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Punk Pete SRAR era
Pastel Pat TTYG era

Patrick clicked his tongue as he finished color coding his notes. He looked up and around the room. All familiar faces, some friends, some he has never spoken too, and one special guy.

His name was Pete. He was the schools per day "emo". Everyone and everyone likes him. Ofcourse including Patrick. He's pretty short but gorgeous. A tan muscular frame.

Eyeliner usually under his eyes. His hair spikey and jet black. Patrick had the biggest crush on him since third grade.

Yeah third grade. Patrick was just finding out what it meant to be attracted to someone. Every since his mom told him he knew that he was attracted to Pete.

Little did he know Pete felt the same. The bell rang and Patrick raced out of the classroom.

He runs to his friend group considering of Mikey, Brendon, and Ray. He hugs Brendon from behind giggling as he shrieks out of fear.

"Patrick! You little shit!" Brendon giggles. Patrick laughs along and he starts jumping up and down abruptly.

"Pete is so hot! Did you see his hair? How does he get it to stand like that?" He squeaks.

"Same way I do." Brendon replies patting his head. Mikey giggles from Ray's side. "Prom is coming up you should ask him!" He suggests.

Patrick laughs. "Ask Pete? No way!"

Mikey raises his eyebrow. "Why not? Haven't you had the biggest crush on him for years?"

"Yes I have, but I a total loser! He's so out of my league!"

"You're not a loser!" Brendon chimes in.

"Thanks Brenny but I can't ask Pete."

"Aw! You guys would look so cute as a couple!" Mikey gushes.

"Who? Patrick and Pete? Yeah totally. A punk with a fem boy? Match made in heaven." Gerard says out of nowhere, dragging Mikey to his side away from Ray.

"You think?" Patrick asks.

"I do." Mikey and Gerard say in unison.

"Yeah!" Ray smiles.

Brendon frowns. He has liked Patrick for a while now and he wants going to let some goth edgy guy who listens to Green Day steal his crush away from him.

"Why Pete? He is just some low life who eats pizza and plays bass in his mom's basement. Anyone can do that. He doesn't have talent and he is not even attractive." Brendon says suddenly.

"Shut up Brendon you are just jealous that chicks are into him and not you. And didn't Patrick reject you?" Gerard glares.

Brendon looks down at floor frowning. Patrick stares at him and then at the floor too.

"Didn't Pete have like a bunch of girlfriends? Are sure he is even into dudes?" Everyone knows that Pete was into dudes. He flirted with everyone at the school regardless of gender. Brendon just needs Patrick to believe his lies.

"He dates everyone." Gerard says.

"What's up with you Bren? You okay?" Mikey asks.

"Why wouldn't I be?" Brendon grumbles.

"Chill out man Mikey was just making sure you are okay!" Ray defends.

Mikey looks over to him and gives him a warm smile. "Are you guys dating? Ray and Mikey?" Patrick asks.

"Over my fucking dead body you hear me, Toro?" Gerard spits.


Prom is right around the corner and Patrick still has yet to ask or even talk to Pete. And Pete needs to ask Patrick.

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