Leg Massage

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When Steve left for the night, it was as the moon was cresting over the treeline, and just starting to come up. He had finished his tea, and excused himself, stating that he had to go pack up his room. He seemed almost excited at the prospect. You remembered when you first were told by Tony you were moving into the Avengers compound and starting training to be on the team over a year ago, you had felt overwhelmed with packing up what little that you had accumulated over the years into a few small boxes, and putting the rest into storage. You didn't have much, not at the time. But what you had, you took care of. Most of your furniture was mismatched and very worn out since you had gotten them at garage sale, or when people were getting rid of them in the garbage. Your life had not been easy up until that point. You had been what they called "The good Samaritan" in the streets, helping keep crime down in New York. When there were illegal street fights you were one of the top performers. It was the only way you could make a livable wage. You finished highschool, and started college to be a scientific research lab assistant. You wanted more than that, but it was what you could afford with the student loans and grants you received. Once you got hurt in college during a science experiment gone wrong, you found yourself suddenly homeless and nowhere to turn to, and you had missed too much time to catch up in school so you were kicked out. You found out a lot of people that you thought were your friends, really weren't, very quickly. They moved on with their lives, and you had to learn to move on with yours. It was during your homeless days that you found out about your invisibility powers. You had worked at a few fast food restaurants, and had to manage your schedule closely to make sure you didn't miss any time at work. You would go to truck stations to bathe, and wash your clothes at an all night laundry mat, using your money as frugally as possible. Sometimes you would sleep in the laundry mat. A lot of times you would find your way up to the roof of some buildings to sleep near the vents to keep warm. Once you finally had enough money for an apartment, you were exhilarated, and the first thing you bought for yourself was groceries, so you wouldn't have to eat any more fast food. You remembered when you had found a mattress on the side of the road for garbage pick up. It was like finding gold for you. You carried it back to your apartment, and you honestly wanted to brag that you finally had a bed. You carefully went to a thrift store to buy linens.
Now, you looked around your room, you were living the life of luxury. It was all thanks to Tony finding you during one of your street fights. He already knew about your extra curricular activities as the good samaritan, and you had his attention. You remembered thinking Tony was crazy, until you realized he was being sincere in his invitation to join the team. It was supposed to be a trial period of six months, but you passed within a month and he had announced you to the world. You moved in the satin sheets and pulled them in a bit closer to your body, just loving the way the material felt against your skin. It really was a luxurious life you were living compared to not even ten years ago, you were living on the streets and struggling to survive. You wondered if you should get rid of everything in the storage unit. You now had more money than you knew what to do with, but you were also wary that one day, this would all end up just being a pipe dream and you would be back to where you started again.
You slowly closed your eyes, and the last thought in your mind were of those dreamy baby blue eyes that you had gazed into not that long ago. Steve. He was just another really good dream to you too.

Steve didn't really want to sleep. He was too excited. As soon as he got to his room, he started packing immediately, and there was a lot to pack. He had lucked out and found some boxes in the back of the lab where Tony worked on his suits, likely from parts that he had ordered in. He texted Bucky and Sam and told them he was switching rooms with Pietro, and both of them offered to help him move. He quickly packed all of his books and art supplies, before taking his art off of the walls. Before he knew it, it was well after three in the morning, and he just had his clothes, and his bathroom left to pack. He groaned, knowing he had to get up in a few hours to go for his run with Bucky, and tried to force himself to go to bed. He just couldn't sleep. He could still feel the warmth of your skin on his hand, the satiny tendrils of your hair in his fingers, your eyes gazing back into his with a burning curiosity and something else that he couldn't quite put his finger on. He closed his eyes, thinking of the shape of your lips, and how kissable they looked. He thought of all the things he wanted to do to you, and his cock strained against his pajama bottoms, nearly tearing at the material. He groaned and tried to think about something besides you, so he would lose his erection, but it was hard to do, no pun intended. You were his every waking thought. When he woke up, it was in excitement to see you at breakfast or for the mission he would be sharing with you. When he went to sleep, it was to every miniscule detail he could think of for the entirety of the day where he had seen you, or spent with you. Tonight he had more to think about. He loved sitting on your balcony with you, and feeling your body warmth radiating off of you. He loved how you smiled so easily at him, and you seemed to have your moments of shyness. He mused that you liked satin sheets and comforters, and thought that maybe he should buy some of the same, so it could feel like he was sleeping in the same bed as you. He wanted so badly to know how you would feel under him, succumbing to desire, and see the look on your face as he took you to ecstasy. He wanted almost to possess you, in a way he had never wanted with any woman before.
Most people saw Steve as this innocent man, who only shared a single kiss with a woman back in the forties and never got over her. In reality Steve had lost his virginity before Peggy kissed him, and he had dated several women since he became an Avenger. He was no Saint. He tended to keep his dating habits to himself. Bucky and Sam knew about them, but most of the team thought he was just going for drives or going out on his own to do his own thing. None of the women he slept with stuck around for long, they saw him as a prize to be won. He also didn't feel that magnetic pull that he felt when he was with you. He was addicted to it. He remembered the first time he had seen you. You had bruised knuckles, and a black eye. It was clear that you had recently been in quite a fight. He was surprised when Tony told him the truth of who you were. You had been on the team's radar for a few years, but they could never find you. You were so elusive.
Steve still found you to be elusive. You were like the heart of the sea, a jewel that was so close and yet so far. He was determined he would drown if he had to, to get to you. He longed for you like no one else, in his past or his present.
He groaned, giving into temptation. He pulled out his phone and went to your instagram account and pulled up one of your photos where you were with Nat and Wanda in your swimsuits, and scrolled until he found one of you just by yourself and brought his hand down to his still erect cock, and grasped it firmly near the base, rubbing the precum around the tip with the tip of his thumb and he started pleasuring himself. He was resigned to the fact that he wasn't going to get any sleep until he came again.

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