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TTYG era

Pete hiked the bookbag higher on his back. He walked through the halls, judging everybody he walked past.

Why did I date her again? What a show off. Nerd. Bitch. Jackass. Fucking piece of shit. Cool. Never talked too.

He neared the end of the hall and took a left. He walked past the boys bathroom, scrunching his nose as he walks passed, the smell being almost unbearable.

He opened his locker and his eyes darted to a sticky note that fell out. He placed his backpack in his locker and bent down look at it.

Hey cutie! Noticed you've been feeling blue lately. Hope you like chocolate! <3 -someone who cares

Pete blinked. Then blinked again. There were kisses taped to it. It's not like people didn't leave little love notes in Pete's locker, but something stuck out about this one.

He looked around to see if anyone was there then shoved the note in his pant pocket. He closed the locker with his foot and hurried off to Math.


Since that day Pete has been getting cute little notes. Each time Pete would put it in his pocket then put them in his closet.

Three weeks had gone by and Pete still had no idea who this "secret admirer" per say was.

Pete was a loner so it's not like he had many friends. The friends he did have didn't even go to his school.

The little heart on the note always made Pete smile. It was usually colored red or pink. It made Pete's heart flutter in a way.

Pete walked to his locker, hoping for a note to be there. He saw a short round boy rummaging through his locker. His eyes opened and he ran towards the boy as he flailed his arms.

"Hey!" He screamed. "Scram, you fucking loser! Next time I see you I'm gonna fuck you up real bad!"

The boy looked over to Pete, his strawberry blonde hair lying shaggy infornt of his eyes. He shoved something into Pete's locker, quickly closed it, and ran off.

Pete stuck his middle finger up as he ran past him. Pete ran to his locker, hoping nothing was stolen. He opened it and only saw a small note on the ground.

Hey pumpkin! It's not Halloween but I'm gonna give you a treat! Two actually. First, a bag all different kinds of chocolate! Next I'm gonna tell you my name since I think it's kind of weird you don't know anything about me. Hope you enjoy. -Patrick

Petes eyes widened. He thought it was a girl, and there was only one Patrick at the school. He was some nerds that got picked on a lot. The one that everybody asks to do their homework.

He was a fairly shy and quiet boy. Didn't talk much and didn't raise his hand during class. Pete only had history with him, other than that he doesn't interact with him.

That must have been the boy that rummaging in his locker. Pete feels bad. Good thing he has history next period, hopefully Patrick will be there.


Thankfully he is. Pete walks over to him, smiling. "Hey." He says awkwardly.

Patrick looks over, his teeth tugging on his lip. "I'm really sorry about earlier. I didn't know you were the one that was putting notes in my locker." He continues.

Patrick nods sheepishly. "I want to thank you." Pete says. It really made my day and I really appreciate it."

Patrick begins to crack a small smile. "No problem." He says quietly.

Pete smiles. "Wanna like, go out after school?" He asks.

Patrick nods and Pete smiles again.

"Good." He smirks. "It's a date."

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