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Patrick looked at his hand. A red star was there. When you turn 18 you get a colored shape and so does your soulmate. You and your soulmate have the same colored shape on the same hand.

So Patrick had to find someone with a red star in their left hand then boom! Soulmate.He sighed, walking out of his room. "Happy birthday!" His mother smiled. "Hey mom. I'm going to go out."


Patrick sipped his coffee slowly. There were 7 billion people on this earth and only one of them had the same exact red star on their left hand. It was going to be near impossible! Good thing when you find your soulmate the symbol goes away.

Patrick looked around at people's hands. No red star. God this was going to be hard.


Pete grumbled as he woke up. It's been 5 years since he had gotten the red star on his hand and still he hadn't found his soulmate.

Pete had given up a while ago trying to find them. His feet hit the plush carpet and he stretched his body. Finally he pulled a shirt over his head and headed out.

He entered the coffee shop smiling as the strong scent smothered him. "Hey Pete!" The barista called. "Usual?" She asked. Pete nodded.

He looked over to the right to see a small guy. He was pale and had plump lips. He was a pretty thing if Pete was being completely honest. Their eyes met and Pete gave his charming smile making the guy blush.

Pete looked down at his hand and noticed a red star. His eyes almost lit up. "Here go Pete! Found your soulmate yet?" Pete grabbed the coffee. "I think I have." He smiled.

He walked over to the boy with confidence. "Hey. Anyone sitting here?" He asked pointing to the chair. "No." Patrick mumbled.

Pete took a seat and set his coffee down. "Pete." He said smiling. "Patrick." The strawberry blonde responded.

Patrick lifted the mug to his mouth, sure enough a red star on his left hand. Pete smirked.

"Hey so this might sound weird but may I see your left hand?" Pete asked.

Patrick placed his hand on the table look at Pete with curiosity. Pete placed his hand on Patrick to show the red star. Patrick's eyes grew and he looked at Pete.

"Bingo." Pete chuckled winking. Patrick was at a loss for words. "So soulmate. How about I take you back to my place and we get to know each other huh?"

Patrick scratched the back of his head and smiled at himself. "Yeah that sounds good." Pete smiled and took Patrick's hand in his.

Patrick watched their intertwined hands as the red star faded away.

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