A question about Sunday

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Waking up in the morning you flexed your leg and it was a lot better than it had been. It wasn't throbbing like it was previously. Your thoughts went back to last night, and Steve's hands on your legs where he had continued to massage your leg until Clint called it a night for everyone after he finished perfecting his fishtail braid he had been practicing. Bruce and Nat were quick to leave, shortly followed by Sam and Bucky. Steve seemed to stick around for a few extra minutes, just asking softly about your day before he caught you yawning, and he excused himself. Sam and Bucky had already put his chairs back on his side of the balcony before leaving, so all he had to do was slip back over the railing. You had eyed him appreciatively as he slipped back over in his black sweatpants and black t-shirt. You saw his erection pressing up against the fabric of his pants, and he was walking a little bit awkwardly before he went back into his room. You almost wanted to ask him if he needed help with it, in a joking manner of course, but you held back. You didn't want to push him too far, and you badly wanted him to see you as a potential partner. You sat up in bed and put your feet on the floor, letting the cool wood send a shiver up into your body. You sighed heavily, and stood all the way up before turning around and making your bed. You quickly rushed to the bathroom and used the facilities before turning on the shower and jumping in, completely forgetting to grab your clothes. You knew you had habitually left your blinds open, so you were chancing someone was going to get a show.
When you got out of the shower, you wrapped up in a fluffy pink towel and padded your way back to the bedroom. You went into your closet and picked out another pair of cropped black leggings, and a dark blue t-shirt with baby blue lace undergarments. You didn't bother with socks or shoes before you hurried out of your room with a slight limp in your step, making your way down to the breakfast table. You were pleased to see almost the entire team was seated, but you flushed when you realized you were one of the last ones to arrive.
"Good morning, pet" Loki smiled as you came into the room.
"Good morning" you tried to sound chirpy this morning. You quickly sat down beside Loki and he seemed to be thinking about something hard before he opened his mouth again.
"Are you ready for the party this weekend?" he asked, raising his eyebrow slightly.
"I have a dress picked out, if that's what you're asking" you smiled at him.
"May I request a dance for the evening?" he spoke slowly, letting you take the request in stride.
"I'd be honored" you put your hand on his for a moment before pulling your hand away. He seemed to be waiting for something and you heard Steve, Bucky and Sam come into the room. Steve quickly sat beside you, leaving Sam and Bucky to sit on the other side of the table and across from him.
"Have you promised yourself to anyone else for the evening?" Loki probed and Pietro nearly spit out his juice.
"I promised a dance to Steve as well" you flushed at his wording.
"Very well, I shall share" Loki grinned at Steve who looked at him with an intense glare.
"I'm going to the mall on Sunday, may I pick you up some tea while I'm at it?" you kept the conversation going.
"Thank you, I'd appreciate it" Loki nodded quickly and you gave a satisfied smile. You felt like you were in his debt since he bought you a box of tea, and it was nice that he was letting you buy him one back.
"How did you sleep?" Steve asked after a moment's hesitation.
"Very well, how did you sleep, Steve?" you asked with a smile on your lips.
"Pretty good" Steve smiled, thinking he had to spend half an hour in the bathroom taking care of himself after rubbing your legs for the good part of an hour. He couldn't get out of his mind how soft your supple skin was, and wondered if you were that soft everywhere. He wanted to know for himself how soft your skin was against his firm hands. He dreamt about it all night, remembering how your nipples beaded against the fabric of your clothes visibly last night while he massaged your leg. He also remembered the fragrance you gave off, that had made him nearly audibly groan. He knew that fact wasn't missed by Bucky either, and he had wanted to slap his best friend for noticing, even though he couldn't really help it.
Bucky passed down the platter of eggs, bacon and toast and Steve grabbed what he wanted before passing it to you. He purposely brushed his fingers against yours, and was pleased to see a flush go across your cheeks quickly when he did that. He bit down on his bottom lip and smiled to himself, thinking it wouldn't be long now until he finally asked you on that date.
"How is the Tinder search going?" Wanda asked, putting a strain on his good mood this morning.
"I haven't really opened it" you admitted softly, looking at Steve from under your eyelashes. He gave another pleased smile in response and a slight nod. Good. He wanted to keep you off of that app as long as possible. Forever, if he could help it. "I prefer meeting people the old fashioned way" you whispered.
"As I already believe you were once told, in this line of work it is hard" Loki reminded you. "You should eat more than that pet" he pointed at your plate, and put another scoop of eggs in for you. You gave him a playful slap on the arm and he gave a mischievous chuckle. You started eating them regardless, he knew you were always holding back on eating everything you wanted. It was one of the reasons why you also kept food stored in your room. Loki pretended that he didn't know about the cookies you kept in the top of your cupboard, but he knew you tended to gravitate towards one of them after a particularly rough day. He had spent a lot of time getting to know you and your habits since you had become friends, and one thing he knew you wanted above all else, was Steve's attention. He also knew that for the last year, you had been his full focus. He knew Steve had gone on a few dates in the early part of the year, trying to put distance between the two of you, but Steve couldn't get you off his mind.
"How is your leg today?" Tony asked, breaking Loki's train of thought.
"It's a lot better than what it was" you chirped, smiling brightly and Steve couldn't help but smile in return. "I've been blessed to be getting a lot of leg massages" you flushed at the admission, but shyly peeked at Steve.
"Good, then we can work you a little harder in training. I want to see if you can hold your invisibility while sprinting for the full ten minutes" Tony gave a grin.
"Come on Tony, that sounds like a bit much for someone still recovering from a leg wound" Nat growled at him, visibly upset at the notion.
"Let's just focus on the easy stuff for today," Bruce added, looking concerned.
"We still need to test it, she's not made of glass" Tony shook his head.
"Honey" Pepper gave a warning and Tony had the good sense to back down quickly. "You won't be sprinting today Songbird" Pepper promised you, and her eyes went to Steve's face which looked visibly upset at the notion that you would be pushing yourself further. She wanted to tell him to calm down a bit, but she couldn't very well say it without bringing him undue attention.
"Tony, I love you, however I don't think I can sprint for that long right now without hurting myself" you finally spoke up for yourself. "We can try bridging my invisibility today, how about that?" you asked, giving a soft smile.
"Sounds like the room is against me, but yes, we will work on that" Tony nodded in approval. Steve looked visibly relieved at Tony saying that out loud, and went back to focusing on his food.

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