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"When did you start finally dating?" Lila asked as soon as the meal started. You were all seated in Clint's large dining room with food overflowing on the table.
"Almost a month ago" Steve answered for you. "I finally got the courage to ask her on a date"
"You are still in the honeymoon phase," Laura giggled. "Still learning about one another"
"We've learned a lot so far" you gave a small smile. "I'm looking forward to hearing about everything I've missed over the last month"
"Well, you missed trick or treating, but so did dad since it was during the week. We got a lot of candy. Mom brought us to the richer neighborhoods, and they gave us full size chocolate bars" Nathaniel told you quickly. "I saved you one of my Reese's"
"You didn't have to do that" you reached over and ruffled his hair. He quickly reached up and smoothed it out. "But thank you. Maybe we can share it later"
"We have your famous apple pie for dessert, so there's no extra treats tonight" Laura warned.
"Oops, guess we will have to wait until tomorrow" you grinned.
"Mom" Nathaniel whined.
"No, listen to your mom," Clint shook his head. "Besides, we are going for our picnic tomorrow and you can bring it then"
"Are you going to braid my hair before we go, daddy?" Lila asked quickly.
"I've been working on a new one" he chuckled and smiled at her adoringly.
"He made it so it sticks pretty good too" you added.
"Since Steve is here this weekend, I planned Saturday's meal without your help so you can spend more time with the kids" Laura smiled at you.
"You didn't have to do that" you looked at her in surprise.
"I do that same thing for Nat and Bruce. It's no trouble. Sunday though, you two are on babysitting duty" she warned you.
"I'll get the kids far away from here" you giggled.
"Mom, we don't need to know," Cooper groaned.
"Know what?" Nathaniel asked quickly.
"Mom and dad need time alone," Lila told him, acting wiser than her age. "I want a new baby sister next year"
"I think that's a bit much, I have more renovations to do. I'm thinking we are going to add on a few more rooms on the main floor. We could use a few more rooms for guests" Clint grinned in spite of himself and Laura rolled her eyes hearing him talk about more renovations.
"Do you do a lot of renovations?" Steve asked curiously.
"All the time," Laura chuckled. "This used to be a four bedroom farmhouse. Now it has seven bedrooms, with three bathrooms and three bedrooms with an ensuite bathroom. One of them is Y/N's usual room, Nat and Bruce's usual room, and the other one is ours"
"We don't have to fight for the shower in the morning," you grinned.
"You were going to get Nat and Bruce's room" Clint slid that in smoothly.
"Thank you, but just the one room will be fine for us" you gave Clint a level gaze while Steve looked away, a little embarrassed.
"That's because they're in love" Lila announced with a whimsical sigh and both your face and Steve's went red.
"Tell me about school this week" Clint changed the subject, and for that you were grateful. You listened to the kids talk about school while you ate, and you noticed that Steve didn't put his hand on your lap until the end of the meal. Lila noticed almost immediately and wiggled her eyebrows at you. You gave a small wink, and went back to having a sip of your wine.

After supper you all went outside on the wrap around porch while the kids played with Roxy of whom they were completely in love with. You sat on the porch steps with Steve behind you, his arms wrapped around you as you both watched the three kids play with her. They were taking turns throwing the stick and Roxy was surprisingly good at the game. You made a mental note to play that more with her at the compound.
"Thank you for buying her some dog food, Laura" you looked over at her with a grin on your face.
"As soon as Clint told me you adopted a dog, I went out and bought a bag for the weekends" she admitted quickly. "We also bought her a dog bed for in your room"
"Thank you" you felt touched they would go so far for you.
"Cooper asked me how you got a black eye," Clint admitted softly. "I told him you got in a fight at work, and kicked someone's ass"
"I'm hoping it heals up quickly" you frowned. "I thought I got it covered pretty well with makeup," you admitted.
"It's starting to wear off, but don't worry. You still look great" Laura smiled at you. "So who finally made the first move?"
"I did," Steve grinned. "I got tired of waiting"
"Believe me, we were all tired of waiting," Clint chuckled.
"Y/N talked a lot about you, we knew she liked you" Laura grinned.
"Did she now?" Steve looked at you appraisingly.
"I wasn't that bad" you flushed.
"Can Roxy come to sleep with me tonight?" Cooper came running over with a big smile on his face.
"She sure can, if she's comfortable with it. You'll have to give her some of her favorite treats though, and bring in the dog bed" you warned him.
"I'll go grab it out of your room" he ran into the house straight away.
"You two must be tired" Laura looked over knowingly.
"I need a shower" you stood up quickly and gave a yawn. "I'll show Steve the way," you grinned.
"Good night" Clint waved to you, and Steve quickly went to follow you. You stopped in the living room to grab your bags, and you also grabbed your purse and you led him upstairs to your normal bedroom where Cooper was just coming out with the dog bed, and heading down the hallway to his room. You led the way into your room with the homemade quilt on the queen sized bed and small dresser to the side. You quickly put your bag on top of the dresser and opened it up, taking out everything and putting it away into one half of the dresser. Steve followed your lead, and used the other half of the dresser to put his clothes away. He saw you take out your makeup kit and you walked to the small door that was to the side and you walked into the bathroom to put it away. Steve followed you in and chuckled to himself.
"This really is your room" he pointed out the soaps and lotions.
"I come here quite a bit," you shrugged.
"I know, I used to hate it" he watched as you took a small glass from the side of the sink and you took your birth control pill. "So you take that at bedtime?"
"Every time I went to the bathroom before bed," you nodded. "I keep it in the bathroom"
"I guess I had to see it for myself," he smirked. "You always fought taking your pain meds"
"It's different. I can handle the pain usually" you shrugged and walked back out of the bathroom, grabbed your overnight bag and slipped it under the bed. Steve followed your actions and slipped his under the bed as well. You went to the bedside table and plugged in your phone and turned on some music. "Who's taking a shower first?" you asked, your breath hitching in your throat with the way he was looking at you.
"We could conserve water" he grinned, pulling you in and putting his hands on either side of your hips.
"The kids are in and out of my room all the time, behave" you giggled. You rose up on your tiptoes and brushed your lips against his and he dipped his head in just enough for you to share a soft kiss. You heard footsteps and quickly pulled away before Nathaniel threw open your door.
"Is it true Roxy is staying with Cooper tonight?!" he demanded.
"Why don't you have a sleepover with your brother?" you asked, knowing where this was going.
"He hates it when I'm in his room" he pouted.
"Tell him I said you two had to share Roxy" you made your voice firm as you responded.
"Fine, I guess" he walked back out, leaving the door open.
"I'll let you go first," Steve chuckled.
"Right, shower" you sighed to yourself and headed towards the dresser to grab your moss green lace panties and matching negligee. You hurried to the bathroom to take a long hot shower. You made sure to wash every nook and cranny, and when you came out you had a towel wrapped around your hair and Steve grinned at the sight of you. He was sitting on the side of the bed with his pajama pants and a clean pair of boxer briefs in his hands. He stood up and gave you a quick, chaste kiss on the lips before he slipped into the bathroom and you went and hung up your towel on the back of the bedroom door. You pulled out your book and laid on the outside of the bed, closest to the door like you normally did. When Steve came back out of the bathroom, you were three chapters in and he went and hung up his towel and closed the door completely. You looked at him curiously, knowing most of the house was in bed by now.
"I don't know how it worked in your previous relationships, baby doll, but I take the spot closest to the door" Steve stood in front of you.
"So chivalry isn't dead" you giggled and moved on the bed so you were closer to the window. You looked at Steve with his bare chest, there was no bruise left from the week before any longer. He looked perfect, as always.
"Never" he shook his head and pulled back the covers to slip in beside you after turning off the light. You put your book away and immediately snuggled into him. He started pulling up on you and you looked up at him curiously and he smirked in the moonlight. You moved so you were laying more on top of him, and put your thighs on either side of his hips. He immediately sat up and claimed your lips in a searing kiss. You felt like the two of you fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. It was brilliant, and satisfying. He brought his hands under your negligee to rest on either side of your hips, and he toyed with the lace panties while his tongue worked you like a fiddle in your mouth. You rolled your hips against him, giving into all the sensations that he was blessing your body with. He hummed against your lips and used his hands to coax you to continue moving your hips. You continued to feverishly kiss him, riding him on his lap. He gave a soft moan that sounded like music to your ears, and you went to cry out but the sound was washed away easily by his lips.
"I need to feel you" he pulled back from the kiss and started kissing down the side of your neck, his hands coming up to cup your breasts.
"Shh... you'll wake someone up" you whispered, listening intently to the hallway. He pinched your nipples in response, and when you went to yelp in surprise he claimed your lips again, muffling the sound. He pushed down on his pajama bottoms until his cock sprung free, and he used one hand to push your panties to the side. You caught onto what he wanted, and you put each of your lower lips to be spread by his incredible girth, and you started rolling your hips again. He continued to kiss you like a man starved, thrusting up making the bed squeak slightly as he moved, and you rolled your hips in tune with his movements. You felt the coil of your orgasm close to breaking so you pulled slightly on his hair to bring him in more for a kiss as you cried out. He groaned at nearly the same time and you looked down to see he came on his stomach and chest again.
"Fuck baby doll, the things you do to me" he breathed against your lips. He reached under you and fixed your panties for you and you clambered off of him while he made his way to the bathroom. You heard him turn on the tap and wash his chest and stomach off before he came back out again and slipped into bed beside you. "I might not be able to wait for that bruise to be gone" he huffed as he pulled you in close to lay next to him.
"Are you admitting I'm not made of glass?" you giggled.
"I admit I'm willing to take a chance" he chuckled and gave you a kiss on top of your head.
"Are you afraid of me getting pregnant?" you asked softly.
"Not really, I've always wanted a family. But it would put you off missions for a while" he paused before he answered. "I can already tell I want something like that with you" he gave you a large smile.
"I'm pretty sure I want that with you too" you sighed happily.
"We are having our one month anniversary while we are on our next mission" he seemed pensive as he spoke.
"Mission first, of course" you nodded.
"Girlfriend first, we are going to have a nice anniversary date next weekend. Don't plan on going anywhere" he kissed you on top of your head again and you giggled, nuzzling in wanting nothing more than to spend more time with your Steve.

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