Birthday Boy

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Not me celebrating a thirty right year old man's birthday by writing fanfiction about him and his band mate
Current era

"So, about tomorrow." Pete started.

"I'm not having a birthday party."

"Why not Patrick? Birthday parties are fun!" Pete protested.

Patrick laughed. "I'm going to be thirty eight I don't need to have a birthday party. There for kids." Patrick responded taking off his hat and fixing it.

"No! You can like get drunk or something!" Pete says patting Patrick's shoulder.

"I'm not turning twenty one."

Pete frowns. "You're no fun! On my thirty eighth birthday I was hammered."

Patrick giggles. "Trust me I know since I was the one who made sure you got to your house. Then you slept over at mine because you thought your house was haunted."

Pete nervously chuckled. "Come Patrick! Live a little! How about you come to my place. I'll have a surprise for you."

"Yeah? You got yourself a deal. Better be worth it Wentz."

"Bet your ass it will be worth it Stump."


Tomorrow rolls around and Patrick is headed to Pete's house. He is super curious what's in-store and definitely did not expect what he saw.

He knocked timidly on the familiar door. He heard shuffling then the door unlocked. "Wait until I say to open it." Pete said on the other side.


Patrick waited until he heard Pete yell "Come on in!"

Patrick did as he was told and opened the door. He looked around and saw no sight of the blonde. "Pete?" He whispered.

"Go into the bedroom."

Patrick rounded the corner to the stairs and headed up. He got upstairs and headed to where Pete's bedroom was. He opened the door and saw a little black bag with a bow on it.

He walked over to it, eyeing suspiciously. "What is it?" He asks no one in particular. He doesn't get an answer so he opens it.

Inside he sees a piece of paper. "Pete you better not do what you did that one Christmas!" Patrick calls.

He pulls the paper out and reads it.

Turn around

Patrick does and sees Pete naked with a bow on his head. Patrick immediately bursts out into laughter. Tears collect in his eyes and he shakes his head vigorously.

"Is this a joke?" He gasps through giggles.

"Course not baby. I'm the gift." Pete says winking.

Patrick laughs again and shuts up once he realizes Pete is being dead serious.

"Pete." He begins nearing the taller boy. He places his hands on Pete's shoulders. "You are the perfect gift but could you put some clothes on?"

Pete frowns. "Me being naked is the gift. You can't make me put clothes on!"

Patrick smiles. "Fine just at least underwear?"

"No thanks. I'm good."


"I'm not putting clothes on!"


"I said no!"

"Pete, what the hell do you have an erection?"

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