Chapter 86

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January 28, 1993

We drove to Kurt's mom's house to have dinner there. She hadn't seen us in a while, so we thought that it would be nice for her to see us again. 

"Are you ever going to speak to your father?" I asked Kurt as we pulled into her driveway. 

"No need to," He shut that conversation down quickly. I decided not to egg him on; I didn't want to argue with him. 

I unbuckled Lorelai as he grabbed Frances's car seat. Then, I grabbed Melissa's car seat. We knocked on the door and were greeted by Kim. 

"Hi guys!" She held the door wide open. 

I walked inside, took my shoes off, and set down Melissa by the stairs. 

"Is Frances asleep?" I asked Kurt. 

"Yeah," He said. 

"Put her down next to Lorelai."


"Shoot, I mean Melissa."

Lorelai giggled. "Silly Mommy."

I walked into the kitchen and saw that Wendy was making some food. 

"Do you need some help?" I offered. 

"Oh, that's alright. I'm almost done anyway. Kim can help. Where are the littles?"

She ran out of the kitchen as Kim walked in. 

"I'll help," I told her. 

"No, that's alright. There's nothing really to help with."

Just then, I heard a baby cry. Was it mine?

"Frances is awake," Kurt said. 

Just then, another baby cried. 

Frances woke up Melissa. 

I sighed and kneeled down in front of her carseat and took her out. 

"Do you have a high chair?" I asked Wendy, clearly overstimulated by all of the noise. 

"I don't know!" She yelled. 

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Melissa's bottle out of the diaper bag. I sat down on the couch and fed her. 

"There's a jar of food in here, right?" Kurt asked. 

"There should be," I said. 

"Found it! I'm going to feed Frances."

"Mommy, where are my dolls?" Lorelai asked. 

"Did you not bring them inside?" I looked around to see if her dolls were anywhere.

"No, I left them in the car."

I sighed. "Just wait one second, okay? I'll grab them once I'm done feeding Melissa."

"But Mommy-" She whined. 

"No!" I cut her off. "You're not going to be whining, Lorelai. I am busy right now."

She groaned and stomped into the kitchen. I sighed, feeling terribly stressed out. I didn't even get a second to relax before the girls started crying. 

After Melissa was done eating, I burped her, set her down on the ground, and rushed to the car to get Lorelai's dolls. As I came back inside, I heard Melissa wailing. Lorelai snatched the dolls from me and I picked Melissa up. 

"Jesus Christ," I put her binky in her mouth to make her stop crying. I sat down at the kitchen table with Kurt. "I can't catch a break."

"Tell me about it," He got up and threw away the jar of peas.

It's Better to Burn Out than Fade Away-Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now