Clint for an answer.
"We can stack as we go, and bring it in next weekend," Clint shrugged.
"Video games it is" you smiled and Cooper let out a whoop of excitement. Clint helped Nathaniel up on his horse before getting on behind him, the six of you set out again. Star kept pace beside Clint as you went, and you looked over at Steve with a smile on your face. You half wished you could go outside to watch Steve and Clint split the wood, just so you could see Steve in action.
"Can I paint your nails when we get back?" Lila asked suddenly as the house came into view.
"Sure, what color is it today? You need to help me take it off tomorrow, I have a mission this week" you warned her.
"I want to go with pastel pink," she grinned.
"Alright, I can live with that" you nodded approvingly. She brought her horse into a trot, you supposed to beat everyone home so she could start setting up her mini nail salon in the living room. "Don't forget to leave your mom out of it. She needs some time to herself too" you called to her, and she waved over her shoulder at you.
"She's probably already planning on going into our room to break out the good nail polish from Laura's stash" Clint chuckled good naturedly.
"Oh, more than likely" you rolled your eyes. "Maybe she will agree to do our nails outside instead. It's beautiful out, just a little chilly" you hummed to yourself.
"Are you warm enough?" Steve looked at you worriedly.
"I'm okay," you assured him. He nodded to himself, and gave you a soft smile. You noticed he still had that twinkle in his eye as he looked at you, and you wondered what he was thinking about.

You did end up talking Lila into doing her nails out on the front porch, giving you ample opportunity to watch Steve as he split wood and Clint stacked it. Neither man barely broke out a sweat as they worked, and you hummed to yourself thinking about all of the things you would love to be doing to Steve right about now. Steve looked up and saw you watching, so he started making a show of splitting wood with the axe, flexing his muscles more than necessary making you want to purr in response. Clint started teasing him about how on his next mission he was going to have to shave his beard and Steve looked up to see you pouting slightly at the thought of it and he shook his head and said they would have to figure it out. The beard stays. You breathed out a sigh of relief, you liked his beard and couldn't imagine him without it. You had seen photos, sure. But the beard suited him, in an almost raw way. It also matched the way he was in the bedroom. More dominant, and demanding than you ever thought possible. You loved it.
Once Lily was done with your nails, and they had ample time to dry, you took the time to do her nails as well. Your gaze went up and flicked to Steve once in a while, but you had to try to focus on making sure Lila's matching nails to yours were perfect. You even used a q-tip to clean the sides if it ran onto the skin. You wanted to make sure that she could sport the new nails for the week. It also wasn't lost on you that the nail polish seemed to have been from Laura's stash since they seemed to be a higher end brand than you knew Lila to have. The more you thought about it, you decided to get Lila some expensive nail polishes for Christmas which seemed to be quickly approaching. Thanksgiving was less than two weeks away, and you still hadn't answered Clint on if you were coming or not. You certainly hoped the kids wouldn't bring it up. You wanted to think about it, and to be honest what you were thankful for this year was Steve and you wanted to be where he was.
You finished with Lila's nails while she gossiped about boys at school and you started to clean up, looking up once in a while to see Steve and Clint still hard at work. Both men looked like they were starting to sweat a bit which made you giggle.
"You haven't told me about Steve" Lila broke into your internal musings as you watched Steve.
"He's a gentleman" you felt your cheeks get flushed. "A wonderful and perfect gentleman. He treats me like a lady, and I would have been proud to introduce him to my parents if they were still alive"
"Well we are like your family" Lila paused a moment before replying.
"That's why he's here" you smirked and she nodded to herself.
"What are his kisses like?" she probed a bit, slowly closing her kit up. You knew she was trying to make it seem like she wasn't a hundred percent invested in the conversation
"Perfect in every way possible" you sighed happily. "He knows how to kiss a lady"
"I can't wait for my first kiss" she sighed whimsically. "I've read about it in some of my mom's romance novels. Is it normal that they are always about assassin's"
"It just depends on your preference" you bit your bottom lip, wondering how detailed the books were.
"I think I'd like to meet a Rockstar," she giggled. "I like a guy that can sing. Does Steve sing?"
"Sometimes when he likes the song, more under his breath. But I like it" you shrugged, not lying. You had caught him a few times, but never mentioned it.
"There's a boy at school that plays guitar, or at least he says he does. I think he's cute. His name is Ryan" she blushed a little admitting his name.
"Ryan, that punk kid that used to come over here?" Clint was suddenly behind Lila, arms crossed, already in protective dad mode.
"Ryan is a new boy at school dad" she rolled her eyes.
"When do I get to meet him?" he had a serious tone, looking like he wasn't liking this conversation at all.
"He barely knows I exist," she pouted, standing up and grabbing her nail kit.
"Then he's an idiot" Clint visibly relaxed and shrugged. You stood up to follow Lila back in the house, only to have Clint and Steve follow quickly behind you.
"What's on the menu tonight?" Steve asked, a sheen of sweat on his brow.
"Movies" Clint broke out in a smile. "Might as well grab a shower and put on your pajamas"
"That's a great idea! Let's all put on our pajamas!" Nathaniel looked up from his video game. "We can have a sleepover in the living room with Roxy"
"Oh can we please daddy?" Lila looked at Clint pleadingly.
"My old back can't take the floor anymore, but you three can sleep in the living room," Clint nodded. "I'm going to go take a shower. You headed up too, Cap?"
"Right behind you" Steve nodded, taking your hand and giving a soft smile before raising it to his lips and kissing your knuckles.
"Let's go get our pajamas on" Lila interrupted the moment, taking your other hand. You nodded, and started following her up the stairs with Steve close behind you. Lila went to her bedroom quickly, while you slipped into your room and Steve grabbed you by your hips and closed the door with his foot. He wrapped his arms around you and hummed to himself, putting his head at the crook of your neck.
"You're good with kids," he whispered softly.
"Clint's kids are exceptional" you put your hands on his, and leaned back into him.
"We aren't sleeping in the living room are we?" he asked in a hushed whisper.
"No, I'd rather not. I want to sleep in bed" you pulled one of his hands up and kissed the knuckles.
"What did you bring for pajamas?" he asked after a brief pause.
"I brought my red satin pajama bottoms, and I was just going to wear a t-shirt" you didn't have to think about it. You had wanted to make sure you were prepared for anything the kids would throw at you.
"I'd better get in the shower" he groaned after a moment, you both clearly heard another set of footsteps in the hallway.
"You might want to be quick about it, or else Clint will use all the hot water" you giggled.
"A cold shower might do me some good" he chuckled and pulled away. You turned around and gave him a quick, chaste kiss on the lips and pulled away. He looked down at you hungrily as though he wanted more, but was fighting internally with himself. "You know, you could join me," he offered softly.
"Lila is likely waiting, and I want to check in to see if Laura needs help" you shook your head, going to the dresser to pull out your pajama bottoms. Steve groaned, but nodded that he understood. He headed into the bathroom, and you quickly got undressed, leaving your undershirt on, but taking off your bra. You quickly put your dirty clothes in your overnight bag, and headed back downstairs.

You ended up helping Laura with the last of supper, before she ran upstairs to put on her pajamas as well. She trusted you with making the garlic bread to go with the lasagna. You hummed to yourself as you moved around the kitchen, and Lila came in to join you. She helped you set the table and Laura came back down to help with plating all the dishes. Clint and Steve came back down just in time, while Nathaniel and Cooper just came in and sat down quickly. Cooper started talking about the video game he was playing and drew Steve and Clint into the conversation.
Once supper was over, everyone headed into the living room with the three kids on the floor with Roxy who was loving all the extra attention. Clint chose a random movie and laid across the couch with his head on Laura's lap, while you took the loveseat with Steve and curled up under his arm. He was wearing his light blue pajama bottoms with a white t-shirt. You grabbed the throw blanket from behind you, and put it over the two of you before leaning more into Steve. Clint mentioned off handedly that he might have to break out the wood stove early, and you shrugged thinking you were a bit chilly. You slipped your hand up under Steve's shirt and laid it on his naked abs and he smirked but didn't take his eyes away from the tv. Instead he started rubbing circles into your arm, and you couldn't help but find the motion soothing.
You ended up watching almost three movies before Clint called it a night softly, not wanting to wake up his three sleeping children. You took your hand off of Steve and put the blanket back on the back of the couch. Laura and Clint giggled as they hurried up the stairs, and you knew automatically what that meant. Steve followed you as you slowly made your way up the stairs and into your shared bedroom. You went straight to your phone and turned on some music, knowing there would be noises from Clint and Laura's room tonight. Steve looked at you curiously and your cheeks went a little pink.
"They are starting their kid free day early" you quickly explained.
"We could make some noise of our own" he wiggled his eyebrows at you, and you giggled.
"Are you planning on having your way with me Captain?" you raised one eyebrow and he groaned.
"Not until that bruise heals, but you're testing my limits baby doll" he closed the distance between the two of you. He used his right hand to go behind your neck and he pulled you flush against his body. You placed your hands on his chest and looked up at you, licking your lips in anticipation and he lowered his mouth to yours, claiming you completely. He deepened the kiss and groaned as he pressed his body more against yours. You rubbed your hands up and down his chest. You pulled back from the kiss a little breathless and you led him to the bed and you crawled into the center and waited for him to join you. He gave a smirk, pulling off his shirt before he slipped in beside you. You automatically curled into him and put your head on his chest.
"I should have just gone in the regeneration machine" you sighed softly.
"Tomorrow when we get home, I hate to see you littered in bruises" he whispered, kissing the top of your head.

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