Watching You From The Closet

53 3 6

SRAR era

Pete tossed and turned but couldn't go to sleep. His thoughts kept him up. His thoughts of confusion and frustration. He hated it and what he hated more was the fact he didn't know what it was.

His depression was practically non existent and his life was going great. The band being back together really helped him but something was still wrong.

He tossed one last time before staring at Patrick. He was so peaceful while he slept. He was in boxers and a white shirt.

Pete smiled as Patrick slightly moved. He thought Patrick was always really pretty. Pete sighed as he watched Patrick for another few minutes.

He realized watching his best friend was probably really creepy and he shouldn't do it. He stared up at Joe's bunk above him.

He bit his lip and looked over to Patrick again. What if I'm not straight? What if I'm like bisexual? Pete swallowed thickly. No way he thought.

Pete fisted the bed sheets looking over at Patrick. Eventually in his thoughts about him wondering if there was a chance he was gay he felt asleep.


"You okay Pete? You've been off since this morning." Pete looked up to see Patrick touching his shoulder. Pete blushed and smiled.

"M fine Tricky. Just...thinking."

Patrick cocked his eyebrow. "Whatcha thinking about?"

Pete swallowed. "I think...I think I might be bisexual." He said quietly.

Patrick gave a reassuring smile. "Okay. That's okay. I fully support you and I know that the guys will. If you need any help just know I'm open."

Pete smiled. "Thank you so much Patrick. You have no idea what this means to me."

"It's the least I can do."

Pete nodded and put his hands in his lap.

"Is that it Pete? You still seem not like yourself."

No way Pete could tell Patrick that he had a crush on him again. The first time Pete played it off as a dare from Brendon but he couldn't say it again. He had just told him he was attracted to men not just women he couldn't play it off.

"It's nothing. I just I probably need to tell Meagan and I just don't know."

"You don't have to if your not comfortable."

"I know but she's my girlfriend she deserves to know."

"Yeah but it's up to you not me."

Pete nodded.

"Don't worry about it okay?"

"Yeah. Thanks Pat."

Patrick ruffled Pete's hair and picked up his guitar. "Come on Pete! Let's make some noise!" Pete giggled and followed Patrick.


All week Pete has been worried. He needed to tell Patrick but couldn't bring it up. It was never the right time and Pete always chickened out at the last second.

But this was it. It was just them in the van and Patrick was working on music.

"Hey Patty? Take a break. I have to tell you something."

Patrick looked up and nodded and closed his computer. He slid down the wall across from Pete and placed his hands in his lap.

"What's up?"

It was all or nothing. Pete's heart raced.

"Patrick. We have been friends for more than a decade. I have to come clean with you. Years ago when I told you that Brendon dared me to tell you that I liked you was made up. It was the truth and since you rejected me I tried to play it off. I can't hold how I feel anymore Patrick. I've liked you for so long and I didn't want to ruin anything since Fall Out Boy is starting up again. I just really needed to get it off my chest."

All of this gushed out of Pete. He stared at the floor waiting for Patrick to do anything.


Pete swallowed. He expected to get yelled at. Maybe slapped. Definitely called an idiot but it never happened.

Patrick crawled to Pete and sat right infront of him. "Pete look at me." Pete looked up timidly.

"I love you."

Pete blinked. "I-i love you too."

"I already knew by the way."


"Even before you told me you were bi. I already knew that the Brendon thing was a lie. I really proud that you told me how you feel. We're gonna do this together okay?"

"Patrick. Are we like dating now?"

"I don't know Pete. I love you so much but I love Elisa too and I really don't want to break you and Meagan up. It's a really rough decision that's why we are gonna do it together."

Pete nodded.

"Come here."

Pete scooted to Patrick lying his head in his chest.

"I love you."

"I love you too Pete."

I was thinking of doing a 30 day smut or fluff challenge for this book. Tell me what you think if I should do it and which on I should do. I might miss a day or two but I promise I will try to do my best. <3

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