Bang Bang

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Patrick walked through the door. He set his bag down along with his keys. He lived alone in his small apartment but he was happy. He wasn't social and he liked the peace and quiet.

He took a deep breath. He was all worn out from shopping. He hated it. And today he hated it more since he had to talk to a whole bunch of people.

He put his groceries in the fridge and then rested on the couch. His phone rang. It was Pete. The only person Patrick could tolerate. He picked up the phone and smiled.

"H-hey Patrick!"

"Hey Pete? You okay?"

Men spoke in the background.

"Yes! Yes! I'm uh...out right now and just wanted to call you."

"Oh. Alright. How are you?"

"I'm great Patty! How are you?"

"Not so good. Rough day."

"Aww. Is there anything I can do to cheer you up?"

"Uh. Just talking to you had made my day better."

More men spoke on the other line. Patrick could hear Pete's shaky breaths. Then he started to hear Pete pleading.

"Hey hey! You sure everything is all right? Where are you?"

"Listen Patrick. You are my best friend. I love you so fucking much! Like more than best friends. You helped me through so much. I wouldn't be alive without you. Just please please. Keep just talking. Okay? Doesn't matter what you say. Just please!

Patrick took a deep breath.

"Pete. What- I- I love you too! I-i you...I love you. You are my fucking best friend too. I don't know what's going on but I love you too. I have. I didn't have the guts to tell you."

Just as Patrick finished his sentence a sound filled him with horror.

Bang bang.

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