“Yeah, that sounds like fun,” she complied, a sigh to her voice as she kissed her dreams of an early bedtime goodbye.

“Yeah? Y'sure, love?” Harry asked, his voice soft as he moved one of his hands to rest on her cheek with his thumb rubbing along her cheekbone. She knew he could tell she was off, but she was going to try her hardest to hide her fatigue from him.

“Promise. I just need to get out of my work clothes first.”

Harry seemed happy with her response—he loved when she promised to him—, his smile widening as he looked at her. He tilted her head up to look at him, with his hand still on her cheek.

“Give me a kiss, angel.”

She melted at his words, happy to finally kiss him and hear the pet name fall from his lips. She stood on the tips of her toes, puckering her lips in an attempt to get closer. Harry made it easy on her by leaning down the rest of the way, and pressing a kiss to her pout. (Y/N) sighed into the contact, content with being able to finally get the kiss she was hoping for all day (unfortunately, not before bedtime like she had imagined, but this will do). Harry held her tightly as he slotted his lips against her’s, smiling the smallest bit at the sound of her sigh.

He was the first to pull away, his hands landing on the small of her back once again before he pressed a kiss to her cheek. He pat her butt gently, a smile tugging at his cheeks as he took in her heated expression. “Go get ready, baby, I’ll tell them we’ll be there.”

(Y/N) dazedly followed his words, nodding her head before trailing back to his bedroom to rifle through her reserved drawer for a different outfit. She could feel Harry’s eyes on her the whole way, and she could only imagine the lazy smile he had on his face.

As she changed into a pair of leggings from her jeans, all (Y/N) wanted to do was pull on the pair of cream sleep shorts and matching top Harry had gifted her a few weeks back. (Jus’ because, he had said as he handed the bag to her accompanied by a bouquet of red aster flowers). Instead, she threw on a large, grey shirt of his, the hem hitting the middle of her thighs. She busied herself by fixing her hair out of her face and patching up her makeup, anything to keep her eyes open and hopefully help her catch a second wind.

Eventually, Harry followed into the bedroom, his hand running through his loose curls now that he had taken the scrunchie out, the band now around his wrist. He took a seat on the edge of the bed, facing (Y/N) who stood in the bathroom with an applicator lacquering her lips over with a pink gloss. From the corner of her eye, she could see Harry examining her reflection, a set in his jaw he only had when he was worried over her (which was more often than she would like).

“Y'sure y'want to go out tonight, lovebug? We can stay home and cuddle and put on a movie if y'want.” Harry’s suggestion was a code (Y/N) knew all too well; he knew she was always the first to fall asleep when they laid out on the couch for movies, and this was his way of getting her to admit she was tired.

“Yes, I’m sure, H. We haven’t all been together in so long, and I really want some fried rice right now,” she countered, making a point to blink the sleep from her eyes in an effort to look more awake for Harry’s sake.

“Alright,” Harry sighed, his voice skeptic as he stood from his position on their bed. He stepped into the bathroom, settling his hands on her hips as he took his spot behind her. He settled his chin on her shoulder, his bright green eyes watching her in the reflection. “Love you,” he cooed, pressing a kiss to her cheek with a tilt of his head.

“Love you too, H.” (Y/N) shifted, turning her own head to replace her cheek with her lips against his in a small kiss. “We should probably leave if we’re supposed to meet them.”

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