Tinder Date II

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Pete was very nervous.

What if Patrick thought he was ugly in real life?

What if he said something stupid?

What if he was an asshole?

It was almost nine and he couldn't be late on their first date. He let out a deep breath before walking out the door. It was pretty nice out so he went with black jeans and a white tshirt. Nothing too crazy.

He walked to caffeine rush. It was a small coffee shop that not a lot of people went to. He went inside.

"Hey Pete! The usual?" The barista, Hayley, smiled warmly.

"Uh, yeah, but I'm waiting for my date so we will order together." Pete responds awkwardly. A chorus of 'ooohs' follow and Pete can feel himself heating up.

Every minute that passes Pete wants to puke. 8:59 rolls around and a black cars parks out of the coffee shop. A strawberry blonde boy steps out. Pete immediately recognizes him.

He rushes to the door opening it for Patrick. Patrick steps inside and the door closes. "Thanks-" Patrick begins until he realizes who it is.

Pete smiles awkwardly.

"Hey! How may I help you?" Hayley calls.

Patrick clears his throat and smiles politely. "Hello, do you guys have green tea by any chance?" He asks.

"Course, and the usual, Pete?" Hayley looks to the blushing blonde.

"Uh, yeah, yeah. Thank you." He jumbles out.

"Alright what's your name?" She asks.


"Alright we will call you when it's done."

"Thanks so much."

Patrick spins on his heel and drags Pete to a booth. They sit across from each other.

"You go here often, hm?" Patrick smiles.

"Yeah, I do." Pete mutters.

"Thank you for holding the door for me when I walked in. You're such a gentlemen." Patrick comments.

Pete feels his face heat up again. "Yeah it's no problem. Don't have to thank me." He whispers.

Patrick nods then it goes silent.

"Pete! Patrick!" Hayley yells.

Pete gets up quickly before Patrick can. "I'll get them. Don't go anywhere."

Pete walks up to get their drinks.

"Hayley this date is really awkward. He's not being weird or anything. I am." Pete whispers to Hayley.

Hayley only giggles. "You gotta be confident. Flirt with him. Give him compliments and really mean them."

Pete nods and takes their drinks. He walks back and sets them down.

"Here, cutie." He smiles sliding the tea over.

Patrick blushes and mutters a thank you. Pete can't help but smile at how flustered Patrick got. Hayley was right.

"So tell me more about that dog of yours. Is she as cute as you are?" Pete asks slyly.

Patrick smiles. "If not cuter."

"Doubt that." Pete mumbles in his coffee.

Patrick blushes again. "So, are you into music?" Patrick asks quickly changing the subject.

"Yeah actually. I'm into like rock and metal and shit. I got a bass in my basement." Pete says.

"That's nice." Patrick smiles.

"I'm glad you smile a lot it's adorable." Pete says rather casually.

"You give other people this many compliments?" Patrick asks.

"Nah. You are special." Pete smirks.

"I hope I'm special enough to spend the night with you."

"You're special enough to move in with me if you wanna."

Patrick is out flattered. He drinks his tea to escape kissing Pete right then and there. He thinks it's cliche that he likes Pete this much.

"You gotta give me your number so I can call and see that pretty face of yours more often." Pete says sliding his phone across the table. "Please." He adds.

Patrick laughs. "Only because you asked so nicely." He puts it in and slides the phone back to Pete. Pete changes the contact name to 'Patrick My Angel'.

He gives Patrick a flirty little text then puts his phone away.

"You drove all the way down to Wilmette for me?" Pete questions.

"Guess you're a special guy." Patrick chuckles.

"Guess so." Pete finishes off his coffee.

"When you are done with your tea, we are heading back to my place and I'll show you my dog."

"I'll be happy to." Patrick giggles.


Pete thinks he's going to die. They did go back to Pete's to play with Bowie. Then they hung out all day. And Patrick had to sleep over at least once because he didn't feel like driving. Now Patrick was in one of Pete's shirts lying on top of Pete.

Pete's fingers trail up and down the pale skin. Patrick sighs contently. "M tired." He yawns.

Pete shifts a little so that they are both more comfortable. Patrick rests his head against Pete's chest. "Today was fun, Pete. Thanks a lot." He whispers.

"You're then one who suggested a date." Pete giggles.

Patrick traces the tattoos that litters Pete's arms silently. Pete presses a kiss Patrick's forehead. Patrick shoves his face deeper into Pete's tan skin.

"Goodnight Pete."

"Night, shorty."

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