You're My Best Friend, Could You Blow Me?

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FUTCT era (long hair Patrick cuz yes)

Pete had been off the whole interview. His leg was bouncing up and down, he was fidgeting with his hands constantly, and his words were jumbled into messes.

Pete was all over the place and everyone could tell. Unlike everyone else Patrick didn't brush it off. He thought something was seriously wrong with Pete.

"Well thank you guys so much for coming out here!" The interviewer smiled.

"Yeah! It was great thank you!" Pete said turning his heel to the exit.

"Yes, this was fun. It was nice talking to you." Andy smiled and shook the interviewers hand. As usual Patrick just smiled and nodded and followed Pete out the door as Joe and Andy made chit chat with the interviewer.

"Hey Pete! Wait up!" Patrick called. "You okay? You were a bit- different during the interview- I mean! You were acting different."

Pete bit his lip hard. "Uh, yeah everything is alright 'Trick." He smiled.

"I know that's a lie and you know that I know that that is a lie."

Pete sighed. Patrick was right. Pete had a serious boner the whole interview and was waiting to jack off, and until he told Patrick why he was acting like that he is never gonna get rid off his boner.

"So?" Patrick asked.

Pete stuffed his hands in his pockets.

"Patrick." He began. "You are probably my best friend. I've known you for a couple of years, but I feel like we connect. Now this might- no it will sound weird...but I've got a serious hard on and if you could please please help me out I would really really appreciate it."

The last sentence was a jumble of words and Patrick had to take a moment to register that Pete Wentz had just asked him to help get him off.

"I- you want me to give you a hand job!?" Patrick blurted out.

"I was thinking more of a...blow job?" Pete's voice was high with hope.

Patrick bit his lip.

"Fuck! You-you don't have to at all, I just only had one a few years back from an ex girlfriend and God did it feel good- I just want to feel that again, dude I'm so sorry for asking."

Before Patrick could stop himself he yelled out, "No! I-i will do it!" His face went red with embarrassment.

"Really? Thank you so much Patty!" Patrick smiled at Pete's happiness. "Come with me, let's hurry before the guys get back."

Pete pulled Patrick back to the van. Pete sat on the couch and looked up at Patrick. "You've ever done this?" He asked.

Patrick rolled his eyes. "I haven't even had someone do it to me yet." Pete chuckled. "I can't really give you much advice since I've never done it either, but I bet whatever you do with feel good. I'm not a hard guy to please."

Patrick felt embarrassed again. "Whenever you're ready. I don't want to pressure you into anything you don't want to do."

Pete was a good guy. He was really attractive and he had a great personality. Patrick hoped he would not mess this up.

He took a deep breath and made his way over to Pete. He kneeled right in-between his legs. "Do you want your hat off or keep it on?"

Patrick looked up. "I- might take it off-"

"Don't if you don't want to."

Patrick nodded and began to unzip Pete's tight jeans and pulled them down to his ankles. Pete almost groaned at the freedom.

Patrick pulled down Pete's boxers and let them join his jeans. Patrick swallowed. Blood rushed to his head. He took a deep breath and pushed past the ball of anxiety in his stomach and took a lick up Pete's length.

Right away Pete moaned out. Patrick open his mouth then began to take Pete into his mouth. Pet let out a gasp when Patrick managed to fit all of Pete into his mouth.

It surprised the both of them. Patrick began to swirl his tongue around Pete's tip. Pete's unintentionally bucked his hips up making Patrick spring back.

"Fuck I'm sorry Patrick! P-please keep going, you're doing so good." Patrick blushed and nodded and nestled right back in between Pete's thighs.

He took Pete back into his mouth and began bobbing his head. Pete let out soft curses and moans. When Patrick looked up at Pete through the brim of his hat he realized just how beautiful this sight was.

Patrick's big blue innocent eyes looking up at him while he did something so dirty. It made Pete even more turned on and his hand began to stroke Patrick's hair.

"Doing so good for me Patty. Fuck, we might have to do something like this again." Patrick wrapped his hand around Pete's member and began to pump while still sucking Pete off.

This made Pete's legs go numb and he felt that familar feeling rise in his stomach. "Patrick I am gonna come!" Instead of popping off Patrick pushed Pete as far as he could go into his throat.

Pete released into Patrick's mouth with a low groan. Patrick pulled off and swallowed. Pete sat there for a minute then he pulled his boxers and jeans up.

"I- thank you Patrick. Can-can we do that again?"

Patrick looked down and pushed his hair behind his ears. "Sure." He mumbled.

"Thanks dude. Maybe I'll help you out one of these times." Pete winked at Patrick and Patrick blushed pink, to himself he smiled.

Might as well make the 69th chapter a smut chapter. Kinda proud of this ngl. I love long hair Patrick.

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