Roxy's fashion show

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When you woke up in the morning, Steve was still fast asleep. You did a small stretch before giving his bare chest a brief kiss. You crawled out of bed and grabbed your leggings, a clean shirt, undergarments, and a sweater. You went into the bathroom to use the facilities and to take a quick shower. You looked down at your pale pink nails and decided you liked them, and didn't really want to take the nail polish off, but it also would clash with your cocktail dress you had in mind. Then again, you could always go with a different one if you were really going to go in the regeneration machine.
When you came out of the shower, Steve was still fast asleep and you didn't have the heart to wake him up yet. You slipped out of the bedroom and went downstairs to see Laura was in the middle of making breakfast with a few fresh kiss marks on the side of her neck.
"Interesting conversation with Lila yesterday. Did you know she's been reading your romance novels?" you asked as you came in and started helping her. She paused for a moment and you saw a distinct blush on her cheeks. "They are all about assassins" you added with a slight giggle.
"I'm going to have to have a sex talk with her, aren't it?" she shook her head. "She's growing up too fast," she sighed.
"That we can agree on" you nodded, working on the sausages. "Now don't forget Steve and I have the kids for today"
"I love it when you are here on the weekends" she gave you a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. "How is it going with Steve?" she whispered.
"Slow and steady" you bit your bottom lip. "We've done intimate things, but we haven't gone the entire way," you admitted.
"Seriously? The way you look at one another..." she trailed off and you blushed.
"I want to, but I have bruises that are holding him back he says" you felt your insecurities starting to come to the surface.
"Why didn't you go in the regeneration machine? That's what Clint normally does" she offered quickly.
"I didn't think it was that big of a deal. But I do have a big mission this week that I should probably go in before leaving for" you shrugged.
"All relationships move at their own pace" she reassured you as you continued to wonder if Steve was holding back for another reason. "The man moves slowly"
"For some things" you blushed.
"Did he even kiss you before your first date?" she asked, keeping her voice low. You shook your head, and saw she was waiting for you to elaborate.
"I found out there was a bet on if Steve would ask me on a date and lost my temper. It was before our first date, he just carried me into my living room and pushed me up against the door and kissed me senseless" you smiled at the memory. "It was amazing"
"Clint told me about that stupid bet. I think that's one good way of showing you he had nothing to do with it" she gave a slight giggle.
"I definitely did not see it coming," you admitted. "But he tends to surprise me quite a bit, always in a good way"
"I hope you're talking about me" you heard Steve's voice fill the room and he came into the kitchen. He passed Laura and quickly wrapped his arms around you from behind and nuzzled into your neck. "I told you, I like it better when I wake up with you in my arms" he whispered to you.
"You were sleeping so soundly, I couldn't bring myself to wake you up" you turned in his arms and his lips sought out yours smoothly, with a lingering kiss.
"Next time, wake me up" he pulled back from the kiss and gave you another quick chaste one before pulling away. He went and started getting the dishes to set the table, and you finished with the sausages. Laura had already finished with the pancakes, and just brought them into the dining room to set in the center of the table.
"Alright, I've got the bedroom setup. We just need to light the candles" Clint came down into the dining room still in his pajamas.
"I'll take care of supper, but we need to head out right after. I'm headed to the regeneration machine when we get back to take care of the bruises so it's not visible on our mission" you warned Clint.
"Got it boss" he chuckled.
"Where are the kids?" Steve asked suddenly, looking at the empty living room.
"Oh they went out an hour ago to play with Roxy" Laura gave a soft smile.
"Makes me think we should get a dog" Clint went to her and kissed her on the cheek.
"Roxy on weekends should be good enough for now" Laura rolled her eyes, and gave him a playful shove on the arm.
"I'll go get the kids," Clint announced and left the room. You put the bowl of sausages in the center of the table and took a seat quickly beside Steve while waiting for everyone to come back.

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