Taking a step

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Bucky and Sam were quick to make it to your balcony after Loki's small talk with you. You sat back in your swing and relaxed. Both men were carrying their own hot drinks, and seemed to be relaxed.
"You both brought your own?" you asked in surprise.
"You are always treating us, we can do things for ourselves too" Sam responded quickly.
"Besides, I texted Stevie to warn him," Bucky added. "He got the message. Where's Roxy?" he asked with an arched eyebrow. Both men had brought Steve's chairs over to your side of the balcony and sat down.
"She's inside still with Steve. She was pretty thirsty from all of that running" you put your book to the side. You heard a door open and looked over in time to see Clint, Nat, Bruce, and Tom come out onto the balcony. Bruce was holding Tom close to his chest and you nearly cooed at the sight. He looked so happy with your little cat.
"There's out Songbird" Clint grinned and clambered over the railing and sat down beside you. You giggled, knowing what was coming. You quickly got down on the balcony floor and sat cross legged between his legs, and he pulled out your hair tie. "Thank you" he whispered to you and started running his fingers through your hair.
"Are we still on braids?" you asked curiously.
"We are still on braids," Clint nodded in confirmation. He quickly set about his task, and you closed your eyes as you leaned your head back slightly to give him better access. He was at it for a few minutes before you heard your door open and Steve came out. You were dying to look over at him, but you knew you had to stay still.
"I'll put your tea on the table so it cools" Steve advised you. You hummed softly, and Steve stood in front of you for a moment to put your tea down. He then moved to hand Loki his tea, and then sat down on the other end of the swing from Clint. He moved a bit in his spot for a moment before you heard music starting to play, and it was some of your preferred love songs. You looked at Steve from the side of your eyes and he had a proud smile on his face.
"I'm curious, what's this daddy date we heard about?" Sam finally started some conversation.
"Clint and I are taking Y/N for a date as her dads" Bruce answered easily. "We are going for dinner and the museum," he added quickly.
"Really?!" you asked excitedly.
"I knew you would be happy about that," Clint chuckled.
"I've never heard of it" Sam seemed curious.
"That's because you aren't a dame. Besides, they adopted her. It makes sense" Bucky shrugged. "It's like when your dad used to take you fishing, look at it like that"
"Makes sense," Sam nodded to himself. "I miss my folks" he gave a soft sigh.
"I do too," you whispered. "But it's good to have memories" you added a little louder. "Can I get your help with something on Thursday?" you turned your head to look at Sam, Loki and Bucky.
"Anything you need," Bucky quickly agreed.
"I'm half tempted to put most of that stuff in a dumpster," Clint grumbled.
"Someone might need it" you pouted, and looked forward again.
"Meet me halfway, we will throw out the worst stuff" Clint gave a heavy sigh.
"Okay, but in one that's easily accessible to someone if they need it and don't have the money to buy something" you consented finally after a few moments deliberation.
"Good" he nodded to himself.
"What are we doing?" Sam asked.
"Cleaning out my old storage locker. Since being here isn't temporary, it's time to get rid of the stuff from my old life" you spoke softly.
"It won't take long" Steve added and you flushed. "I can carry most of it on my own," he added quickly. Roxy pawed at the door and Bucky stood up long enough to open the door. Roxy came out quickly, dancing on her tiptoes as she made her way to your lap and curled up on your legs.
"I look forward to assisting you with your endeavor" Loki gave a small smile, and sipped his tea. "Are you going to put up some of your pictures?" he asked, and you saw Nat's head whip to look at you. You could feel everyone waiting with baited breath for your answer.
"I need a few frames, but yes. I'd like to put up some pictures" you answered a little shyly. "I mean, besides the ones I already have," you added, thinking of the few framed photographs of you with Clint and his family, or Nat and Bruce. You now wanted to add to that collection, thinking you had some great pictures of Paris, and a few selfies with Steve. It was still almost unimaginable that you and Steve were an item now. You thought about how your adopted parents approved, and your real parents really would approve. He was a gentleman to the core, except when you didn't need him to be. You thought about how he had once said he was always the hero, but for you he would become the villain and your cheeks visibly flushed. For him, you would burn the world too. You saw Loki give a small smirk from the corner of your eye, and you looked at him more closely. He sipped his tea, and glanced at you for a moment. You knew he had been in your mind again, but had politely not said anything. You felt Clint finish his braid and he tapped you on your shoulders. You reached up a hand and touched the five french braids on either side of your head, that all came together to one long braid down the center.
"She's going to love that one" Nat said decidedly.
"It feels like it will hold too, this is great" you agreed quickly. Clint handed you your tea, and you took a sip, leaning back against him. Roxy was still up on your lap and seemed content to be where she was for the time being. You wanted to move off of the cold ground, but at the same time you didn't want to disturb her.
"Come here Roxy" Bucky called to her and she gave a slight whine and lifted her head off your lap momentarily. "Come on girl" he tried coaxing her to move.
"I think it's going to take a lot more than that to get her to move. She's with her mommy now" Steve chuckled.
"I'll get my puppy cuddles tonight" Bucky shrugged.
"Why the hell does Tin man get her for the night and I don't?" Sam asked quickly.
"Bucky just told us he is taking her, just the same as Nat. Works for us, we all have missions in the morning" Steve reminded them.
"I don't sleep that much, so I can still get her out and back in before breakfast" Bucky shrugged. "It will let you two kids sleep in a bit," he added with a smirk.
"I need to go over the mission docket" you sighed softly and pulled out your phone from your bra and started going over the base plans. Your job was to get inside the base and download the data with Bucky as your second. You knew Steve was trying to make sure he behaved himself on the mission, and to be honest it was probably a good thing. Bucky is protective but wouldn't botch the mission. Steve would probably go after the entire building if things went south. Then again, as you thought about it, Bucky probably would too. He was taking on the older brother role in your eyes. You looked out at the sunset and gave a slight shiver and you saw Loki wave his hand at you, and suddenly you were engulfed in an emerald green cashmere blanket around your shoulders and down your back. Just by the weight of it, you could tell it was easily a king size blanket.
"Thank you, Loki" you smiled at him, and snuggled into your blanket.
"My pleasure. It seems you taught Steven well, the tea is perfect" Loki gave a smirk.
"He learned on his own, he watches everything," you gave a soft giggle.
"Indeed" Loki nodded and took another sip of his hot beverage.
"You should get back up here, Angel" Steve frowned slightly, even though you were engulfed in an oversized blanket.
"Roxy needs me, it's the law. I can't move" you gave a slight giggle, and used your free hand to run through Roxy's fur.
"Here, have your tea too" Nat got up and handed Clint his tea, who was pinned behind you. You picked your phone back up and went back to going through the mission docket again. He gave a quick nod and a soft thank you before he took a long drink. Bruce and Nat were holding a quiet conversation while Clint leaned forward and started reading over your shoulder. Tom meowed a few times, however seemed very content in Bruce's arms. Bucky and Sam pulled Steve into conversation as well, with Loki chiming in once in a while.
The sun was almost set when Roxy finally got up and did a stretch. You had just finished your tea and had set the mug on the small table beside you. You quickly gathered up the blanket around you and stood up, your legs nearly numb at this point. You did a small stretch and sat between Clint and Steve.
"I'm going to go sit on Nat's side" Clint tapped your leg and got up, hopping over the railing again. You pulled your legs up beside you and Steve wrapped his arm across your shoulders, bringing you in a little closer. You hummed happily and gave his chest a soft kiss. The four men were talking a little more seriously about the upcoming evaluations next week, which clearly caused Bucky anxiety every six months. He was vocal about his doubts of being an official member of the team, regardless of the fact that everyone said he belonged. Even Tony agreed with that fact, even with the circumstances of his parents death. He no longer held a grudge against Bucky for what Hydra forced him to do.
You happily nuzzled into Steve and focused on the horizon where the stars were twinkling into their nighttime existence. You nervously thought about asking Steve to move in with you, and wondered if he would think it's too soon. You quickly warmed up with a combination of the blanket and Steve's body heat. You waited a few minutes before grabbing all of the empty mugs and going inside to wash them. You saw Steve look at you curiously, but he didn't say anything, but let you set about your task.
"Good night, pet" Loki said as he was walking past you while you were washing the dishes in your little kitchenette.
"Leaving so soon?" you asked, a little surprised. You didn't think you had been outside that long.
"Your captain should be joining you shortly. Everyone else is retiring for the evening, and dear Bucky has already picked up Roxy and carried her down to his place" Loki smirked and you couldn't help but giggle at the sudden visual in your mind. He nodded and walked out. You were nearly done with washing all the mugs when you felt two arms snake around your waist and Steve beard brushed against your neck as he leaned in, pressing his body up against your own, and kissed the side of your neck.
"I thought I'd never get you alone again" he mumbled against your skin.
"I've been thinking about something for a while, and I wanted to run it by you. You can say no, it's totally okay to..." you word vomited, your anxiety getting the best of you, but you were determined to get this question out.
"What's wrong?" he asked, a little concerned.
"I was wondering if you wanted to move in with me" you said and held your breath waiting for an answer.

Longing (Steve Rogers x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang