Tony's alarm

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You had just started to doze off, Steve beside you taking a small nap. True to his word, he kept you up for hours since the jet had landed and you were truly exhausted. A shrill sound filled the air of the morning alarm for breakfast and you embraced your invisibility by second nature. Steve jumped and wrapped his arms around your invisible form and looked around in a dazed state.
"Tony" he grumbled in realization.
"I guess the late night doesn't mean anything" you yawned tiredly.
"I know I turned that alarm off" Steve looked at you as you became visible again, and he gave you a soft but sweet kiss on the lips. "Come on, we will sleep after we eat" he gave a slight stretch.
"All due respect Captain, I'm not sure I can walk" you giggled.
"Then I did my job" he winked at you, and got out of bed. You watched him go into the closet and you tenderly got out of bed as the alarm got disabled. You moved a little unsurely at first, but got your footing before making your way to the closet where Steve was half dressed in a pair of grey sweatpants, and in the middle of putting on a ribbed sleeveless shirt. You grabbed your undergarments first and put them on before putting on your leggings and t-shirt. "You look good enough to eat," Steve grinned.
"You've done that, several times" you giggled.
"I know, I can't help myself" he winked, leaning in and giving you a kiss on the lips again.
"Promise me we can get some sleep after breakfast?" you asked, feeling utterly exhausted.
"We will come right back up here, and you can sleep in my arms" he grinned.
"Deal" you sighed happily.
"Where's your sweater?" Steve asked quickly, looking at you proudly with all of his kiss marks littering your skin.
"I didn't bring one?" you half asked, half told him. He grabbed one of his zip up hoodies off the hanger and handed it to you. You put it on without question and felt like you were swimming in the fabric, but you loved it. "Do you think Bucky and Clint's alarm went off too?" you asked as you heard a notification go off on one of your phones. You looked over and saw it was Steve's phone. Steve grabbed both phones, handing you yours and he grimaced.
"That was Bucky, I think Tony has a death wish," Steve chuckled.
"He must have hit all the bedrooms before we came home" you realized.
"It's fine, he is probably anxious for the data stick I brought back" Steve went into the living room and grabbed it out of his suitcase. He reached a hand towards you, and you took it without question. He went and unlocked the suite door and led you out into the hallway where you saw a very grumpy looking Bucky and Clint standing outside the door.
"What happened to sleeping in Captain?" Clint asked in a slight grumble.
"I'll talk to Tony" Steve gave a soft sigh. "We got hit with an alarm too"
"Were you even sleeping?" Bucky asked, looking pointedly at your neck.
"Barely" you admitted, flushing a brilliant red.
"Come on team" Steve put his arm over your shoulders and pulled you in close. You leaned into him as he started leading you down the hallway.

"Welcome back" Tony chirped as the four of you came into the dining room sleepily.
"Starshine!" Bruce looked up happily and you didn't have in your heart to be grumpy anymore.
"Good morning" you yawned.
"You look exhausted" Loki looked scandalized that you had come downstairs. "What time did you get in?"
"Just a few hours ago" Clint slumped down into a chair beside Natasha who was studying you closely. You heard a whine and looked over to see Roxy making a mad dash for you and you got quickly on your knees, opening your arms for her as she leapt at you.
"There's my good girl" you cooed to her as she whimpered and whined for your full attention. She started licking your face and you giggled. Tom jumped down from his perch, purring loudly and came over to jump up on your shoulders and put himself around your neck. You rewarded both of them with several kisses and tried to stand up but Roxy wasn't done with you yet, and neither was Tom.
"Alright, come on. She needs to eat too you two" Steve chuckled and pulled Tom off your shoulders first. He then took your hand and helped you up. Roxy whined and jumped up with her paws on your stomach. You bent forward and kissed her on the tip of her nose, and she got the point. She jumped down and went back to her kibble.
"Thank you for watching them while I was gone" you said a little louder, looking at Sam, Nat and Bruce.
"We had a great time" Sam grinned happily and you took a seat beside Clint, and Steve took the seat beside you almost immediately.
"We tried hogging Tom," Nat smirked. "Sam kept coming to our room to steal him back"
"Why don't you two get a cat?" you asked with a raised eyebrow as the food started getting passed around the table.
"We can share yours for now" she shrugged.
"Natasha showed me how you looked in your dress on the mission. You looked beautiful" Wanda cooed to you.
"I was the distraction, it took over an hour to do my makeup," you admitted.
"You did well, I was impressed" Nat gave you an appraising eye. "You should get that dry cleaned. I have to send a few things out for it, want me to send your dress as well?" Nat asked, hiding a small smile.
"I'd love that. It saves me a trip" you immediately nodded.
"Good, I'll grab it from your room" she didn't bother hiding her smile now.
"I'll bring it in, it's not in my room at the moment" you admitted with flushed cheeks.
"Yeah, that's what I thought too" she chuckled. "I checked your room this morning and all I saw was bags. You're not getting out of girl's day" she pointed at you with her fork.
"I wouldn't dream of it" you rolled your eyes. "I needed some new undergarments and some jeans. Maybe some new t-shirts" you started trying to think of everything that you would have to pick up. You definitely didn't need anything dressy for a long time.
"Oh, before I forget" you slipped off the engagement ring and wedding band and handed them to Steve.
"I'll give these to Tony with the flash drive" Steve murmured, pocketing it.
"Yes, the flash drive. I've been dying to sink my teeth into it" Tony clapped his hands, making Pepper and Happy both jump beside him.
"Is that why you set the alarm in all of our rooms?" Bucky growled.
"Partially. We missed you guys" Tony shrugged easily.
"Please pass me the coffee" you reached for it. Clint passed it to you, and once you were done Steve took it and filled his cup as well.
"So was he Hydra?" Thor asked, and you saw Peter and Pietro look up sharply.
"Yes," Steve confirmed. "I believe so, that's up for Tony and Bruce to figure out"
"How was Roxy and Tom this week?" you asked after the food got passed around. You saw Thor take out his traditional pop tart and started with that first.
"So good, they were well behaved. They obviously missed their mom though" Sam smiled looking at you. "I'm still babysitting them until after supper though. Roxy and I have a run to go for"
"Thank you, I'm so tired" you smiled at him gratefully.
"I've got this, I might get me a dog after this" he grinned. You tried to focus on your food, but you were nearly falling asleep in your food. Steve reached over and put his hand on your thigh and gave a soft squeeze to bring you back to present. You drank down your coffee, but you were exhausted.
"Songbird?" Nat looked over at you and you looked at her tiredly. "Sweetie, you should go to bed" she cooed at you.
"Yes, you have a few days to work on your report" Tony quickly nodded.
"I still have to clean off my bed" you pouted, momentarily forgetting that you were supposed to go back to Steve's room.
"Baby doll, you are coming back to my room" Steve half whispered. "You can worry about that stuff later," he promised.
"You need to let her sleep this time, Captain" Loki gave a soft chuckle.
"I will," Steve sighed, knowing he couldn't lie to Loki.
"Don't forget you need to go over this week's mission dockets before the end of the day before I email them out" Tony reminded Steve who was watching you worriedly. You gave another soft yawn, seeming just exhausted. He knew he was half the reason you were that tired. He wasn't sure if he should be proud or not. He quickly finished eating, and looked over to see Clint and Bucky looked half asleep as well. He gave a small grimace.
"Next time, Tony, let us sleep" Steve gave a soft warning in his tone.
"Noted" Tony looked at the four of you, understanding he probably shouldn't have pulled the prank with the alarms.
"Here are the fake rings, and the flash drive" Steve stood up and handed them to Tony. He came back to grab both your dishes and his own and he brought them back into the kitchen. He went back to you and you were leaning with your elbow on the table, which was uncharacteristic of you. He put his hand on your shoulder and you stood up. He bent down and put one of his arms behind your knees and the other one behind your back and easily swept you off of your feet. You let out a soft yelp, but quickly put your arms around his shoulders. He chuckled and started making his way slowly back upstairs. You looked back to see Clint and Bucky following suit.
As soon as Steve got upstairs, he brought you back into his bedroom and he set you down on the side of the bed and helped you take off his sweater. He pulled at your pants and got them off before you crawled into the center of the bed. He quickly shed his pants and his shirt before he got in the bed and curled up to you, holding you close. You wriggled until your body was snuggly curled into his and gave a soft sigh before falling asleep.

Longing (Steve Rogers x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora