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When you got back up to your room you saw that your dress was still in the bag in the closet, along with your shoes were awaiting you. You hurried into the bathroom to start working on your hair, putting it into an elegant bun on top of your head. You took off the mask and put it on to charge while you washed and prepped your face, while taking out all of your arsenal of makeup. You knew you had to make it perfect. You grabbed your phone and turned on some catchy music, while you started with your foundation. You saw a text message from Steve that they had finished loading the car with almost everything, they were just waiting on the last of your things, and that they were in Clint and Bucky's room for now. You hummed to the music as you did a little dance, starting to do some contouring. You really took your time to make sure it looked as professional as possible, trying to stick to Nat's standards. After you were satisfied that even Nat would approve, you moved on to your eyeliner and eyeshadow, doing a dark brown smokey eye with hints of golds, adding in a bold cat's eye. You put on your lip liner and went with the bold red lip, adding a hint of gloss before stepping back and taking a quick selfie to send to Nat. She sent an emoji with heart eyes, and you knew that was her seal of approval.

You moved back to the closet, and got undressed and put on your cocktail dress that was all white, a halter top, and a ribbed slit up the front to nearly your panty line, with a small elegant train that went behind you. You frowned at the fact that you couldn't wear a weapon, but you were just as deadly using your body to defend yourself if needed. Nat had taught you well. You put on your strapped white toeless shoes and made sure they were on properly. You grabbed your clutch and put in your concealer and lipstick, fake ID, and your phone before packing up all of your makeup and putting your lounge clothes into a bag. You went back to the bedroom and put your mask back on, snapping it into place and went back to the bathroom to make sure that you looked okay. Your diamond earrings and necklace were shining, as were your rings that you wore on your wedding finger. You frowned thinking that the mission was really over, and you would be back to doing grunt work again next week after you submitted your report. This had been by far one of the most enjoyable missions you had ever had. You took out your phone and texted Clint that you were done getting ready. He messaged you back and told you he was coming up with Bucky while Steve was going to make a scene down in the lobby about the poor security of the hotel. You supposed they had gotten all of the data that they needed from the camera's if they were even giving one of them up for evidence. Or maybe Steve would say he's taking it to a private investigator. You didn't know.

You weren't waiting long when you heard a knock on the door before it opened up and in walked Clint who stopped for a minute and he smirked.
"Someone cleans up nice" he nodded, taking in the whole view. "Great, now I have to pretend that I don't consider you one of my kids" he grumbled. "Let me take a picture" he pulled out his phone and you stood still for a moment and he took a few before stuffing it back in his pocket. "Steve is going to lose his shit" he added for effect. "Bucky's down there with him, giving them shit about the security of the place" he went to the couch and grabbed your last bag. "Don't forget, I'm just outside. Knock em dead" he added with a smirk before putting his game face back on. He grabbed the door and you both got in the elevator and went down to the lobby.

Steve and Bucky were in the middle of ripping the manager a new one about the lax security that they had at the hotel, and how the room had cameras in it. They weren't keeping their voices down either for social propriety. As soon as Clint came into the main entryway where Bucky and Steve were standing, words died on Steve's lips as he made eye contact with you. He slowly dragged his eyes up and down your form, and he couldn't help but think you looked stunning. He was automatically tongue tied and he couldn't even find words anymore. He momentarily forgot about the mission, and all he could think of was looking at you in the cocktail dress.
"John" Bucky tried to bring him back to the present.
"Yeah..." Steve finally found a word, but it was barely audible and mumbled at best. "Damn..." he whispered.
"John" Bucky cleared his throat and Steve looked at him a little disgruntled. He shot him a look that made Bucky have to hold back a chuckle, and Steve looked back at you. You slowly made your way towards him and he reached out for your hand as you got close. You smiled at him shyly and took his hand. He quickly brought your knuckles up to his lips and gave them a soft kiss.
"You look stunningly beautiful" Steve finally found words. He saw you blush and he smiled proudly to himself.
"John" Bucky said a little louder.
"We are checking out tonight, and we will not be returning" Steve looked at the manager who seemed quite upset. "You are lucky my beautiful bride is here, otherwise I'd have more words to say" he kissed your knuckles again. "Come along Reginald, Bernard is waiting" he beckoned to Bucky to follow, while Clint had already snuck outside with the last bag to put in the trunk. The doorman opened the doors for you to walk out, but you felt like you were walking on air. Steve had taken your breath away in his black and white tuxedo, and his hair swept back. Even with the mask, you could still see him beneath it. You walked proudly beside him until you got to the car where Clint had opened the door for you to slip in. You got in, and Steve ran around to the other side once you were settled in, and he jumped in without Clint getting to his door. Bucky just jumped in the front and Clint got in the driver's seat.
"You almost blew our cover" Bucky said after the car was in motion.
"Sorry, I couldn't think" Steve gave a sigh.
"Not you, her" he looked at you.
"Me? What did I do?" you asked in surprise.
"You got too dolled up, that punk can barely think straight with you around as it is" he barked a laugh, and you gave a soft giggle.
"She looks beautiful" Steve held your hand and gave it a squeeze. "Too beautiful for the party" he added, a hint of jealousy in his face.
"I'm the distraction, remember?" you reminded him.
"Believe me, I know. I'm distracted" Steve shook his head.
"I'm the distraction for Patrick" you giggled.
"I don't want that man anywhere near you" Steve growled. You put your hand on his leg and gave him a soft squeeze on his firm thigh.
"You are the one I'm going home with tonight" you whispered to him. "That counts for something, right?" you asked softly.
"Yes" he finally nodded after thinking about it for a moment. "But if he touches you, I want Bucky to shoot him"
"I'm going to ask him to dance to keep him distracted, so there will be no shooting of him tonight" you shook your head. "Are we working on our mission reports tomorrow?" you asked, trying to change the subject.
"Yes, we might as well go to the main living room" Clint called back.
"Do I get a foot massage out of it?" you giggled.
"After all the pampering you went through today?" Clint looked over his shoulder at you briefly.
"I was thoroughly spoiled" you nodded, biting down softly on your bottom lip.

As soon as you arrived at the large mansion in a small wooded area, you saw there were several cars already parked off to the side. Bucky got out this time and grabbed your door for you, and you waited for Steve to run around to take your hand. This was your moment to shine, and see if this week's worth of baiting worked. The stairway was lit with candles leading up to the mansion doors, and the party was clearly in full swing. You looked at the old stone building that seemed to have been around for at least a hundred years. It was clearly old, but well built. There were plenty of windows, something that likely was not missed when working on the escape plans in case anything went down. The walls looked like they were draped with red velvet as you walked past the threshold holding Steve's arm with Bucky not far behind you both. You made eyes on Patrick and he looked up with a sudden smile as Steve continued leading you into the main room.
"Rose, how lovely to see you again" Patrick reached for your hand and he reached out your free hand and he kissed your knuckles. Steve cleared his throat. "This must be your husband" he politely held out his hand to Steve who took his hand and gave him a firm shake that you saw Patrick wince for.
"Thank you for the invitation" you purred, letting go of Steve's arm.
"Well, you two have a reputation already in the financial world" Patrick never missed a beat.
"My John works hard" you cooed to Steve, leaning over to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"All for you princess" Steve didn't miss a beat. "Reginald, watch Rose for me. I'm going to get us some champagne"
"There is some rose as well, if it suits your wife's palate a little better" Patrick gave a smirk over his champagne glass. "I only bought the best," he added softly.
"I'm very picky about my wine" you arched an eyebrow delicately and his smile broadened.
"I'm sure you will find it to your taste" he promised. "Tell me, Rose, do you like gardens?"
"Of course I do" the smile on your face grew. You knew this would be the perfect opportunity for Steve to go get lost in the mansion.
"If you would be so inclined, I would love to show you my rose garden. It suits your namesake" he held out his arm.
"Reginald, please tell my John that I'll be joining Patrick to see his garden" you turned and looked at Bucky.
"I'm not supposed to let you out of my sight," Bucky shook his head.
"Keep further back then, no harm will befall her in my care" Patrick grinned as you took his arm. Bucky's eyes narrowed as you started making your way out of the back of the mansion to where there was a large hedge that separated the house from the gardens, and a small white pebbled pathway that led the way. You saw Bucky following you from your peripheral vision, and you made sure to keep Patrick's attention on you as you walked. Bucky took out his phone and texted someone, you assumed Steve, before he continued following.

You pulled Patrick into conversation, getting him to talk about himself as you walked around the gardens. You kept an eye on Bucky in your peripheral vision once in a while to see if he had gotten any text messages, but you didn't see him get one. You cooed over the garden and really tried to inflate Patrick's ego while you walked. You slowed him to nearly a snails pace, successfully keeping him outside for the better part of an hour.
"I must admit, were you unwed I would be in pursuit of you. You are such a charming woman" Patrick stopped at where there was a little pond.
"You flatter me, I do admit you are interesting. But I love my John. There is no one quite like him in the entire world" you brushed him off nicely, but tried to keep him reeled in. You looked over and Bucky gave you a discrete thumbs up, and you looked at Patrick fully. "I'm absolutely parched, do you mind if we go back inside?" you asked gently.
"Save me a dance?" he asked quickly.
"But of course" you smiled and took his arm again as he led you back to the mansion with Bucky in tow.

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