Stay away from me- Dangerous Series

Start from the beginning

Y/n made him promise not to tell anybody else because she felt that this was Harry’s responsibility. Which, luckily for her, Zayn kept his promise and never said a word about it to anyone.

The rest of the guys tried to get it out of him, though. They never forced it, but occasionally mentioned her in casual conversations to see what he would say or do. But each and every time, he ignored them. The mention of her name killed him on the inside, and he still can’t face the reality that they aren’t together anymore.

To say the guys have been concerned for him is an understatement. Sure, he’s stopped fighting, but he’s still not the same Harry he was when he was with Y/n. He’s constantly distracted—his mind always somewhere not where it’s supposed to be. He drinks more, too, which used to spike up his anger, but now only spikes up his depression. He has no motivation to do anything besides stay in his house and dwell on the guilt he’s carried.

Getting him to the lake house is one of their ways of getting him to heal. They just don’t know how much this place kills him, though. God, he can’t even look at a single square inch of it without seeing her in his head.

How the hell is he going to get through the weekend?

The boys begin to notice how hurt Harry is when he begins to prepare for the bonfire they planned on having later on that night. And instead of telling them how truly heartbreaking this weekend is going to be for him, he avoids that topic of conversation completely.

He was already depressed enough, he didn’t need to bury himself in it on his own birthday.

Harry groans, lifting heavy piles of wood and constructing them into a setup for later. He’s finished now—has been finished for a while—but he just can’t stop. All he can think about is how Y/n isn’t with him—how she’s probably in her new home, sulking, hating him for ruining her life.

It’s his weekend, and she probably hates him.

He sighs, placing his hands on his knees and leaning forward, eyes trained on the ground. He just can’t get her out of his head, no matter how much he tries to distract himself, almost every waking moment he’s thinking about the first time they met.


They were at a party Zayn’s aunt decided to host. It was a casual-formal event, just something special for her close friends to feel welcomed to upon their return to London after being in the states for a while.

Zayn was, obviously, invited. His aunt even insisted on him bringing his best friends, which he probably would have done, anyways, because he wasn’t too familiar with the family the party was for. The only member he’s ever really talked to was Y/n. She was super shy, very introverted, but was extremely sweet nonetheless. She had talked to Zayn a couple times when they stayed at his aunt’s house simultaneously. Other than that, they didn’t talk much.

“C’mon, you’re just gonna stand in the corner all night?” Zayn approached Harry, a glass of vodka held loosely in his hands.

Harry was pissed he was even in the situation he was in. Social events weren’t his thing—never something he found entertaining. He didn’t care about this stupid family’s return, he didn’t even know them.

“This is the last goddam place I want to be right now” Harry seethed, “I’m pissed off at you for even fucking forcing me here, don’t force me to try and mingle, too.”

He let out a slight grumble in Zayn’s direction before making his way to the mini bar. On his way, in the midst of his aggravation, he felt a body collide with his.

He groaned, a slight growl in the mix, definitely not in any mood for people to get in his way.

“Watch where you’re—"

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