Pain medication

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Supper was a quiet affair, especially with half the team gone doing their own thing for the day. The boys had gone to Aunt May's for the weekend, taking Happy with them. Wanda and Vision had decided to go for an overnight drive, and had left after breakfast. Thor and Loki had decided to go to the movies, wanting to partake in Midgardian pastimes. Scott and Clint had both gone to see their families. Most of the table had been empty, but that was okay. You had less people staring at the side of your neck. Bucky had smartly looked away the moment he had seen it, and so had Sam. Nat had chuckled and gave you a kiss on the cheek when she sat down beside you. Steve sat on your other side, and had a hand on your thigh until the pizza box started getting passed around the table. Tony's eyebrows rose and was giving you a staredown, however Pepper gave him a light slap on the hand while Steve gave him a glare, almost daring him to say something. As soon as you finished eating, you grabbed both your dishes and Steve's and brought them into the kitchen after making sure he had eaten enough. You took a moment to reheat both of your hot chocolates, since that had been forgotten in the living room and came back to the table to sit down. Both of you drank them down quickly, enjoying the sweet treat. Once you were done, you took Roxy out for her walk. Steve insisted on joining you, and he held your hand while you both took a short walk outside. You didn't want him moving around too much, so Roxy was going to have to wait until later for her longer walk. You both headed back to the living room after and resumed your positions on the couch. Steve turned back on his documentary, while you went back to your book. Bucky and Sam came in and joined you both, and didn't even acknowledge the fact that you were laying with your head on Steve's lap. They acted like it was normal behavior for you both. You got to a spicy part in your book and had to clench your thighs together, and Steve looked down at you quickly. His eyes seemed to almost darken as he gazed at you, and you felt him start to get hard again.
"What are you reading, baby doll?" he asked with a chuckle in his tone.
"A book" you batted your eyes at him.
"I should give one of those books a shot, you are always reading them" Bucky grinned looking over.
"They are great for the imagination" you giggled, thinking he had no idea.
"You're almost done reading that one..." Bucky started to tease.
"I'm reading it first. I'm curious" Steve cut him off and you blushed.
"I don't know if it would interest you" you flushed.
"Consider me very interested" his gaze ticked to your lips for a moment before he went back to gazing into your eyes. You gave a slight nod, not wanting to admit you had always imagined Steve as the male lead in the novel, and this book in particular was about werewolves, and an Alpha werewolf was mating with his Omega for the first time. They were true mates, and that just added to the spice of it all. You loved the idea of love at first sight, and you couldn't help but wonder if you were falling in love with Steve or if you had already and you were just slow to catch up on your feelings. You licked your lips, and saw Steve look down at your lips again with hunger in his eyes.

"It's a book about werewolves" you whispered, and Steve cocked an eyebrow.
"Werewolves?" Sam echoed, seeming surprised.
"It's the true mate series. They are about meeting your soulmate, and knowing it's them just by scent and sight alone. They are basically human, but their love is eternal and very quick" you quickly explained. "This book is about an Alpha of the pack meeting an Omega, and she is his true mate. Their love is explosive" you meant that in every sense of the word. "She had a hard life, but he was visiting her pack and he found her working in the kitchens. He stole her away to come live with him immediately, and he just showers her with love and affection" you had a whimsical smile on your face as you explained it.
"So there's a lot of sex" Bucky said frankly.
Your face burned a bright red, and you didn't know what to say for a moment. "It's about the story" you finally said.
"Guys have porn, chicks have books I guess. Things have really changed over the years" Bucky grinned looking at Steve. You didn't deny it, and that fact wasn't missed by Steve. Something about you reading porn while laying on his lap made him get even harder if that was possible. He wanted to show you he could make it better than a book. If it wasn't for the damn injury to his ribs, he might have started trying tonight. "Do you mind if we take Roxy for our walk tonight? I know Stevie is injured, and you don't seem to want to go far from him" Bucky offered while standing up.
"It's okay, I don't want to be any trouble" you shook your head.
"Nonsense, we need to get her used to us too" Sam quickly joined Bucky. "You two relax for a bit, we will bring her right back"
"If you are sure..." you trailed off.
"Come on Roxy" Bucky called to her, and she jumped up immediately and started following them both out of the living room. Steve was playing in your hair while another documentary played, so you went back to your book, thinking you were safe. You heard the front door close, letting you know that the pair of you were basically alone with the exception of Tom in the living room.
"Do you believe in love at first sight?" Steve asked suddenly, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Of course I do," you nodded, looking away from the pages in your book.
"Good" he grinned, not saying much else, but gazing down at you lovingly.
"Do you?" you asked with baited breath.
"I do" he nodded, and you felt like the silence was pregnant with words being left unsaid. You licked your lips and Steve looked at your lips again.
"Oh we are not doing that again. You winced last time" you reminded him.
"It brings more pleasure than pain. Besides, you said you like my kisses better than the book" he reminded you with a grin.
"That I do, but you are not hurting yourself for more kisses tonight good sir" you went back to your book, trying to ignore the hungry gaze he was bestowing upon you.
"Sleep with me tonight" Steve said quite suddenly after a few minutes.
"I have Roxy and Tom" you reminded him with flushed cheeks. "And your chest was hurting you this morning"
"I'll come to your room, just let me hold you while you sleep" he whispered.
"Are you taking pain medication?" you asked after considering it for a minute.
"I can, if it makes you feel better," he nodded.
"It would make me feel better," you quickly agreed.
"I have to take the supersoldier stuff, normal pain medication doesn't work on me" he grimaced. "I have it in my room, it just makes me tired" he whispered.
"If you take it, we can sleep in the same bed" you gave a soft smile.
"Did you want to go up and watch the sunset?" he nodded in quick agreement.
"What about Roxy?" you asked, a little surprised.
"I'll text Bucky to come up and meet us in your room" Steve took out his phone and quickly did that. You slowly got off Steve's lap, and picked up Tom. Steve stood up with a wince, and led the way back upstairs.

Getting to the top floor, Steve disappeared into his suite while you headed to your own. You quickly went about making some tea after feeding Tom a couple of treats. You left the door open for Steve, and eventually Bucky to come in. Your room was permeating with the smell of roses, and you just loved it. You looked at your two bouquets proudly. One was starting to wilt, but you didn't have the heart to throw them out. You went over and plucked one of the rose petals off one of the roses from the first dozen Steve had given to you, and you pressed it into one of your older and thicker books. You were just finishing making the tea when Steve came into the room with a smile on his face. He strode directly to you and leaned down to kiss you softly on the lips.
"I'm one lucky guy that I get to do that as much as I want now" he took a step back.
"You don't seem to hold back since our first kiss" you giggled.
"I hold back more than you think" his voice almost sounded like he was promising more to come. He took the light blue mug that you had filled for him, and your pink one and he made his way through your suite to your bedroom and out onto your balcony. You grabbed Tom and quickly went to join him. Steve seemed a little more relaxed than usual as you came out. You quickly sat beside him and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders pulling you in a little closer. You looked up at his face to make sure he wasn't wincing again, but he remained almost stoic and when he saw you watching he graced you with a smile. You both sat watching the sun slowly setting, words were not needed for the moment. You were a little anxious about sleeping with Steve again. You didn't want to hurt him, but at the same time it brought you comfort when he was there last night. You had certainly slept better. Then again, Roxy had finally jumped up on the bed to sleep last night as well. Steve took out his phone and started playing some music, and you noticed it was a lot of your preferred love songs. You looked at him after the third song in surprise and a smile twitching at your lips.
"Did you get a hold of my playlist?" you looked up at him.
"No, I made it. I've had time to get used to your favorite songs, so I made my own playlist of it. I sometimes listened to it on my own. I like your music, I find it soothing" he gave a shy smile.
"You have some of your own music on there, I hope" you nuzzled your head up under his arm.
"I do, it's a mixture" he promised. "I hate how tired these make me feel" he frowned, reaching up and touching the side of his head.
"Thank you for taking your pain medication" you leaned up and kissed him on the cheek.
"I'll do whatever it takes to make you happy" he responded easily, and you flushed a little bit.
"Make yourself happy, that's all that matters" you gave him a kiss on the side of his chest lightly. You didn't want to test his pain tolerance.
"These last few weeks have been some of the happiest I've ever been" he whispered softly. "Getting shot excluded," he added quickly.
"I should hope so!" you giggled.
"Hey kids, Roxy's home" Bucky came into your suite, and you heard him close the door behind him. He walked out onto the balcony and grinned. He leaned against Steve's side of the railing and Roxy came out a few minutes later with Tom on her heels. "How's it going?" he asked with a knowing smile.
"Fine, ya jerk. We were just watching the sunset" Steve gestured in front of him.
"How are your ribs?" Bucky looked a little concerned.
"I took that pain medication that Bruce made for us, I'm just a bit tired" Steve admitted.
"Those things are potent" Bucky looked surprised. "You hate taking those things," he commented.
"Y/N asked me to take them," Steve flushed a little.
"No, I said you had to take them if you wanted to stay in the same bed tonight" you corrected him.
"Don't worry about it, that punk should have someone taking care of him. I'm glad you got him to take them. I hate to see him in rough shape" Bucky gave a slight grin. "I'll leave you two kids to it" he nodded to you both, seeming satisfied with the situation and started sliding over the railings and heading to his own room. You called a thank you to his retreating figure and he waved over his shoulder to you.
"Are you ready for bed, baby doll?" Steve asked as the moon started rising in the sky. You weren't that tired, but you could tell that Steve was.
"Sure, let's go to bed" you readily agreed. You grabbed your mug and drank down your tea quickly since it had gotten cold and Steve mirrored your actions. You took his mug from him and walked back into your room, heading to the small kitchenette and just putting the mugs in the sink, promising yourself you would wash them later. You came back into your bedroom and Steve was just closing the balcony door. You silently walked over and pulled back the satin comforter and slipped into the center of the bed. Roxy and Tom jumped up on the opposite side of the bed from the door. Steve gave a small smile and slipped into the bed beside you. He stretched out his arm, and you put your head on it, but turned your back to him, afraid you were going to be tempted to snuggle into his chest again. Steve just turned onto his side and wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close.
"Steve, you're going to be hurting in the morning if you sleep like this" you blushed as you felt his entire body was pressed up against yours.
"You didn't specify how I had to sleep" Steve chuckled and kissed the back of your neck. "I'll be fine baby doll, close your eyes"

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