Chapter 15

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November 6, 1991

"Bye!" I said to Robert's mother as she walked away. "Lorelai, did you have fun?!"

"I got a bear!" She held up a stuffed animal. 

"How cute."

There was a knock on the door, so I looked through the peephole and saw a woman I didn't recognize. 

"Lorelai, please go to your room," I whispered. 

"Why?" She asked. 

"Just go!" I whispered yet again. 

She went into her room and peeked out of the door. I opened up the front door and the woman turned and smiled. 

"Hello!" She had a wide smile on her face. "May I come in?"

She was very beautiful and had gorgeous blond hair with bangs. Her smile was perfect and her teeth were perfect. Her skin glowed in the sunlight, but she looked like she was in her 30s or something. All I knew was that she was definitely older than me. 

"Excuse me, who are you?" I asked. 

"Oh, silly me! I'm Kurt's mother-Wendy."

"Oh. You're Kurt's mother?"


"How do you know where I live?"

"He mailed me a letter and wanted me to give it to you. He didn't want the letter to accidentally get sent to a different apartment and you never get the letter."

"I'm pretty sure they would return it to me," I let her in and shut the door. "I'm sorry you had to drive all the way here."

"I live about an hour away, it's no biggie. Kurt mentioned you had a little one."


She came running to me and hid behind my leg. 

"She's shy," I chuckled. "Baby, this is Kurt's mommy."

"Hi there," Wendy kneeled down. "My name's Wendy. What's your name?"

"Lorelai," She muttered. 

"Well, Lorelai, I have a present for you," She dug into her purse and took out a piece of paper and a pen. "There you go. Go color me something. I need to talk to your mommy."

"Thanks!" She smiled, took the pen and paper, and ran to the table. 

"She loves drawing," I explained. "Please, have a seat."

"Thank you," She sat down. "Oh, here's the letter."

I took it from her and set it down behind me. "How come you drove all the way out here?"

"Well, the letter, but I also wanted to meet my son's girlfriend. How old are you?"

"I'm 21."

"My, what a young age!"

I chuckled. "Are you in your thirties?"

"I wish! I'm 43."

"No way!" She did not look that old. "I don't believe it. You're lying."

She chuckled. "Thank you for the kind words. But, I was wanting to get to know you."

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"How did you and my son meet?"

"Dave and I have been friends for over 10 years. Dave is the drummer-"

"For 'Nirvana', yeah."

"Anyways, we were really close in high school and he was in town and we just met up, but he happened to be with Krist and Kurt, so they came, too."

It's Better to Burn Out than Fade Away-Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now