You Make It All Go Away

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Patrick slouches further into the couch when the show comes back on. It was 6:30 and Patrick was starting to worry that his husband, Pete, had to stay for a meeting.

A few minutes after Patrick hears the door open and he immediately sits up straight. "Pete?" He calls out.

Patrick hears cursing along with stomping. Filled with worry, he gets up to make sure that Pete is okay. "What's wrong baby?" He asks hugging Pete. Pete doesn't say anything and pouts instead.

"C'mere." Patrick pulls Pete to the couch. He lies down and pulls Pete into him. He wraps his arms around Pete's torso and kissed his forehead.

Pete smiles into Patrick's chest. Patrick's plays with Pete's long black hair and hums as he does so.

They stay like that for a while until Patrick rests his hands on Pete's head.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" He asks.

Pete takes a long deep breath.

"It's nothing. Work fucking sucks and I want to punch everyone in their fucking stupid ass faces. I feel so confident that I did something right, that the company is gonna do better, but I just fail! They call me names. I- fuck."

Patrick hums again and kisses Pete's cheek. "It's alright baby." He says. "The day is over and it's Friday so you get the whole weekend free of stress. We can do whatever you want."

Pete smiles and looks up at Patrick. "Thanks so much babe." He says taking Patrick's hand and it kisses it.

Patrick giggles. "Least I could do Pete." He says smiling. Pete kisses Patrick's hand again and brings it up to his cheek.

Patrick cups his hand slightly so that it fits over Pete's cheek. "You're so beautiful." Pete murmers admiring Patrick's face. Patrick smiles and kisses Pete's forehead again.

For the rest of the night until they went to sleep they stayed like that. Telling each other about the others day. Holding each other close. Pete never wanted to let go. Patrick was his golden ticket. He made it all go away. All pain, all sadness, all stress. Pete loved Patrick. And Patrick loved Pete.

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