"You said that Kurt has another daughter, right?"



"Well, when a woman and a man really love each other-"

Lorelai groaned and covered her ears. "You already gave me this talk. I mean, how long were you guys dating for?"

"We dated from 1990 to 1992 and then he proposed to me in 1992 and we got married in 1993."

"What's his other daughter's name?"

"Frances Bean Cobain."

"Who's her mother?"

"Courtney Love."

"How old is she?"

"She's four."

"Wait. She's Melissa's age?"


"Mom, that means-"

I met her eyes in the mirror. "I know."

"He cheated on you?"

"Yeah, but we moved past it."

"I automatically don't like him."

"That's how I should've reacted. Don't let any man treat you below what you're worth."

"I want to meet Frances. We should keep her. I mean, that's Melissa's sister."

"Her mother is a crazy woman. I could talk to Kurt's mother and see if she can try to orchestrate something for us to meet her."

"Do you think she remembers you?"

"Not in the slightest. Her mother hates me-she's jealous of me because I was able to get with Kurt and she wasn't-so she probably removed every memory that Frances had of me."

"That's not very nice to say."

I parked the car. "We're here!"

Melissa and Lorelai both unbuckled themselves and climbed out of the car. I grabbed Melissa's hand and we walked inside of the building. I signed a couple of documents and then was told that the therapist would be out shortly. 

"Are you going to be in there with me?" Lorelai asked. 

"Probably only for the beginning. Well, so, the first appointments are always just to get to know each other-" But then I realized that the therapist was going to ask Lorelai if she knew why she was there and she probably would start going on a ramble. "I'll be in there with you."

"Melissa too?"


"She'll distract me."

"She has dolls, Lorelai."

"For Lorelai Stockins," A woman announced. 

"Let's go," I smiled at Lorelai. 

We followed the woman to her office and Melissa talked the whole walk there about absolutely nothing. 

As soon as we walked inside, I knelt down to Melissa' eye-level. 

"Melissa," I told her. "You have to be quiet, okay? If you want to play dolls that's alright, but you have to do it quietly."

"Okay," She put a finger over her mouth and shushed me. 

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch next to Lorelai. Melissa sat down next to me. 

The therapist introduced herself as Brittany. She asked Lorelai all the simple things about herself-age, birthday, etc. They got to know each other a little as well, too. 

It's Better to Burn Out than Fade Away-Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now