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"Come on pet, you can do better than that!" Loki teased you as you trained with him, Thor, and Wanda. You had been trying to bridge your invisibility over one of Tony's laptops, and his back was currently turned to you, so it was the prime opportunity. You rolled your eyes and pushed yourself further, breaking out into an honest to goodness sweat. Wanda was using her powers to hold Loki and Thor up at the ceiling, and she looked perfectly serene. You finally managed to make the laptop go completely invisible just moments before Tony turned around. Bruce's face broke out into a huge smile, and he quickly hid it with his hand. Tony looked around confused for a moment, then his eyes landed on your face and he broke out into a grin.
"You had me going for a minute. Good work, now hold it as long as you can" he went over to where the laptop sat invisibly. You gave a slight huff, feeling proud of what little progress you had made. You focused all of your attention on that one spot while you heard Loki and Thor giving you praises, but you were deaf to them. Your ears were nearly ringing with the effort you were putting out.
"Okay Starshine, you're pushing too much" Bruce took a step forward after a few minutes.
"I've got this" you said, your voice strained.
"I don't want to have to call the doctor in, let it go" Tony said a little kindly.
"She's progressing well" Wanda said, and slowly brought Loki and Thor down to the floor. "I'm impressed. I think she could do a whole human if she wanted to"
"I don't know about that" you shook your head, letting go of your ability and the laptop reappeared. Tony casually walked up to it and started typing away his findings with your abilities. You started to fall back when Loki was there suddenly and he caught you, setting you back on your feet. He magicked a chair behind you and gestured for you to sit down, while Bruce brought over a bottle of water.
"You did it, I'm so proud of you" Bruce seemed genuinely proud of your progress. He handed you the bottle of water and you quickly said thank you before you opened it up and took a few long drinks.
"Alright, Thor, we want you outside to test your lightning" Tony said after a few minutes of typing away. You looked up to see Thor watching you worriedly, and he gave Tony a quick nod.
""Wait, I want to see" you piped up and Thor grinned.
"That makes two of us" Wanda readily nodded, and Tony gave a nod, and the group of you went outside. Loki brought the chair for you as you all went outside, and he set it down on the ground, where the concrete met the grass. You looked out and saw you were facing compound C, one of the employee buildings. There wasn't as much woods here, just a few gardens to separate the two buildings, and a long road that Thor stood on. You sat down, and Loki magicked another chair for Wanda to sit down as well. She quickly thanked him and took a seat beside you, while Loki stood behind the pair of you. Bruce started recording with his phone, and you could see the temperature, time of day, the weather etc on the side of the screen. Thor started with his basic calling on lightning with Stormbreaker while the clouds started rolling in. It didn't matter how many times you had seen him do it, it never grew old. While you watched Thor started to be covered in lightning, and he let out a roar as he brought down a large lightning bolt, singeing the pavement a few feet away from him. Loki remained with his hands on both your shoulder and Wanda's shoulder when suddenly doubles of him came up all over the place near where Thor was standing, and he hit each of them with lightning. The two brothers seemed to be having fun, with Thor using his abilities and Loki duplicating himself and trying to confuse Thor.
"Okay, you are ruining my lawn. We get it, you don't need the training" Tony said after a few minutes.
"But it is fun" Thor boomed as he let go of his lightning and came over. Thunder cracked across the skies as the blue lights dissipated.
"We don't get to let loose often enough anymore" Loki quickly agreed. "We always have to behave ourselves on missions" he gave a slight pout. Both you and Wanda stood up and the chairs disappeared.
"We will let loose in the gym tomorrow while Y/N is on her mission" Wanda promised him.
"Wonderful" Loki gave a broad smile.
"I'll record them" Bruce whispered to you as he got closer to you. You mouthed a quick thank you, and the group of you followed Tony back inside. You were feeling a bit better, and had a little more spring in your step again. You had finally bridged your ability a bit further, and you couldn't wait to share the news with Steve. You were also wondering how his training was going in the gym. You knew today was sparring in the afternoon, since he was working out most of the morning.

As you walked back inside, you made a right and headed to the gym white Tony and Bruce went to the lab, and the others went to their rooms. You stood outside the glass window and door for a moment to watch Steve. He was shirtless and sparring against a shirtless Bucky. You watched wantonly as his muscles rippled under his skin as he moved gracefully like a cat. You wished you were as strong as he is, but at the same time, you liked that he treated you so delicately. You opened the door to hear grunts of the two men fighting, and the two of them were goading each other on. Steve looked over at you, and barely dodged a blow from Bucky, and he stopped to stare at you with a smile blooming across his face. He flexed his muscles a bit and went and stood to the side, leaning on the ropes surrounding the ring.
"Hey Angel" Steve nearly purred.
"Hey handsome" you said a little coyly and you took long strides towards him. You got to right in front of him and got up on your tiptoes, grabbing him by his chin and pulled slightly down and kissed him hard on the lips.
"Wow, you are whipped" Bucky mumbled from beside him and Steve pulled back from the kiss and broke out into a huge smile.
"Happily" he didn't even spare Bucky a glance, but looked you heatedly in the eyes. You squirmed slightly knowing what that look meant. "I've got to see about some things" Steve lifted the rope and started to climb out, keeping his gaze on yours.
"Not so fast there Romeo, it's almost supper time. You can practice the devils tango after" Nat came over and wrapped her arm over your shoulders. "How did training go, Songbird?" Nat asked you quickly.
"I did it! I bridged my invisibility to Tony's laptop" you smiled proudly, and Steve suddenly pulled you out of Nat's grasp and he twirled you in a circle before kissing you on the lips lightly.
"That's amazing!" Steve seemed so happy for you. He set you back down on your feet and Nat pulled you in for a hug.
"Good job Songbird" Nat gave you a kiss on the temple.
"It only took all day" you huffed a little.
"The point is, that you did it. It proves you are improving" Nat reminded you.
"I'm trying" you whispered.
"You are working it" she gave you a playful slap on the butt. You squealed and then giggled.
"I'm going to go take a quick shower, save me a seat at the table?" Steve asked with a smirk on his face.
"Sure" you nodded.
"And Natasha?" Steve turned his piercing blue eyes to hers.
"Yes?" she asked with a slight smirk on her face.
"That's my ass" he possessively rubbed his hand over your backside.
"I had a feeling that was coming. Do you two need a babysitter for Tom tonight?" Nat asked, batting her eyelashes innocently.
"Are you trying to steal my cat again?" you giggled.
"Always" Nat chuckled.
"He can sleep over, but only for tonight" you finally consented after giving it some thought.
"Good, I'll grab Roxy," Bucky said quickly. "No take backs" he added and almost ran from the room. You broke out into a laugh at their actions.
"Spoiled jerk," Steve chuckled. "Alright, I'll be right back" he leaned down and kissed you on top of your head and quickly left the room.

After supper you found yourself finally going on a walk with Sam, Bucky and Steve around the compound, Roxy leading the way with her head held high, a stick in her mouth as she playfully ran from one spot to the next. Steve proudly held your hand as you walked, and you listened to them banter back and forth. Bucky and Sam were making a game out of who Roxy would bring the stick to next, but she tended to run back to you most of the time. You were more than happy to throw the stick. You were mentally planning out your night, where you still had to go over the mission docket a bit more for tomorrow's mission. You figured while you had your tea, you would take the time to review the mission data to see where you were headed and what you needed to do. You noticed Steve was being overly affectionate as you walked beside him, and he would match his stride to your own. You would squeeze his hand once in a while, and he would squeeze back, or pull you close and give you a kiss on top of your head. You were pleased with the outcome of the day, and felt a little tired as well.
When you got back upstairs you saw Loki standing outside of your suite in his matching emerald green silk pajamas.
"Loki!" you greeted him warmly.
"Hello pet, are we having tea this evening?" he asked politely.
"Of course," you said with a wide smile. You quickly opened your door and Roxy ran in first. You looked around the room only to realize that Tom was already gone for the night.
"I'll make the tea, you two grab your books" Steve came in behind you, and Loki followed him in.
"Thank you" Loki nodded with a bit of a smirk. "Isn't this room bigger than yours Captain?" Loki asked what you had been thinking about off and on for the last week or two.
"Yeah, its a couple suite. Mine is just a single" Steve nodded, concentrating on his task of making tea and hot chocolate. "The boys are on their way over" he reminded you. You quickly grabbed a book and headed out through your bedroom to your balcony. Loki took a moment to choose his own book before he was out behind you.
"I think you should ask him, you've been thinking about it" Loki whispered to you as you both sat down. You knew he had read your mind on wanting to ask Steve to move in with you. You flushed a scarlet red and gave a subtle nod to your head. Maybe you would.

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