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M A N I A Era

Pete never thought Patrick as the type of guy who would look good in a beard. Oh boy was he wrong.

They hadn't seen each other in about a month. Ofcourse they talked over the phone and texted each other. They were about to have a small 'get to together' with Joe and Andy to brainstorm lyrics.

They all decided to meet at Pete's house since none of his family was there currently. Joe and Andy came around the same time. Patrick was running late per usual.

A knock was heard at the door. "I'll get it!" Joe stated while shooting up from the couch. He walked over to the door and opened it gracefully. His mouth hung open and a smile formed across his face.

"Dude! You look so good!" He giggled and started jumping up and down. "That's a good thing." Patrick smiled.

Andy got up and peeked at Patrick. "Oh wow! That suits you quite well!" He exclaimed in shock.

"Hey! What the fuck is going on? Is Patrick like pregnant or something?" Pete yelled from the couch. Joe and Andy stepped back and let Patrick step in.


A bearded Patrick Stump. Something Pete never thought he would see. "Wow." Was all he could say. He stared at Patrick. It looked different. Good but different.

It was strange for Pete. He used to see Patrick daily with sideburns. Then came the fedora. But a beard? Not usually something you would see.

"It's not like I was doing it intentionally! I forgot to shave..." Patrick grumbled. "No! No! It's looks good! It's just...weird. I-i mean! Not weird-"

"I get it Pete. You don't like it. It will be gone tomorrow I promise."

"No! Don't get rid of it please!" Pete blurted out. "It's looks really really good on you. Keep it."

Patrick blushed and smiled.

Now it was distracting. It wasn't Patrick's fault. It was Pete's. He stared at Patrick. He liked it he really did. Maybe a little too much.

Pete could never tell Patrick that he thought a beard made him look hot. It would be weird so he kept his mouth shut.

But God it was hot.

He watched Patrick touch it from time to time. Pete had been dealing with one himself so he was guessing it was probably itchy.

The glasses Patrick was wearing just made the whole thing better. Pete always thought Patrick looked so cute in glasses and the beard just made him cuter.

Patrick was basically irresistible now. Pete's thoughts got almost out of hand and Pete had to bring it back to a minimum.


"Ah! What?"

Patrick slid a piece of paper infront of him. "Do you like the lyrics?"

Pete quietly read to himself.


"Alright. You doing okay? You're kind of...acting a bit different."

"I'm okay Patty. Just tired that's all."

"That's what they all say." Joe murmured.

Pete glared at Joe to shut him up. "Speaking of tired." Patrick looked at his phone.

"Sorry guys. Declan just got back from the doctor and is driving Elisa mental. Same time tomorrow?" Patrick asked getting his coat.

"Doesn't matter you will be late either way." Joe giggled.

"Very funny Trohman." Patrick rolled his eyes. "I'll text you guys later." With that Patrick was out the door.

Pete let out a breath he had been holding in. "You really need to get used to Patrick in a beard." Andy mumbled.


I love Patrick in a beard though. So that's why I'm using Pete to describe my feelings toward Patrick. <3

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