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Based on the photo above

"Hey Pete?"

Pete looks over to see Patrick leaning awkwardly on the door frame. "What's up dude?" Pete smiles.

"All my hoodies are not clean could I please wear one of yours?"

"Yeah of course man." Pete gets up from the chair and digs in his backpack for a moment. He pulls out a red hoodie with the Clandesten hoodie out of it.

He hands it to the strawberry blonde. Patrick takes it gratefully and hugs Pete. "Thank you so much!" He giggles.

He slips it on over his blue shirt and grabs his blue and white hat. "You look really nice. Maybe I should let you wear my clothes more often."

Patrick laughs out loud and playfully slaps Pete's shoulder. "I don't maybe you will. I'm going to head out. Thanks again!" With that Patrick is out the door.


"Damn. It's cold as hell." Patrick mutters. "Why don't you ever bring a jacket?" Joe asks. Patrick frowns at the brunette and Andy rolls his eyes.

Patrick feels Pete place the red hoodie atop his head. Patrick takes it down from his eyes and looks over to Pete. "Oh! Gee thanks!" He smiles, putting in the hoodie.

Pete smiles at how cute Patrick looks in it. They all continue to walk down the road to get to the bus. Once on the bus Andy takes driver and Joe passenger.

Pete and Patrick manage to squeeze in the back. "Patrick?"


"Do you like wearing my clothes?"

Patrick's cheeks go a light pink and he avoids Pete's eyes. "I mean, they're very comfy. Plus we are like the same size so it just happens sometimes. I guess so."

Pete smirks. "Good to know."

Joe and Andy share a look and roll their eyes. "Just kiss already!" Joe blurts out.

"When is the wedding?" Andy asks.

Patrick's hides in the hoodie and pulls his hat over his face. Pete laughs and looks to Patrick. He smiles.

I'm sorry but Patrick wearing Pete's hoodies is such a freaking cute concept. <3

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