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Loki and Wanda were waiting outside your suite door when Steve got to the top of the stairs. You could see them sharing hushed whispers back and forth, but you were still trying to process everything.
"If this is real, where are Roxy and Tom?" you finally asked Steve as he carried you down the long hallway.
"They are with Bruce and Nat for now. We are going to have you looked at first" Steve advised as he got to the door and Loki opened the door for you.
"We're here for you, pet," Loki promised. "You just need to be patient," he said softly. .
"Don't worry, nothing will hurt," Wanda added quickly.
Steve walked completely into the familiar room. It looked dark, unlike the way you had left it. Inside the bedroom you could see Clint and Bucky changing the sheets and blankets on the bed. Paintings looked untouched and dusty. The room was missing its usual luster.
"Real or not real?" you whispered to Steve.
"Real baby, it's real" he carried you to the couch where there was a pillow and a large blanket that smelled like Steve did.
"What happened to it?" you asked.
"You went missing," Steve said simply. "You took my heart with you." He went to let go of you and you cried out in fear, you didn't want to be separated again.
"I'm going to help you sleep," Loki said after a moment. "It won't be long," he promised.
"No!" you shot up in alarm. "I'll wake up in that room again. I'm not ready for this dream to be over. Please don't do this to me Loki" you begged.
"It needs to be done" he looked sorrowful. "We need to help you, and it's going to help."
"No please, I beg of you!" you cried out before he touched the side of your head and you fell back onto the couch with your eyes closed in a magically induced sleep.
"You keep her asleep, I'll work on the memories" Wanda said, pressing two fingers to the side of your head.
"You don't need to be here" Loki told Steve who had still not let go of you.
"I can't let her go," Steve shook his head.
"You need a shower" Loki told him with distaste.
"I'll take one with her," Steve stated firmly. He watched for over an hour as Wanda continued to work on you, her red magic entering into the side of your head. Loki seemed transfixed on his task of keeping you a magically induced sleep. Bucky and Clint came out and announced they would be back, without much explanation as to why they were leaving. Steve had a feeling Clint was updating Laura and the kids about what was happening, but he wasn't sure what Bucky was up to.

Steve could tell it was exerting Wanda and Loki at the same time, and Wanda looked distressed at what she was seeing in her mind's eye. Bucky came back in after the second hour carrying a paper bag in his vibranium arm and headed towards the kitchenette. He took out a container of chocolate covered strawberries, some milk, bottles of juice and some peaches he knew you liked.
"Thank you" Steve said to his best friend thankfully.
"I missed her too. She deserves at least something" Bucky said softly, watching how both Loki and Wanda were hunched over you. "She dreamt about these" he gestured to the container of chocolate covered strawberries.
"Yeah" Steve sighed, bringing his attention back to you. He looked at how your muscle definition was nearly gone, and you had lost some weight in your face. He finally let go of your hand to place his hand on your stomach to feel the moving babies. His eyes grew in wonder at the little miracles that were growing inside of you. Bucky put everything away and came over to sit beside Steve on the coffee table, watching curiously. "Twin girls" Steve murmured to him with a grin on his face. "Can you imagine?" he asked.
"You'll be on your toes" Bucky chuckled.

It was an hour before supper when both Wanda and Loki let go of their magic, seeming to be exhausted. They left silently, promising to see you at supper and Loki advised the magic would wear off soon. Steve went back to holding your hand, while Bucky left to give Steve a few minutes alone with you. When you slowly started to open your eyes, your free hand went to your neck automatically while Steve squeezed your other hand.
"Hey Angel" he announced his presence.
"You're not a phantom. It's not a dream" you said in wonder, a smile blooming across your face.
"Of course I'm not a phantom. I'm sorry it took so long to find you" he said with tears in his eyes.
"You saved me" you squeezed his hand back. "I missed you" you said, getting choked up.
"Oh Angel" Steve pulled on your hand slightly before he finally got up and crouched beside you to kiss you again. You hummed happily against his lips and before you parted them, granting him access. "They didn't touch you, did they?" he demanded, pulling back from the kiss.
"No, they didn't want to ruin their data" you frowned at the loss of contact. "Oh!" you exclaimed at a particularly strong kick. Your hand went to your stomach and Steve's quickly followed. He couldn't hide the smile on his face if he tried.
"Are you hungry?" he asked worriedly.
"Yes" you nodded.
"Good. Bucky went out and got you a treat for later. We are going to head down for supper" Steve didn't make a motion to move.
"I need new clothes" you moved uncomfortably in your too tight clothes.
"We will order online," Steve said quickly. "My future wife isn't going out for a while" he said with a smirk.
"Pardon?" you asked in shock.
"You heard me" he leaned down to kiss you on the lips again.
"I don't recall you asking" you said, still shocked at his proclamation when he pulled back from the kiss.
"I'm not, I've decided for you" he said with an impish smile. "You can think about it, but you'll be wearing my mother's ring on your finger sooner rather than later" he promised.
"Steve..." you trailed off.
"Just think about it," he said, looking momentarily worried.
"You didn't ask me correctly" you sat up on the couch. Steve smirked and let go of your hand for the first time. He went into the bedroom closet and came back a moment later. He got down on one knee in front of you and presented a beautiful ring with a simple diamond in the center of a gold band.
"Y/N Y/LN, marry me, because I can't live another day without you. I love you with every breath I take. I planned to ask you at Christmas, but I didn't get the opportunity" he said, and took the ring out as you held out your hand. He slipped the ring on your third finger and it was a little loose.
"Of course I'll marry you" you gasped happily. He stood up and claimed your lips again as though he was a man starved of your affections. If either of you were going to be honest, the kisses and touches were sorely missed in the time you were apart. You hungrily received his kiss and you tugged him down onto the couch with you. He was careful of his weight distribution. The kiss had started out soft, but the more it deepened, the more it felt like you just couldn't get enough of one another. Time no longer existed, it was just you and him and it felt so right. Steve's hands went through your hair, gently tugging to bring you in more. Your growling stomach made Steve chuckle against your lips as you flushed. He pulled back from the kiss and you pouted at the loss of him.
"Don't look at me like that. I need to feed you and my babies" he cooed to you.
"I can think of something else you can feed me" you said, your eyes alight with need.
"Oh fuck Angel, you have no idea how hard it is for me to say no to you" he groaned. "Food first, your family missed you. Then I'll keep you to myself the rest of the night" he said.
"No tea tonight?" you asked innocently.
"Alright, after your tea. But keep it short" he said, giving in. His carnal needs would have to wait.
"Can I take a shower?" you asked.
"Can I take it with you?" he asked quickly.
"I don't mind, as long as you are with me" you said with a smile on your face.
"We will take a shower after tea tonight, but then I want you in the bed... naked" Steve made his soft demands.
"I wouldn't have it any other way, my loving fiance" you whispered to him, kissing him softly on the lips again. He groaned as though it pained him to part away from you and his arms went underneath you as he picked you up like a new bride. You pulled away from the kiss with a laugh and he carried you to the door to go downstairs again.

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