Pick Up Lines On Your Husband

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Remember that really old chapter that was really bad called pick up lines on your husband? This is the "second" part of that. So if you haven't read that chapter I highly suggest to but you don't have to cuz it was so bad.
I am a slut for MANIA era

"Heeeey babe." Pete says entering the kitchen. Patrick turns narrowing his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothings wrong what do you mean?" Pete smiles.


"Patrick." Pete mocks.

Pete giggles lightly before pressing a kiss to Patrick's temple.

"You are acting suspicious." Patrick mutters kissing Pete back.

"Yeah?" Pete asks smiles against Patrick's lips.

"Yes. Now tell me-"

Pete presses his lips to Patrick's shushing the boys complains. Patrick eases into the kiss slugging his arms around Pete's neck.

Pete breaks away and Patrick frowns. "I'm watching you." He whispers.

"Good." Pete responds.


Pete wanders into the kitchen while Patrick is reading.

"Patrick you said your not a big fan of kids, right?"

"We have had this discussion before." Patrick mutters.

"You never said anything about practicing?" Pete says running his fingers along Patrick's back. He can feel Patrick shiver underneath his touch.

"Shut up and go annoy someone else."

"If we have kids I will have someone to annoy besides you." Pete whispers lowly into Patrick's ear.

"Pete." Patrick grunts.

"Don't be a bad boy or else we will have to spend the day in the bedroom." Pete smiles.

"Peter I swear to God."

Pete laughs again. "I'm just messing with ya." He smiles.

"Better be. I'm gonna take a shower don't even think about getting in with me." Patrick says eyeing Pete harshly. When Patrick walks by Pete smacks his ass hard.

"Pete!" Patrick yelps.

Pete bursts out into laughter. Patrick stomps away angrily.


Patrick walks into the kitchen with a blank expression. Pete looks around the corner and smiles wildly.

"Cute clothes. They'd look better the floor."

"Pete I swear to fucking God."

"What? I'm just stating the basic facts."

"What about you take your clothes off, huh? Ever think of that?" Patrick grumbles.

"Gladly." Pete says ripping his shirt off.

"Pete!" Patrick giggles as Pete drops down and drapes him over his shoulder.

"Both of our clothes are coming off."

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