punkxpastel II

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It had been about a month since Pete and Patrick had met. They've learned a lot about each other and it pretty obvious that they liked each other. Patrick was to scared to confess and Pete was afraid of rejection.

For now they were friends with benefits.

Lots of benefits.

"Pete! Can you hand me a towel?" Patrick called out from the bathroom.

"You got it!" Pete called back. He got up from his bed and went over to Patrick's bed. He grabbed the light pink fluffy towel and made his way towards the bathroom.

A tan hand appeared and Patrick quickly snagged the towel from Pete. "Thank you!"


It didn't take Patrick long to get out of the shower. It never did. He came from the bathroom the towel wrapped around his torso, his pale legs showing.

"You look good. You'd look even better with the towel off." Pete smirked.

Patrick blushed and quickly walked to his side of the room. "Close your eyes. I have to get dressed." Patrick stated.

"So you get to see me naked but I don't get to see you?"

Patrick blushed and made a whiny noise. Pete chuckled and closed his eyes. Patrick dropped the towel and pulled a pair of sweatpants on. Then he shimmied into a oversized white t-shirt.

"Okay you can look now." Patrick said sitting on his bed. "I started looking as soon as you turned around." Pete admitted.

"Pete!" Patrick grumbled.

"I've never seen someone as pretty."


"Never lie."

Patrick was silent he didn't know what to say. Should he flirt back?

"Come here." Pete said.

Patrick obeyed and shuffled over to Pete. Pete's hands wandered around the petite frame stopping at his hips. Patrick was for sure blushing even though Pete couldn't see it.

Pete's hands pulled Patrick until he stumbled onto his lap. Pete connected their lips together his hands still exploring the pale skin. At some point it turned into a full make out session. Finally they broke apart as both gasped for air.

"Petey." Patrick managed. Pete started an attack of Patrick's neck. He made sure not to leave any marks on him but made sure Patrick could feel it. Patrick's hands gripped at Pete's thighs.

A sudden knock at the door made Patrick Yelp and cling to Pete. "Who is it?" Pete grumbled.

"Patrick?" A voice called. Patrick recognized the voice right away. "Who the hell is that?" Pete whispered.

"It's my mom. She said at some point this week she was going to check in on me." Patrick whispered back getting up to get the door.

"Did she have to ruin that." Pete muttered under his breath.

Patrick opened the door and smiled at his mother. "Oh! I didn't know you were heading off to bed. I'm sorry dear."

"No no mom! It's fine. I just took a shower."

"May I come in?"

"I don't see a problem with it."

Patrick stepped back and let his mother slide in. Mrs. Stumph's eyes lock onto Pete. "Oh my! Who is this gentlemen?"

"That's my roommate Pete." Patrick smiles winking at the punk.

"Wow." She said.

"Mama! Don't be rude!"

"Im not! Just admiring your differences."

Patrick rolled his eyes at his mother. "Me and Pete were about to get some homework done."

"Well I don't want to be in your way any longer." She said grabbing Patrick by the cheeks. "You have fun now." She smiled.

"Thank you mama." Patrick said leading his mother outside and closing the door. "Can we get back to that 'homework' now?" Pete asked kicking his legs.

"We actually have to do our real homework. You're getting behind on math."

"Fine. But after we are so continuing to make out."


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