Me And Pete In The Wake Of Saturday

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Patrick's POV

I swallow thickly. Two more weeks. I cross off today in my calendar. "Hey Patrick! Whatchu doing?" I look up to see Pete. I give him a simple smile.

"Nothing...kinda bored." I respond tapping my pen on my thigh.

"Me too. Wanna like...go for something?"

I look up at him. "Do you have something in mind?" I ask sitting up straighter.

"I was hoping you did." He said.

I nod and look down back at the calendar. Two more weeks until I officially am an adult. Would life change much? Would it stay the same?

I hear Pete sit next me and pat my shoulder. "Hey dude, if you're like...y'know scared about becoming eighteen, I totally had the same problem, but really it's not so bad. Nothing really changed for me, but that was kind of a good thing! Y'know, people didn't start treating me differently and stuff and if anything it made it more fun. And I suggest making the most of it. You're only eighteen once and it goes by pretty quickly. Just don't worry okay? The more you think about it the more you can't focus on doing other things before then."

I smile and nod. Those words meant alot to me. I tend to overthink am I'm glad that Pete understands.


Today is the day. My eighteenth birthday.

I wake up as per usual. Nothing seemed off and I seemed like I did yesterday. Then all of a sudden my anxiety kicks in.

What if my parents expect me to be successful? What if I'm not good enough for everyone else? What if I mess everything up and the band doesn't kick off and-

I'm cut off by the sudden jolting in the bus. "Hey birthday boy!" Joe chirps rushing in and pulling me into a hug.

"Hehe! Thanks Joe!" I giggle hugging him back. "I had no idea what to get you so here!" Joe said smiling and pushing something at me. It was a guitar pick with 'Patrick Stump' written on it.

"Damn! This is so cool! Thanks so much Joe! You really didn't have to get me something."

"Pete got you something to. He's outside."

Oh wow. Pete got me something too? I mean I know it's my birthday but I haven't known Pete for that long. I get up and walk out of the bus, sure enough Pete is there by a tree.

"Happy birthday Patrick!" He says handing me a guitar case. I smile uncontrollably and run towards him. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I yell hugging Pete tightly.

"It's nothing!" He giggles and hugs me back.

20 years later

"Happy birthday Patrick!" Andy smiles. I smile too. "Patrick Patrick! Open mine first!" Joe says handing me a small box.

"What are we getting married?" I ask teasingly as I open the box. Inside is a guitar pick with 'Patrick Stump' written on it. Suddenly a feeling of nostigla rushed through my veins.

Joe smirks. "Pete got you something too. He's outside."

My eyes widen. No way. I rush out the door. Sure enough, Pete is standing there, under a tree with a guitar case in his hands.

"Happy birthday Patrick! Guess some things never change." I run towards him almost knocking him over. "Best birthday ever!" I say into his shoulder.

"It's Saturday." Pete adds.

"Me and Pete."

I love this so much oh my gosh!

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