Day 4

46 3 10

Hospital visits
SRAR era

Patrick's footsteps ring out in the silent halls as he nears the familiar part of the hospital. He knocks on the door then opens it.

Pete jolts as Patrick enters.

"Jesus you cannot do that." He sighs.

"Aw you look so cute in your work clothes." Patrick comments nearing Pete.

"What did I tell you about coming to my work?" Pete mumbles as Patrick connects their lips.

"But I wanted to see my handsome boyfriend in his white coat." Patrick smiles placing his hand firmly against Pete's chest to lean in for another kiss.

Pete pushes Patrick against the wall hard. He continues to kiss him as Patrick claws his nails into his neck.

Patrick moans softly as Pete becomes more aggressive with the make out session. Pete pins Patrick's hand above his head as he bites at his lips.

"Pete." Patrick whispers breathlessly as Pete begins to mark his neck. "Oh God." He whimpers going weak in the knees.

The door opens and both Pete and Patrick jump.

"Oh my fucking God. Again?" Ray groans shaking his head.

Pete clears his throat. "I'm sorry, sir it will never happen again." Pete murmurs.

Ray close the door and Pete shoves Patrick against the wall again.

"You get me in trouble again and I'm gonna get fucking fired." He grunts pecking Patrick.


"No buts. I'll deal with you when I get home." He whispers lowly in Patrick's ear.

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