My Boyfriend

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TTYG Patrick

Everyone stared intently at the door. The new student was about to come in at any moment. Finally a short strawberry blonde walked in. He had long sideburns and plump lips.

Pete almost couldn't help but smile. Mikey looked over and giggled then stared back at Patrick. Patrick shuffled to the empty desk in the front row. Everyone stared at him the whole class.

Finally class ended and Patrick quickly shuffled over to Pete. They both disappeared.

"Damn. Feel bad for the kid. Pete is going to fuck him up." Brendon said tapping his finger on the desk.

"For sure. Should we make sure Pete doesn't kill him?" Mikey snickered. "He doesn't have the balls." Frank laughed.

Pete couldn't help but staring at Patrick the whole day. "Alright! I'm going to pick partners for the project!" Mr. Armstrong announced.

"Mikey and Ray. Gerard and Brendon. Frank and Ryan. Pete and Patrick. Travie and Gabe. Andy and Joe. Dan and Phil. And then Brent and Dallon.

Patrick couldn't stop grinning as Pete walked over to his desk. "Hey." Pete giggled ruffling Patrick's head. Mikey and Gerard watched in amazement.

"Maybe Pete forced Patrick to like him?" Brendon suggested. They stared as Patrick and Pete talked to each other. They were complete opposites. Patrick was a polite boy who loved to wear dresses and Pete was a emo bully who had multiple tattoos.

"Weird." Mikey mumbled.

Patrick interlocked their fingers. Pete chuckled as he skipped down the hall. "You're so cute." He mumbled into his neck. Patrick smiled. Frank watched with Brendon.

"Jesus. Pete really wants Patrick to like him." Brendon mumbled. "Yeah but Pete's hates everyone! He fucking pushed me down a flight of stairs!" Frank grumbled.

Patrick stopped skipping and kissed Pete on the nose. "What are you doing?" Pete laughed as Patrick planted kisses on Pete's face. Frank and Brendon glared at each other. Mikey and Gerard were behind them.

"What's going on?" Gerard mumbled. "Look." Frank pointed. Both of their eyes went wide open. "What the fuck?" Mikey said.

Frank started walking towards them while the others followed. "Hey!" He shouted. Patrick and Pete stared at Frank. Pete's expression and he seemed annoyed.

"What the fuck do you want Frank." Frank stared at Patrick who was looking around nervously. "You really are forcing Patrick to do this? I know you fucking are cruel but the poor guy is probably fucking traumatized!"

Pete tightened his grip on Patrick's hand. "What the hell are you fucking talking about?!" Pete spat. "Why was he kissing you!?" Mikey chimed in.

"I can't fucking kiss my boyfriend!" Patrick stomped. It was the first time he heard Patrick curse. "You guys are a bunch of assholes!" Patrick grabbed Pete and dragged him away.

Gerard, Mikey, Brendon, and Frank all stared at each other. "Fuck that makes so much sense." Brendon said finally. They all nodded in agreeance.

Sorry for not posting a chapter yesterday. I have this toe infection and it hurts :(

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