Chapter 101

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December 21, 1993

I could hear Melissa and Lorelai squealing from downstairs. They were happy their father was home. I was, too. 

But here I was stuck downstairs, cleaning up the dinner mess. It made me feel like I was really a mother and a wife: doing the stereotypical things that families do. It was all the same thing. Every single person grows up thinking that you go to school, come home, go to school, then graduate. Then, you go to more school and then you work. And work. And work. You meet someone, you get married, and you have kids. 

Then, there's Kurt and people like him. They get treated better because people like them better. It really wasn't fair and I hadn't thought about it often, but celebrities get treated so much better than us "normal folk". Kurt didn't agree with that. In fact, he despised it. He knew that there were so many more talented people out there than him that don't have the chance to do what he can do. 

"RUBY!" Kurt yelled. "COME UP HERE!"

I set down the sponge and pots, then ran upstairs. 

Kurt jumped out behind a corner and screamed in my face, causing me to scream. 

"That's not funny," I chuckled. "You could've given  me a heart attack. Alright, girls, time to take a bath."

"No, I take showers, remember?" Lorelai asked. 

"That is right; you are right. Then let's all go into Mommy and Daddy's bathroom."

I picked up Melissa and we went into Kurt's and my bathroom. 

Kurt started the bath as I took off Melissa's clothes. Then, she ran away. 

"Naked baby on the loose!" Kurt started laughing hysterically. He grabbed the camera, started recording, and ran after. "Look at your tiny little tuckus. Melissa, come back here!"

"Alright, are you ready to take a shower?" I asked Lorelai. 

I turned on the shower, stopped the bath, and took off my clothes and hopped in there with her. 

"Mommy, the water's too hot!" Lorelai yelled. 

I turned it down and washed both of us. Once we were done, I ran out to grab a towel for Lorelai while I was dripping all over the floor. 

Just then, Kurt walked in with Melissa and the camera was still rolling. 

"Mommy, why are you naked?" He asked. 

"Are you going to take a bath with Melissa or am I?" I asked. 

"You can since you're already ready for it."

I grabbed Melissa and took her in the bath with me. 

"We're getting Frances tomorrow, right?" I asked him.

"Yes we are," He nodded his head. 

Melissa started splashing me and hitting my face. 

"Ow," I put her hand up to my face and stroked it softly. "Nice hands. Nice. Kurt, I'm teaching her how to use her nice hands."

"I'm teaching her how to use her naughty finger. Is that right?"

I glared at him. "Are you getting my whole body in that video?"

"Indeed I am. In fact, I am zooming in on your breasts right now."

"What if I wanted to show this to our children when they're all grown up?"

"Oh no! It's a body part that they have, too!" He sarcastically said. 

"I get that, but-" There was no point in arguing with him. 

It's Better to Burn Out than Fade Away-Kurt CobainDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora