Suit and Tie

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AB/AP!era blonde Pete

A loud sound fills the room. Patrick immediately groans out and pulls the pillow over his head. Pete laughs and grabs his phone to turn off his alarm.

Pete's feet touch the plushy carpet. He yawns and stretches before he finally gets up. He heads downstairs to make his coffee. While he's waiting Patrick comes downstairs.

"Mornin' Sunshine. You're up early." Pete smiles warmly.

Patrick smiles and then pouts. "You're dumb alarm woke me up." He mumbles.

"Aw, Tiny didn't get his beauty rest?" Pete teases.

"Tiny? You're an inch taller than me!" Patrick pouts.

"Just messing with ya cutie pie." Pete smiles.

Patrick rolls his eyes but places a kiss to Pete's cheek.

"What do you wanna eat for breakfast." Patrick asks.

"Pancakes, make 'em sweet like you." Pete says through a cup of coffee.

"Charming." Patrick smirks.

Patrick makes Pete's pancakes for him. As Pete shoves then in his mouth, the strawberry blonde grabs his suit from the bathroom.

He lies it on the table in front of the blonde. "Here." Patrick says.

Pete looks up from his food and frowns. "What's with the dressy shit?" He asks.

Patrick sighs. "Pete you have a job interview. You have to look some what presentable."

Pete frowns harder. "You don't think I'm presentable?" He asks.

"Pete, you are wearing The Cat In The Hat themed boxers with a red striped shirt."

Pete rolls his eyes. "Whatever lemme finish these amazing pancakes my amazing husband made for me." He smiles.

Patrick sighs. "Hurry up."


"I look dumb."

"You look handsome."

Pete stands in front of the mirror. He turns around and smiles. "It makes my ass look nice, that's a plus."

Patrick chuckles lightly. "Alright, if you keep stalling you'll be late."

"Can you come with me, babe?"

"Pete." Patrick warned.

Pete giggled and waved to Patrick.


"Patrick! Baby!"

Patrick rushed in to greet his husband. He stared before going into a giggle fit. A huge coffee stain was on his shirt.

"I promise it was an accident!" Pete muttered.

"God I love you Pete." Patrick laughed.

"I love you too, short stack."

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