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SRAR era

It had been two weeks since Pete saw his husband.

Patrick was out on a business trip for his job leaving Pete to take care of the house. Something Pete is not the best at.


Pete took a deep breath when a plaid piece of clothing covered his vision. Pete took it off his face before realizing it was boxers. Patrick's boxers.

He looks over to his right to see Patrick standing there completely naked with his arms folded. Pete took in the sight before smirking. He sits up quickly licking his lips.

"You are gone for two weeks and the first thing you wanted to do is have sex? I like the way you think, Stump."

Patrick makes a growl sound and shakes his head.

"No! I am gone for two weeks and ask you to do a few simple tasks and what I can see they haven't been done! I told you to make sure you do the laundry! Not your laundry, not my laundry, the laundry! Our laundry! So no not until you do all of my laundry I will not be having sex with you, Wentz!"

Patrick stomps angrily out of the room. Pete blinks before bursting out into laughter. "Babe come back!" He chokes through giggles.

"No! I want clean clothes to wear!" Patrick shouts from the other room.

Pete sighs and giggle more before getting up and walking into the room Patrick was in.


"Shut up! I do everything around here and all you do is fucking nothing! I ask one time for you to do something for me and you can't!"


"No! Don't call me that! Not until you do the laundry!"

"I did the laundry!"

"Prove it!"

Pete drops down and picks up Patrick so he is hanging off his shoulder. Patrick shouts profanities at him the whole way. Pete gets back to their bedroom and plops Patrick down onto the bed.

He drags a basket from the corner of the room to the front of Patrick. Patrick immediately furrows his eyebrows.

"Oh." He says in a quiet voice.

"See? I even tried to fold it as best as I could." Pete mutters.

Patrick bites his lip before tears start to roll down his cheeks.

"No! Why are you crying?" Pete pushes the basket away and climbs in the bed.

"I-I'm sorry I yelled at you!" Patrick sobs.

"It's okay! It's okay! You're completely fine, Baby."

"Mm-mm! I yelled at you for something you did! I didn't- I'm sorry!"

Pete shakes his head rapidly. He presses his lips to Patrick's. "Sh sh you're okay baby." Pete whispers.

Patrick stops crying eventually.

"There we go." Pete smiles. He kisses Patrick's forehead. Patrick smiles slightly.

"I love you." He whispers.

Pete smiles too.

"I love you too, Baby. And since I did the laundry, can we fuck now?"

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