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Okay but like crossdressing Pete
IOH Pete
SP Patrick

"Babe? "Are you okay?" Patrick called knocking on the bathroom door slightly.

"Y-yeah! Hold on!" Pete called back. Patrick smiled and sat on the bed waiting for his boyfriend to come out. They had been dating for three years and it was getting harder for Pete to keep his secret.

Speaking of Pete, he finally came out of the bathroom. He had a black pajama set on that had llamas on it. Patrick smiled and extended his arms out to Pete. Pete embraced Patrick and sat in his lap.

"M love you baby." Patrick said into the tan neck.

"I love you too babe." Pete answered balling his fist in Patrick's shirt. "I'm going to go the bathroom then we can head to bed." Patrick said flipping Pete onto the bed. Pete smirked and nodded.

Patrick shuffled to the bathroom and closed the door. His eyes scanned the bathroom before taking a double take to look at a blue fabric. His eyes widened.

He grabbed it off the counter and examined it. It in fact was a dress, a very pretty dress. Frilly with sparkles at the top, but why would Pete have this? Patrick's eyes widened even more. What if he was cheating?

Patrick shook his head. Maybe he was seeing this wrong. Pete had always been on the more feminine side. Maybe it was just a shirt.

Patrick took a deep breath, peed, and walked out of the bathroom. He gave an awkward smile to Pete then lied on the bed. "Oh shit! Did I put the toothpaste away?!" Pete jumped up and ran into the bathroom.

He did put the toothpaste away and before he walked out he noticed his dress. Then he remembered Patrick going into the bathroom.

His breath became heavy and his heart raced. He didn't want Patrick to find out. It wasn't the right time. They'd been together through a lot but Pete wasn't ready.

He peered out of the bathroom. His eyes starting to water. Patrick looked over and realized Pete was crying. "Baby! Hey hey what happened come here."

Pete couldn't. He just stood there. Like he was paralyzed. "I-im sorry! I'm sorry I didn't tell you!" Pete sobbed. Patrick got up and pulled Pete into his chest. "What are you talking about?"

"The dress!" Pete cried out. Patrick rubbed Pete's back. "I don't understand. What is the dress for?"

Pete looked into his eyes. Patrick was not mad at all. Just confused and scared. "I-i crossdress..." Pete whispered. He was embarrassed.

Patrick only smiled. "That's okay." He said.

"You're not mad?"

"Why would I be? I bet you look beautiful in a dress."

Pete blushed. "Thank you for understanding."

"Anytime baby doll. Come on let's get you in that bed. I'm sleepy."

Pete nodded in agreement and let Patrick lead him to the bed. The older curled up to the blonde's side.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

There breathing steadied out and soft breaths could be heard. Patrick couldn't wait to see Pete in those dresses.

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