"Oh definitely."

"My parents are staying here, too."

"It doesn't matter. I never would have thought that you would do something like that. You did it when your whole family was at your house, why wouldn't you do it if your parents were home? You scarred my child."

"She wasn't even near me! She didn't even see what happened! No one did except for my mom! I did not scar your fucking child!"

"Ruby," Kurt softly said. "Get off of the phone."

I wanted to cry. I knew that I fucked up, I knew that I did. But, I did not scar anyone's child. The worst that she would've heard was the yelling, but Lorelai and her were playing, so if she was scarred, then wouldn't Lorelai be scarred, too?

"No, she cannot come over," Gretchen said.

"Great," I sarcastically chuckled. "Oh, and don't worry. I'm doing quite alright."

I hung up the phone and set it down on the sink. 

"What happened?" Kurt asked. 

I told him what she said. "She didn't even ask if I was okay."

"Fuck her."

I shook my head and smiled. "No, she's our family. Ready to get out, girls?"

Melissa nodded her head while Frances shook her head no. 

"I'll stay in with Frances," Kurt said. 

I grabbed Melissa, wrapped her up in a towel, and took her into her bedroom. On my way there, I could hear Lorelai giggling with my dad. That made me smile, but that smile quickly faded as I remembered the phone call with Gretchen. 

I set Melissa on her changing station and I got her ready for bed. She rested her head on my shoulder and I just kept her there while rocking her back and forth. 

I walked back into the bedroom and saw Kurt still playing with Frances. 

"Say 'goodnight'," I walked over to Kurt. 

"Goodnight, Melissa," He kissed the top of her head while Frances just lightly touched her. Kurt and I both smiled as she did that. 

I walked downstairs with her and my parents and Lorelai said goodnight to her. Then, I put her down to sleep and decided to go check on Kurt who was in Frances's room. I looked at them for a little and walked inside, putting my hand on Kurt's back. 

"I love you," I kissed him. 

"I love you both so so much," He lifted Frances into the air and shook her gently. 

"Kurt, she's about to go to sleep." I kissed the top of her head. "Goodnight, Frances."

I shut off the lights and Kurt put her in her crib. 

"Goodnight, bean," He said and we both walked out of the room and went downstairs. 

"Lorelai, are you ready to go?" I asked her. "Shoes on and everything?"

"Already to go," She smiled. 

Kurt and I both got our shoes on and then said goodbye to my parents and got into the car with Lorelai. We drove her to the nearest Dairy Queen and got her a blizzard while Kurt and I shared a different one. 

"Thank you," Lorelai smiled. "You guys are the best parents ever."

I kissed her head. "You're the best Lorelai ever."

"What?!" She spun her head around to look at me. 

"Hurry and eat your ice cream before it melts," Kurt said. 

"I'm going to beat you guys and finish mine first," She giggled. 

Kurt put his hand on top of my hand. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," I told him. 

"You're lying."

"Mommy!" Lorelai whined. "You're not allowed to lie-that's very very bad."

"Daddy was just joking," I assured her. 

After we were done with our ice cream, we drove back home and put Lorelai to sleep. As I was getting my pajamas on, Kurt was talking with my parents downstairs. 

"Ruby," I heard my mom say, making me jump. 

"Yes?" I came out of the closet with only a robe on. 

"Kurt told me about the phone call."

"I don't know why he would do that. It really wasn't important. I was just inviting Nicole over to spend the night."

"Sylvia told me on Christmas that her and Gretchen don't get along the best sometimes. Gretchen is the sweetest lady ever, but when she's angry, she can be a real bitch."

"Obviously. She's acting like I did it to hurt her child, though, but I'm not! She said I scarred Nicole, but Nicole doesn't even know what happened."

"My family doesn't like suicide and all that dark stuff, so it really surprised them when they found out about what you did."

"It surprised a lot of people, including myself."

"What I'm trying to say is that Gretchen can be a bitch sometimes, and I'm sorry that she said that to you. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for checking up on me."

"You can thank Kurt for that."

"Can you tell him to come up here, please?"

"Of course."

I brushed my teeth really hard to make sure that my breath didn't smell. 

"Ruby?" Kurt asked. "What do you need?"

I shut the door and then hugged him. "Thanks for telling my mom to come up and check on me."

"Well, I was worried."

"Just accept the complement."

"That's not a complement, Ruby."

I looked up at him and kissed him. "Guess what I'm wearing underneath this?"

"My clothes."

"Nothing," I smirked. 

"Oh my," He stroked his chin and then shoved me onto the bed and kissed me while untying my robe and slipping it off. 

I took off his shirt and unbuttoned his pants and he took off his pants and his boxers. 

I moaned as he squeezed my breast, and then I heard the door open and that made my heart stop. 

"Ruby, I-" Then my mom screamed as she saw us. 

Kurt and I both screamed, too, and then my dad walked through the door. As he saw us, he screamed, too. 

"GET OUT!" I screamed as my parents just stood there. 

My mom slammed the door and I started to breathe heavily. I looked up at Kurt whose face was as red as could be. We both looked at each other and started laughing hysterically. 

"God, that's so embarrassing," He laid down on his back right next to me. 

"Isn't it normally supposed to be the other way around-the kid walking in on their parents?" I was still laughing. 


"Do you still want to fuck?" I asked him. 

"I thought you'd never ask."

It's Better to Burn Out than Fade Away-Kurt CobainWhere stories live. Discover now