Family time

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"I was so worried about you, songbird. You rarely go out without telling me" Nat huffed as she came out. You looked up and she tsked seeing your face was still a bit puffy. She silently slipped over the railing and came to sit on the other side of you, pulling you out from under Steve's arm and pulling you in for a hug. "Next time don't just tell Clint" she whispered to you.
"Do I have to start dropping my location for you too?" you gave a slight giggle.
"Yes, that would make me feel better" she thought about it for a moment before answering. She pulled back and gave you a kiss on the forehead. "Talk to mama Nat. Was it about the time you were alone?" she asked, pulling your body to lay down so your head was in her lap and she started running her hand through your hair.
"How I came to be alone" you whispered as Steve pulled your feet up onto his lap so you were laying across both of them. "I think my parents would be proud..." you drifted off, feeling somber.
"Of course they would be proud of you, Starshine. We are so proud of you everyday" Bruce said quickly as he sat down with Tom on his lap. "You've done so much, just look at you" he gestured to you and you could only see pride on his face. You remained quiet, reflecting on what he said, and Clint came out and sat across from him. They both shared a look of exasperation.
"How about we have a daddy date?" Clint asked and you broke out into a giggle.
"I'm not Lila" you shook your head. "What exactly would you want to do, hmm?" you rolled your eyes.
"Bruce and I will work out the logistics. We will take you out Friday after you are done in the gym. We are open for suggestions, but it's a daddy date" Clint shrugged.
"Steve is my daddy..." you started with an impish smile, looking up at Steve who was blushing, but broke out into a smile.
"Not the same kinda daddy kid" Bruce chuckled. "It will be fun, don't worry. We will have you home in time to see your boyfriend."
"This is silly" you shook your head.
"I think it's a good idea," Nat continued to play in your hair. "Didn't you do that with your dad growing up?" she asked quickly.
"Well, we used to go out for dinner, or to the fairgrounds just the two of us. He said it was to prepare me to know what a guy was supposed to treat me like when I grew up. But that stopped when I turned thirteen" your eyes started to glisten at the memories popping up.
"It has already been decided, we are doing it" Clint said firmly and you rolled your eyes again.
"I saw that" Nat sassed you lightly. "I want it known that I'm not fighting them because I got my girls day already."
You sat in silence wondering if Clint and Bruce were actually serious, but had a feeling that they really were. Sometimes you wondered if they remembered you were a full grown adult, since they did sometimes bring up doing silly things like this. When you thought about it some more, you figured they were being intuitive to your sorrow and need for family. Everyone in the compound had become your new family, but you were especially close with them since joining. They had taken you under their wing, and taken care of you when you felt like an outcast and broken. You heard a loud knock on your bedroom door and sat up slightly in your chair.
"Come in!" you called, and you saw Loki come through your suite and bedroom. He paused before coming out and looked at you with a bit of a frown.
"Good evening Kitten, I trust I am not late for tea?" he asked.
"I'll go make it, have a seat" Steve put your legs down and stood up quickly. Loki hesitated but magicked himself a seat across from you and sat down against the back railing. Steve headed into your suite, and you gave Loki a soft smile. You saw him studying you for a few minutes while Nat continued to play in your hair absentmindedly. He suddenly got a pained look on his face and he reached out his hand for yours. You stretched out your arm and intertwined your fingers with him.
"I'm here for you," he said softly. You knew he had read your mind, and was giving you your privacy. You heard Steve making his way out and Loki cleared his throat and let go of your hand as Steve came out. "Thank you Captain" he nodded and took the mug that Steve was offering. He blew on the heat vapors and took a sip and smiled. "Perfection" he said after a moment. Steve sat back down and pulled your feet up to be on his lap again. It wasn't long before you heard your door open again, and the familiar clack of Roxy's nails on the wooden floors making their way through the suite. Bucky and Sam walked out a moment later, with both men reaching over and grabbing the chairs from Steve's balcony.
"Good evening" Bucky said first and Steve reached beside him to hand Bucky and Sam their hot chocolates each.
"Hi Bucky" you smiled.
"Hey princess, you doing okay?" Sam asked quickly, a look of concern flashed across his face.
"You can't just lead with that bird brain" Bucky said quickly.
"Hi Sam" you giggled. "I'm okay," you assured him.
"Of course I can lead with it, look at her. Her eyes look like she's been cryin Tin man" Sam argued back quickly.
"You two have been spending too much time together again," Nat chuckled.
"Anytime is too much time alone with him" Bucky took a sip of his hot chocolate and smirked. You couldn't help but giggle again while Sam rolled his eyes.
"Amen to that" Sam quipped.
"And yet the two of you are like best friends" Loki pointed out and both men looked at each other and laughed, not arguing with him on that fact. Roxy suddenly came out of the open door and trotted to you quickly and licked your face. You broke out into a laugh and finally moved. You scratch her behind the ears before you sat up again.
"I'm going to go back and have my tea" Nat leaned over sideways and kissed you on your temple. You watched as she got up and went back to her side of the balcony where Clint and Bruce were waiting patiently with Tom. You took a long drink of your tea and set the mug down. Steve reached over and pulled you back under his arm again, and you nuzzled in contentedly.
"Are you looking forward to doing the group work on abilities in the morning?" Loki asked politely.
"It should be fun. I think I want to work on bridging my invisibility a bit more" you offered easily.
"You should make one of Tony's laptops disappear" Loki smirked. "That should make for an entertaining morning" he added with a slight chuckle.

"Or one of his suits" Bucky chuckled slightly to himself and Sam just shook his head at the thought of it.
"Nothing that will push yourself too hard" Clint reminded you.
"I'll be there to make sure of it," Bruce assured him.
"I know, I won't" you gave a wan smile. "But it would be funny to freak Tony out a little" you giggled.
"Focus on that stuff tomorrow, tonight, just enjoy the scenery. And turn your music on" Nat ordered and you took out your phone to turn on the music.

"Are you getting tired, baby doll?" Steve whispered to you after the sun had finished setting. Everyone had already left, with Bucky and Sam washing the mugs from the evening.
"I've been tired all night" you gave a slight yawn. "I was waiting you out" you admitted.
"Come on, lets go inside" he gave you a kiss on top of the head affectionately and you hummed to yourself before pulling out of his embrace and standing up. Roxy jumped up automatically, and Tom who was laying beside you on the bench swing gave a small meow. You turned and picked him up quickly and held him close to your chest as you made your way through your open balcony door into your bedroom. The chill of the night air filled the room as well, and you waited for Steve to come in with Roxy on his heels. He turned and closed the balcony door and you set Tom down on the bed. You pulled off your sweater and gave a visible shiver.
"You should wear something more for bed, its a bit cool in here" Steve frowned a bit.
"Why should I, when I have the worlds best body heater laying beside me?" you asked a little coyly. Steve broke out into a smile and nodded.
"Come on my Angel, let's get you changed into something more comfortable" he chuckled softly. You turned and held his gaze as you slowly undressed down to nothing by your panties. He sucked in a breath, and you knew you were testing the limits of his will power. You gave a slight smirk and turned on your heel, heading to the bathroom to do your skincare routine, use the facilities, and take your pill. You could hear Steve in the bedroom moving around, and suddenly your music was turned up and "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran came on and you came back out. Steve stood in his black boxer briefs beside the bed, holding Tom who's black fur was standing out starkly against his pale skin.
"Get over here" Steve nearly purred at the sight of you. You quickly made your way to him, and he put Tom back on the bed, and he pulled on your hand pulling you close. He put you into the dancing position, and your naked breasts were pressed up against his bare chest. Your nipples pebbled with the brisk temperature in the room and you gave a slight shiver. Steve rubbed his hand up and down your spine in a soothing motion, and also to give you additional warmth. You both swayed and danced to the song, and you heard Steve humming to the words. Once in a while he would lean his head down and kiss you on top of the head, but he never stopped dancing with you.
"Steve?" you asked in a scant whisper.
"What is it, my Angel?" he asked, neve losing his rhythm.
"I love you" you kissed his chest and he held you a little tighter.
"I love you too" his voice filled the room, and you gave a contented sigh. He danced with you until the song was over and then he stopped and brought his fingers under your chin to tilt your face up towards him and he brushed his lips against yours softly, in a perfect but lingering kiss. "I think I was born to love you" he whispered as he pulled away. "You and only you" he added.
"Steve" you flushed.
"I mean it" he leaned in and brushed his lips against yours again. "I've never known a love like this, and I never will again" he smiled and you gave in, leaning up to kiss him again.
"The feeling is mutual" you rubbed your hand on his shoulders.
"Come on, get under the covers before you get a chill" he gestured to the bed. You nodded and quickly slipped in under the blankets with Steve quick behind you. You laid on your side, and he wrapped his arms around you, and pulled you flush against his body. You easily molded into him and closed your eyes, trying not to let the memories of your past invade your present.

Longing (Steve Rogers x reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें