Chapter 65 - Caught In The Act

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Akira Kiriya was up all night writing her apology note for Mr Aizawa. She groans in annoyance as she crumples up another scrap of paper and tosses it somewhere behind her. A few dozen pieces of failed attempts surround her feet, proof of her determination, at least.

Her apology note had to be perfect for Aizawa, sincere yet devoted. Kira had to prove to her teacher that she wants to stay as a student at UA. After all, she was merely inches away from facing expulsion. Now, she has to find a way to put into words her enthusiasm and eagerness to become a future pro hero.

Kira runs her hands through her hair, before grabbing her pen with a vexed passion. The first line was always the hardest, everybody who writes anything knows that. She tapped her pen against her desk repeatedly as if that would miraculously drum the sentences she so desperately craved straight onto her page.

The green balls of light that she created a few hours prior float delicately above her head and around her room, bobbing up and down ever so slightly. They offered enough light for her to read any work that she does, but dim enough not to annoy her during the lateness of the night.

Kira groans again - now, she's getting distracted, allowing her mind to drift and focus on useless information such as her own power. What she needed to concentrate on was her apology and how badly she wanted to prove herself to her strict homeroom teacher.

She shook her head and combed a few strands of hair behind her ears, directing her gaze back to the empty piece of paper on her desk. Just as she was about to start with something that sounded honest, and dedicated, there was a light knock at her dorm room door.

"Who the hell..?" She trails off, staring at her door as if she may have imagined it.

After a few more seconds of confusion, Kira only assumed it would be her red-headed partner. Perhaps he was feeling anxious about her house arrest situation still. After all, he was desperate for answers, even though Kira had already assured him of some half-truths.

Kira readied herself for a curious onslaught of questions from her beloved, sighing heavily and then swinging the door open with a welcoming smile already evident on her lips. However, there wasn't anyone there.

"Huh," she hums, placing her hand on the doorframe and then sticking her head out. "Kiri?" She whispers.

The silence was loud - not even the presence of the radiators groaning. Kira went to step out in search of the mysterious visitor, when she felt something underneath her bare foot. Using her Quirk, Kira crouched down to the object, her arm glowing green over it.

She cancelled her Quirk and waited for her skin to cool before she picked it up. It was a thick wad of paper. Kira turned it over, before addressing the words on the front. With two simple words it reads: 'Day One'.

"Huh..." Kira repeats.

She flicks through the booklet, the pages skimming past, until she comes about halfway through and another page reads: 'Day Two'.

Standing in the doorway, Kira comes to the sudden realisation of what this book entails, raising her head slightly. Someone had typed their notes out for her from the last two days of her house arrest. Even though, the teachers were adamant about her, Bakugou and Midoriya having to catch up the harder way as part of their punishment.

Kira was thankful for the help, but the last thing she wanted to add to her title of 'liar', was 'cheat' too.

Sighing heavily, Kira can only think of one person who would put in the effort to help her out in this kind of situation. It's not that Kira doesn't appreciate the effort he's put in to helping her out. The notes he's gathered together is an admirable way to show his desire to assist Kira in any way possible. Being such a loving partner, it just screams Kirishima.

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