Chapter 80 - Dredging Up The Past

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They all worked quickly, weeding out those less fortunate in the crash. Many were injured. Akira was uncertain whether there were any fatalities. Could she even call them that in this exercise? Weren't they all pretending to be hurt and potentially dead in this case? Either way, Akira had to treat it like the real thing.

She was able to convince herself that, but it seems someone still needed to hear it.

"Get out of there yourself, you weakling!"

Bakugou crouches beside a squashed car, tilting his head to peer into the shattered glass window of the drivers seat. The driver seems pinned, reaching for help and pleading.

"Bakugou." Todoroki slides into view on a smooth trail of ice. "You can't talk to them like that. Remember, you have to treat it like the real thing."

"Don't tell me what to do, Icy-Hot!"

Akira's been convincing herself that this whole exam is like a real accident, that these actors are merely playing a part. But the HUC organisation are fully aware of the risks, they take these situations extremely seriously.

Back during the license exam when Kira came across HUC members, they were actually in need of rescuing, just like today. They had wounds and were pinned under rubble and debris. It is real.

Akira rushes over to where her classmates continue to argue, stumbling up the pile of broken cars. "It is real!" She blurts, silencing the duo. "All of this is. I thought they were just acting, but I think these are real injuries."

"Real?" Todoroki questions, tilting his head towards Akira. "Why would they do that? Why would they endanger themselves?"

"Don't you see?" Akira scoffs, mostly at herself for not figuring it out sooner. "They knew that some of us, like Bakugou, wouldn't take it seriously if we knew that it was all fake!"

"So, they're actually all injured?" Todoroki enquires, making certain of what Kira's insinuating.

"I think so, yeah," Kira exhales heavily, her rant weirdly tiring. "So, Bakugou," she adds and her classmate stands up from his crouched position beside the car. "Stop telling everyone to deal with it. Not everyone is made of steel like you."

Bakugou huffs at her retort. "All real, huh?"

Akira simply nods. "You need to help them, not hurt them. Not everyone can do what you can do."

"Like I'm gonna let you tell me what to do," Bakugou says impudently.

He doesn't even wait for a response from Kira as he uses his Quirk to blast himself to another section of the accident, where a car has been crushed into a wall, the front of the car practically nonexistent.

Akira groans irritably at her classmate's recklessness and gazes around the accident, marvelling at the groups that have managed to find themselves. There seems to be a group of students made up of medical style Quirks. Another with the ability to contact outside sources - they would be in charge of contacting the emergency services and making sure that word gets out about the accident and that the road is closed off. A few students have joined down either side of the road, their Quirk's bright and brilliant to alert any more vehicles away from the disaster.

Evidently, Kira should be among them, her Quirk literally being able to produce light. Perfect for revealing the danger to any oncoming drivers. However, Kira felt her Quirk could also be useful here - she can use her orbs to brighten tight areas, for starters.

She also had to keep her hot-headed classmate in check too.

During the beginning of the exam, Todoroki had helpfully put up an ice wall around the accident, preventing any unwanted attention and stopping any more stray vehicles adding to the pile up. It looms over Kira as she stares up at it, the very top of the ice wall curled and sharp. It glistens in the fair September sunlight.

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