three doors down

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It really wasn't Pete's idea. He's never been attracted to men before, but this guy, this guy was different.

He was short, just under Pete's height. He had eyes the color of the ocean. A black fedora placed on his head nearly. A white t-shirt, jeans, and a maroon cardigan.

He. Was. Perfect.

He looked like an angel sent from heaven for Pete to take advantage of. And that's exactly what he was gonna do.

I raised his hand to knock, hesitation clouding his vision. Finally he knocked gently and stood back waiting for the door to open.

It did and the beautiful boy he had seen before was peeking his head out.

"H-hello?" He stuttered staring into Pete's eyes.

"Hey. Sorry to bother you, my name is Pete. I live three doors down from here. I saw you moved in recently and was just dropping by to say hello if you don't mind." Pete offered his award winning smile.

The boy looked down and blushed.

"Oh um- nice to meet you- Patrick. My name is Patrick." He blurted out.

Pete took a mental note of that. "Well it was nice to meet you Patrick. Hope to see you around." He winked then walked away. The door closed a bit after and they were left with butterflies.


Oh god.

Pete was even more in love then before. He had talked to Patrick all week and the urge to not just grab him and kiss him was fusing out.

He wanted Patrick.


He needed Patrick.

He knocked on the door and again a small head peeked out.

"Hey Pete! Hold on I just got out of the shower."

This was it. It was now or never.

Before the door could shut Pete slid his foot in.


Pete grabbed the shorter boy by his hips and brought him close. He kissed him like his life depended on it. He hadn't expected Patrick to kiss back or anything. But Patrick did.

They pulled away eyes wide and full of lust. "Pete." Patrick whined. The older boy pushed them back and landed with a thud on the couch. Pete kissed at Patrick's neck as he gripped at the towel cover the pale skin.

"Pete please." He begged. Patrick didn't know what he was begging for but it almost was like Pete had known. He grinded himself against Patrick now biting at his neck. Patrick whimpered and withered under Pete.

"I want you- Pete please!" He knew he sounded greedy but he didn't care. Pete ripped the towel of the boy staring at the exposed skin. He kissed at Patrick's chest, rubbing circles in his thighs getting dangerously close to his erection.

Pete pulled all his clothing off in a rush. He straddled the strawberry blonde kissing his jaw. He pulled a small bottle of lube and a condom out if his jean pocket. He was planning this but never knew it was gonna happen. He poured some on his fingers carefully flipping Patrick on his back.

"You ready baby?" Pete asked. Consent is key. Patrick nodded eagerly in anticipation. Pete pushed a finger in getting to his knuckle and stopping. He watched the boy for his cue to keep going. Patrick didn't seemed phased at all. He pushed his finger all the way in.


Pete added a second finger and stared at Patrick. His face was scrunched a little but that was it. Pete scissored his fingers vigorously. Patrick groaned and dug his face in the couch.

Pete added another finger and twisted them. He earned a call of his name and heavy breathing. "Pete please fuck me." Patrick choked out.

Pete nodded and took out his fingers. The strawberry blonde felt empty at the loss. Pete lubed himself and lined himself up. "I'm pushing in." The black haired boy whispered.

Pete pushed in and waited for Patrick to feel comfortable. Once he was all the way in he stared in anticipation. "O-okay. You can move." Pete pulled out and snapped his hips. Patrick moaned and gripped at the couch.

He continued to thrust in a fast pace into the young boy. The sound of skin slapping and pleasurable moans filled the room.

Patrick clawed at the tan legs as he rammed into him. "You're doing a great job baby." Pete whispered. More praises and compliments came from his mouth.

"Oh god Pete!" Patrick called out. He had found the younger's prostate. "Please go faster!" Patrick begged. Pete grabbed his hips and sped up his thrusts.

"Pete! I-i'm close!" Pete dug his nails in his sides. "Oh god! Pete I'm gonna cum!" Patrick moaned as he released. Pete came soon after panting heavily.

He pulled out and snuggled close to Patrick.

"Holy Smokes."

"Tell me about it."

I might go on a smut kick so I know if you guys think I'm good at writing it

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