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Steve bypassed the champagne, and put in his comm to talk to Clint discretely while he found his way up to the third floor of the mansion. There wasn't anyone on the third floor, so he knew he could use the excuse that he was lost if someone were to catch him. He made his way to the office and picked the lock before slipping in.
"Clint?" he whispered in the earpiece.
"I've got you boss" Clint spoke back. "It's all clear out here"
"He's got his laptop open, but I need a password" Steve went to the desk and saw a passcode was needed.
"Put in the external drive that Tony gave you," Clint told him quickly. "I'll send him a text, he's going to hack in remotely"
"Done" Steve put in the drive and started to search the room for anything incriminating or that would have at least a hint of Hydra being tied to it. He received a text from Bucky that you were out in the garden with Patrick and keeping him distracted and Steve felt a wave of jealousy hit him again. He knew you were doing your job, and quite effectively. You had proven to be an asset in the field no matter what you were doing. He could barely focus with you around, but he knew that had to do with just how much he was attracted to you, and admittedly how much he loved you. You were like no one else for him. You were it. You were all he wanted. He couldn't wait to get you home and to take the dress off of you. He could barely wait to take that mask off of you. He could see you through the mask, but he liked it when he could see your face better. He found a filing case, and picked the lock, and started going through the files, being mindful of the order they were in.
"Tony is in, he's copying over the files" Clint's voice came through, catching Steve off guard.
"Good, I have a wife waiting for me," Steve grinned to himself.
"She's proving to be a very good distraction" Clint commented, knowing he was getting to Steve.
"I just can't wait to get her home" Steve said off handedly.
"I'm not ready for grandkids yet, kid" Clint chuckled.
"Ready or not..." Steve teased.
"Hey, easy now. I'm an old man" Clint teased back. "So are you, come to think of it"
"You are only as old as you feel" Steve found a document that had the Hydra logo on it and he pulled out the entire file. "I found something" he brought it to the desk and started taking pictures of each page. "I need more time"
"I've got eyes on Y/N and Bucky, she's got him wrapped around her little finger" Clint promised. "They aren't moving from the garden anytime soon. Take your time and get copies of the papers"
"I am, it's the only one file that I was able to find" Steve continued at his task. He finished getting pictures of everything and put the file back exactly as he had found it. He locked the cabinet back up and went back to the computer to see files being transferred over. Steve looked at his watch anxiously, wanting nothing more than to get back to you. He watched as the files finished transferring over and waited for Clint on comms.
"Tony said he's done, he needs you to bring it back so he can take a closer look" Clint's voice finally came through.
"Good, thank you" Steve pulled out the flash drive and put it in his pocket. He went and listened at the door for movement outside, but didn't hear any. He quickly made his way out, and closed the door behind him. He made a hasty exit back down the stairs and texted Bucky he was out. "Going off comms" Steve whispered as he got to the second floor and took it out of his ear, putting it back in his pocket. He easily melded back into the party, and stopped at the bar for two glasses of champagne then made it look like he was looking for you.

"Your husband seems to be an anxious man" Patrick commented as you both re-entered the party, only to see Steve looking around the room with a worried look on his face.
"He dotes on me" you cooed and let go of Patrick's arm and headed to Steve. A look of relief flashed across Steve's face as you walked towards him with a sway in your hips. "I'm right here, John," you said as you got closer.
"My princess" Steve handed you a champagne flute. "You were gone for so long" he gave a relieved sigh.
"I was only showing her my gardens. Until later dear Rose" Patrick walked past you both smoothly, seeming to be back in business mode. Parties like this were more for networking anyways.
"I counted almost every moment you were away from me" you sighed, taking a sip of your beverage. The bubbles felt delightful on your tongue. You saw Steve drink his entire flute back, so you quickly followed suit. As soon as you were done, he took your glass and handed it to one of the passing waiters, along with his own and he led you out to the dance floor. Bucky took a spot up against the wall and watched you both like a hawk, seeming to cast his gaze every once in a while at Patrick. Steve took your waist as well as your hand, and pulled you flush against his body and you melted into him as he started to slowly sway you across the floor. You placed your head on his chest and listened to the rhythmic sound of his beating heart. You felt like you were in a dreamlike state, in a beautiful dress and in Steve's arms as he continued dancing with you. You knew this was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and were grateful for the mission.
"Party is starting to slow down" Bucky was suddenly beside both of you, still acting ever like the bodyguard.
"Time to make our exit" Steve whispered, and you pulled back feeling a little embarrassed you hadn't noticed you had been dancing that long. Steve took your hand and kissed your knuckles before he started leading you out.
"Rose, you aren't leaving are you?" Patrick came over, looking a little put out.
"I'm getting a little tired, it must be all the champagne" you batted your eyes, and leaned into Steve visibly. "Perhaps he can have that dance next time?" you asked softly.
"Of course, just keep me on your dance card" he seemed to take the rejection with a little decorum.

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