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A few weeks ago Patrick had asked me out on a date. This brings me to here, in my living room staring at myself in the mirror. I adjusted my tie for the last time before heading out the door.

Patrick had given me his address on a little sticky note. I had kept it on my dashboard of my car. I drove all the way down to where the address was and beeped my horn.

The anticipation was killing me at this point and that's when I see Patrick come out. He had his fedora placed on his head neatly and he had on a stunning red dress. His pale thighs were showing and I swear I could feel my mouth water.

"You look great." I say immediately when he gets in the car. He blushes and smiles. It was the truth. He did look beautiful.

"Where are we going for" He asked.

"I was thinking about going to a movie? That sound good?" I ask.

"That sounds fine. What movie?"

"That's a surprise." I say simply smirking at him. He nods and only looks up when we get to the cinema.

I open the door for him and he whispers a smile 'thank you'. Cutie. We go I the movie and find our seats.

"You still haven't told me the movie yet and it's about to start." He says.

I smile. "Halloween." I reply.

He looks over to me with a worried look. "Like the horror movie?" He asks his voice squeaky and quiet.

"Yeah! You've seen it?"

"No- not yet anyway."

I can tell he's nervous. Did I blow it? Our first date and I fucking blew it!

"You okay?" I ask trying to see if I can fix it. Hoping I can fix it.

"I'm just not a big fan of scary movies that's all." He says barely audible.

"Aw I'm sorry I didn't know."

"No! No! It's okay. I'll be fine."

Finally the movie starts and I can tell Patrick is tense. Even at the slightest jump scare or flash Patrick covers his eyes.

I place my hand on his thigh hoping to soothe him or something. When someone dies he grabs and holds my and hand tightly. So soft.

Half way through the movie I can't stand to see Patrick whimper over the smallest noises so I lift him up out of his seat and put him on my lap.

He blushes a deep red and I smirk. "It's okay." I whisper into his ear. Patrick practically clings to me like his life depends on it. To anyone else this would be annoying to me it's a dream come true.

The movie ends and I can tell Patrick is on edge. "I really shouldn't have made you watch that." I say as we enter my car.

He stays quiet and I frown. "You wanna go back to my place? Take your mind off it for a bit?" I ask.

Patrick smiles. "Let me tell my mom." He says grabbing his phone from his pocket. I smile and nod and drive away to my house.

When we get their I again open the door for Patrick and pick him up bridal style. Patrick ofcourse blushes and hides his face with his hands. We make our way up to my bedroom and talk for a while.

"I should drive you home it's getting late.", I murmer looking at the time.

"You think I could maybe spend the night?" Patrick asks.

"Fuck yeah baby!" I say grabbing Patrick and setting him in my lap. He hides his face in my shoulder and I feel his breathing even out. I grab his phone and text his mom letting him know Patrick is staying over then I lay down with Patrick in my arms.

Best. Date. Ever.

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