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When Clint, Bucky and Sam left for the night, Steve waited for you to finish your chapter and to put down your legs on your own before he closed up his own book. He helped you bring in all the mugs and put them in your small kitchenette, and tried to insist on washing your mugs but you shooed him out of the way and started on the task yourself. He stood to the side and seemed to be waiting for something, but for what you weren't sure. Once you were done cleaning the mugs you put them all on the drying rack, and he cleared his throat.
"Are we still on for tomorrow?" he asked with a small smile, biting his bottom lip, and you wanted to groan at how good he made that look.
"Absolutely" you gave a nod, smiling happily that he seemed to really want to go with you. "I'm pretty excited," you admitted.
"Good. We are leaving early for our mission, so I'll miss you at breakfast, but we will be back in time to go" he took a small step towards you and you knew you should step away, but goodness knew you just couldn't. He was in your personal space, and you were going to let him stay as long as he pleased.. He reached up his hand and brushed a stray hair out of your face and put it behind your ear. You gazed into his beautiful baby blue eyes, unapologetically, and found yourself wanting to lean forward into him to see if he would move away, or if he would move in closer.
"I'll see you tomorrow night then" you whispered huskily and you saw his eyes dilate as his gaze ticked down to your lips. He cleared his throat, giving a nod, but stood unmoving. You didn't want to break the spell, but also knew he was technically your commanding officer, and you should step away.
"Tomorrow" he echoed, and finally took a step back. "Sleep well" he flushed a little, realizing only now how close he was to you.
"Good night" you smiled at him, and he paused for a moment again.
"Are you going to Tony's party?" he asked a little lamely.
"Yes, of course" you giggled. "It's mandatory, remember?" you shifted your weight off your bad leg.
"Right, I almost forgot," he chuckled. "Do you dance?" he asked a little hopefully, his lips slightly parted as he gazed into your eyes.
"Not as well as Natasha or Wanda, but I do enjoy a good slow dance" you nodded, holding your breath.
"Can I request a dance, just a slow one?" He gave a smile. "I only slow dance too," he added quickly.
"Of course, I'd love to dance with you" you could feel your heart hammering in your chest and you gazed at him hopefully, wondering if this was going to finally be your shot with him.
"We could always practice before the party, once your leg doesn't hurt anymore" Steve could feel his heart pounding in his chest, as he saw the hopeful look on your face. He thought maybe he was finally bridging beyond friendship with you. You looked overjoyed, and it was hard for him not to reach out and touch you right now. He had asked the one question he had been dying to ask all night, and had waited until the guys were gone to finally voice it. He wasn't disappointed. His gaze kept going to your beautiful plump lips, and he licked his own in anticipation of what they would feel like.
"Practice does make perfect" you whispered to him and his face broke out into a smile of relief.
"Tomorrow?" Steve asked quickly, not wanting to lose his nerve. You nodded with a light in your eyes that told him he was on the right track. "Your room, or mine?" he whispered, leaning in a little bit.
"Up to you" you breathed, wondering if this was a date.
"My room, after we get back from Roxy That way we don't have visitors" he gave a grin, knowing Loki, Nat or Clint could randomly stop by. He was going to tell Sam and Bucky under no circumstance were they to come to his room tomorrow. "If your leg is better. If not, we can just listen to the record player" he offered.
"Okay" you nodded quickly. "Don't forget your walk with the boys though" you didn't want him to forget his friends.
"I won't. I'll leave you to it" he backed up, feeling like he finally got a date with you. Although he recognized the fact that he didn't actually ask you on a date. It was an undercover date. A date that didn't seem like a date. He wasn't sure. He wasn't making sense. He couldn't get the scent of you out of his senses, and he just wasn't making any sense any longer. He got to your suite door, and waved before walking out, noticing that you had barely moved from your spot rooted in your kitchenette.

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