Day 13

48 4 7

Self image issues

"Babe you ready to go?"

Patrick peeped his head out and bit his lip. "One second!" He called back disappearing into the bathroom again.

"Hurry before it gets too late!"

Patrick stated at himself in the mirror. It was happening again. He was starting to gain weight. He didn't understand why. He was watching what he was eating. Sure he didn't go to the gym but he usually didn't anyway.

"Did you hear me baby- oh."

Patrick looks nervously at Pete, thinking he would be in trouble.

"Baby no! Come here!"

Patrick fell into Pete's arms and started softly crying into his chest.

"M sorry! I-i know what you love myself no matter what and-and to not care about what others think about me, but-"

"Shush." Pete pressed his pointer finger to Patrick's lips. "Don't say anything. It's gonna be okay. Do you still want to go?"

"Yeah! I just-"

"Alright. You don't have to get in the water."

"But Pete! I want to! I don't want what I think about myself stop me from having fun!"

"Then don't let it Patrick. You're gorgeous baby boy. I could have never gotten any luckier."


"Yeah! Now come on!" Patrick smiled as Pete pulled him through the house out the door. They drove to the beach and got out of the car.

"I got the towels!" Patrick said holding the two giant towels in his hands.

"Alright. I'll get the bags."

The duo walked all the way down to where the beach is. Patrick's lip tugged down as he saw all the people there.

"Don't worry about it honey, ignore everyone and only focus on me, Kay?"

Patrick turned in Pete's arms. "Mkay." He said pressing a kiss to Pete's cheek. Pete took his shirt off and nudged Patrick to take off his.

"D-do I have too?" He whispers.

Pete holds Patrick's head with his left hand. "Course not baby." Patrick nods and follows Pete into the water.

Pete laughs as Patrick shivers because of the water being cold. "Jesus Pete how the hell are you all the way out there! It's so cold as hell!" Patrick grumbles.

Pete giggles as he hears Patrick and splashes him. Patrick yelps out and Pete runs back to where he was.

Patrick follows him giggling and mumbling curses at Pete. They get out deep and now Patrick is swimming after Pete.

Patrick stops midway and rolls his eyes out Pete.

"What's wrong?! Poor Patty is too short to come all the way out here!" Pete taunts sticking his tongue out.

"You're such a child!" Patrick giggles continuing to swim after Pete. They get to a point in the lake where they are unable to swim anymore and go back in the shallow.

"You wanna make a sand castle?" Pete asks. Patrick scoffs quietly but nods. Pete does a small victory dance and Patrick can't help but burst out into laughter.

They build a sand castle together. When they almost finish Pete can hear snickering behind him. He looks up to see two teenage boys and laughing and pointing at him and Patrick. One boy points to Patrick and they both starting laughing historically.

"Patty hold on a minute. I'm gonna take a whiz in the water." Pete says getting up.

"Good to know." Patrick says sarcastically.

Pete walks over to the boys placing his hands on each of there shoulders. "Got something so funny you're willing to share?" He asks.

Both boys just roll their eyes and point at Patrick. "You friends with him?" One boy asks.

"Married." Pete replies.

"Oh! That makes it much better! Fatty is also a faggot!" Pete grabs the blond by his shirt and brings him real close.

"You have really nothing better to do than be a fucking asshole? Last time I checked Patrick didn't lay a fucking finger on you. And the fucking audacity to say that right infront of his fucking husband?! Were you raised in a fucking barn?!"

The teenage boy just smirks. "What are you going to do old man? Smack me with your cane? What are you like fucking in your sixties?"

Pete pushed the kid to the ground hard. "Listen here you little prick. Before I fucking punch you so hard you'll feel it next fucking week scram and go find your mommy so she can take care of all those bruises I would give you if you were an adult."

The kid doesn't dare try and make a remark again and stands up dragging his friend along. Pete walks back to where he left his husband in the sand.

"It takes that long to piss?" Patrick asks cocking his eyebrow. Pete plops down right next to Patrick. "It's called a beauty leak. I have to make sure my pee makes a heart so everyone knows that Pete Wentz peed in the lake." Pete says triumphantly.

"God I can't stand you."

"You love me."


Pete laughs and kisses Patrick.

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