Summer Song

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Pete holds the knife in his hand longingly. How easy it would be to jab it in his heart. How simple to cut off his toes and work his way up until he was bleeding all over the floor. How easy it would be to leave this earth.

Then he thinks. Thinks about anything other than killing himself. Thinks about his friends. His family. His fans. But mostly importantly he thinks about his Patrick.

He can't leave Patrick alone in this world. He's to awkward and shy. He's too Patrick.

Pete sets down the knife and then looks over to Patrick. Patrick is sleeping peacefully, unknowing of Pete's presence. Pete grips the counter harshly.

He grabs his car keys off the table. Before he leaves he sits on the end of Patrick's bed. He smiles as soft snores escape his lips. Pete sighs deeply before pressing a small kiss to Patrick's neck.

He reluctantly gets up.

He needs something to distract himself.


Pete didn't even take a sip of the beer yet.

He stares at everybody else around him. How much more they have in their lives. A wife or husband. A kid. People who love them.

Pete can feel his eyes swell up. He needs to forget. He grabs the bottle and downs it quickly. Five more bottles later and Pete is in the corner of the bar crying. Nobody sees him. He feels invisible.

He feels empty.

He wants Patrick now.

He needs Patrick. Now.

Pete hurried out to his car. He passes every red light not giving any fucks.

As he drives down the freeway and big truck comes out of the corner. Pete screams bloody murder before everything goes black.


Pete woke up in a hospital.

Nurses rush in asking him questions. He tries his best to answer but he's slurring his words bad. He can hear sobbing and screams of his name. Patrick screaming his name.

"Patuuricck." He mumbles.

"IS THERE A PATRICK?" A nurse shouts.

Patrick rushes through the crowd. His eyes are red and he's shaking violently.

"Patuurick." Pete slurs again.

Patrick rushes to Pete's side. He's yelling at him but Pete can't understand anything he's saying. It's too much for Pete.

"Patuurick. Patuurick I-I loove mm-you-Turicky." Pete babbles.

Patrick let's out a new set of tears. More screams and yells. Patrick is pushed out of the room again.

"No!" He screams. "Pete! Pete!"

Doctors rush in and take Pete away on a table.

Patrick cries. He can't control it. Tears fall from his face. He sobs and chokes. He needs Pete to be okay. He needs to know Pete will be there for him.


Hours go by and Patrick is still at the hospital. Visiting hours are way over but Patrick refuses to leave. He's not leaving unless he's with Pete. He's not leaving unless Pete is fully functional.

A doctor comes and sits beside Patrick.

"Are you Patrick Stump?" He asks.

Patrick nods.

"Mr. Wentz is going to be all right. He was drunk driving and got hit by a really big truck. It's a miracle he survived and an even bigger miracle he doesn't have severe brain damage. We are going to keep him at the hospital for a few more days to keep an eye on him.."

Patrick shudders and shakes his head. "Thank you so much." He sobs quietly.

The doctor nods and helps Patrick to his feet. They walk to Pete's room.

"Please don't yell at him or get him overstimulated." The doctor explains.

Patrick nods and walks in. Pete looks over to him a dull expression on his face.

"I'm sorry Patrick I-I just I was having bad thoughts again and I thought if I took a drink or two it would all go away and I needed you and I-"

"Pete I don't care. I just am happy that you are alive." Patrick interrupts.

"You are not mad at me?"

"I can't be mad at you. Ever."

Pete starts to cry again and Patrick climbs into the bed with him. "It's okay. Sh. It's okay. You're okay. I'm not mad." Patrick whispers. He holds Pete close to his chest as he cries.

"Visiting hours are over and I know he just got out of surgery but you have been here for a really long time." The doctor says.

Patrick nods. He takes off his hat and puts it on Pete. Then he presses a soft kiss to his neck.

"I promise I'll be back in the morning. I love you too." Patrick whispers before getting off the bed. He waves to Pete and then he walks away.

Pete smiles softly before sighing. He can't leave Patrick alone on this Earth. Not ever.

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